Breed Rankings Report

Breed rankings for Air Retrieve are based on the season average, which is the average of each dog's top 5 Air Retrieve scores in the 2018 season. Dogs must have at least 5 Air Retrieve scores in 2018 to be ranked. (V) indicates a registered dog's breed has been verified.

More options: show all dogs for this breed, even if they don't have enough jumps to be ranked yet.

2018 Air Retrieve Rankings for Belgian Malinois (41)

Rank NADD ID Call Name Qualifiers Breed Owner Class Jumps Season Average
1 3348 Swindle BEL Mal (V) Mary Young Open 16 25' 0
2 4031 Cirque BEL Mal (V) Nicky Moon Open 11 24' 7
3 1105 Saphira BEL Mal (V) Melissa Ness Open 5 24' 5
4 5852 Remy BEL Mal (V) Diana Barrett Open 16 24' 0
5 6408 Nyx BEL Mal (V) Stephanie Clark Open 25 23' 7
6 4429 Sriracha BEL Mal (V) Kristin Powell Open 33 22' 10
7 4342 Bullitt BEL Mal (V) Donna Mobilia Open 13 22' 5
8 1061 J.A.T.O. BEL Mal (V) Ashley Klair Open 15 22' 2
9 4260 Thatcher BEL Mal (V) Teresa Pulley Open 11 22' 0
9 4950 Duke BEL Mal (V) Michelle Filler Open 11 22' 0
9 6800 Liam BEL Mal (V) Scott Dempsey Open 7 22' 0
12 1135 Inde BEL Mal (V) Michon Mills Open 15 21' 5
12 6433 Latte BEL Mal (V) Kristen Lee Open 7 21' 5
12 8700 Venice BEL Mal (V) Michon Mills Open 12 21' 5
15 3758 Ivox BEL Mal (V) Steve Powell Open 37 21' 2
16 3709 Narbe BEL Mal Robert Greger Open 8 20' 10
16 9811 Havoc BEL Mal (V) Megan Preuit Open 8 20' 10
18 9415 Siri BEL Mal (V) William Bilzing Open 8 20' 5
18 9543 Arya BEL Mal (V) Madison Townsend Open 10 20' 5
20 7534 Halo BEL Mal (V) Shari Caruso Open 6 20' 2
20 8315 Echo BEL Mal Jennifer Davis Open 5 20' 2
22 3608 Zippy BEL Mal (V) Dianne Sanlorenzo Open 9 20' 0
23 5308 Halle BEL Mal (V) Donna McGinnis Open 11 19' 10
24 10986 Bâsto BEL Mal Lucie Swan Open 5 19' 7
25 5513 Rouxette BEL Mal (V) Kimberly Hoeppner Open 20 19' 2
25 6381 Tripp BEL Mal (V) Leslie Garbutt Open 14 19' 2
27 4066 Aztec BEL Mal Charlotte Blake Open 5 19' 0
28 8928 Felony BEL Mal (V) Anne Baxter Open 6 18' 7
28 8973 Baby D BEL Mal Ellyn Crawford Open 6 18' 7
30 10311 Envy BEL Mal (V) Rusty Boone Open 6 18' 0
31 8197 Delta BEL Mal (V) Becky Cota Open 5 17' 10
32 9127 Marrok BEL Mal (V) Katherine Koczan Open 9 17' 7
33 2488 Jack BEL Mal (V) Robert Greger Open 10 17' 5
34 1570 Katana BEL Mal (V) Carol Underwood Open 11 17' 2
34 7337 Kyon BEL Mal (V) Marie Aymard Open 6 17' 2
34 9192 Summer BEL Mal (V) Leslie Garbutt Open 15 17' 2
37 7870 Maverick BEL Mal (V) Cherie Flores Open 6 16' 7
38 6088 Icon BEL Mal (V) Suzy Nicholson Open 9 16' 2
39 8296 Phelan BEL Mal (V) Marie Aymard Open 8 13' 10
40 10065 Syx BEL Mal Lisa Sun Open 10 13' 5
41 3467 Posey BEL Mal (V) Andrea Wilson Open 7 10' 0
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