Breed Rankings Report

Breed rankings for Air Retrieve are based on the season average, which is the average of each dog's top 5 Air Retrieve scores in the 2018 season. Dogs must have at least 5 Air Retrieve scores in 2018 to be ranked. (V) indicates a registered dog's breed has been verified.

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2018 Air Retrieve Rankings for Belgian Malinois (104)

Rank NADD ID Call Name Qualifiers Breed Owner Class Jumps Season Average
1 3348 Swindle BEL Mal (V) Mary Young Open 16 25' 0
10975 Aegon BEL Mal Dane Seidlitz Open 3 25' 0
2 4031 Cirque BEL Mal (V) Nicky Moon Open 11 24' 7
3 1105 Saphira BEL Mal (V) Melissa Ness Open 5 24' 5
3584 Hudson BEL Mal (V) Amy Peterson Open 1 24' 0
4 5852 Remy BEL Mal (V) Diana Barrett Open 16 24' 0
5 6408 Nyx BEL Mal (V) Stephanie Clark Open 25 23' 7
3954 Leo BEL Mal (V) Linda Bonner Open 4 23' 3
1741 Yayoh BEL Mal Crystal McClaran Open 1 23' 0
6 4429 Sriracha BEL Mal (V) Kristin Powell Open 33 22' 10
7 4342 Bullitt BEL Mal (V) Donna Mobilia Open 13 22' 5
8 1061 J.A.T.O. BEL Mal (V) Ashley Klair Open 15 22' 2
2110 Odin BEL Mal Gloria Austin Open 2 22' 0
4065 Voss BEL Mal Charlotte Blake Open 4 22' 0
9 4260 Thatcher BEL Mal (V) Teresa Pulley Open 11 22' 0
9 4950 Duke BEL Mal (V) Michelle Filler Open 11 22' 0
9 6800 Liam BEL Mal (V) Scott Dempsey Open 7 22' 0
8216 Malcolm BEL Mal (V) Sherry Daniels Open 1 22' 0
12 1135 Inde BEL Mal (V) Michon Mills Open 15 21' 5
12 6433 Latte BEL Mal (V) Kristen Lee Open 7 21' 5
12 8700 Venice BEL Mal (V) Michon Mills Open 12 21' 5
15 3758 Ivox BEL Mal (V) Steve Powell Open 37 21' 2
16 3709 Narbe BEL Mal Robert Greger Open 8 20' 10
16 9811 Havoc BEL Mal (V) Megan Preuit Open 8 20' 10
1332 Echo BEL Mal (V) Laura Dillon Pitzer Open 3 20' 8
18 9415 Siri BEL Mal (V) William Bilzing Open 8 20' 5
18 9543 Arya BEL Mal (V) Madison Townsend Open 10 20' 5
3470 Cita BEL Mal (V) Victoria Harter Open 4 20' 3
8290 Remy BEL Mal (V) Amy Lavoie Open 4 20' 3
20 7534 Halo BEL Mal (V) Shari Caruso Open 6 20' 2
20 8315 Echo BEL Mal Jennifer Davis Open 5 20' 2
3544 Scorch BEL Mal Beth Copeland Open 1 20' 0
22 3608 Zippy BEL Mal (V) Dianne Sanlorenzo Open 9 20' 0
8417 Arrivederci BEL Mal Crystal McClaran Open 2 20' 0
23 5308 Halle BEL Mal (V) Donna McGinnis Open 11 19' 10
24 10986 Bâsto BEL Mal Lucie Swan Open 5 19' 7
25 5513 Rouxette BEL Mal (V) Kimberly Hoeppner Open 20 19' 2
25 6381 Tripp BEL Mal (V) Leslie Garbutt Open 14 19' 2
1409 Timber BEL Mal (V) Sondel Fermer Open 1 19' 0
27 4066 Aztec BEL Mal Charlotte Blake Open 5 19' 0
4432 Wafel BEL Mal (V) Todd Valentine Open 3 19' 0
7413 Shadow BEL Mal Maya Conrad Open 1 19' 0
7422 Quest BEL Mal Jan Elizabeth Open 1 19' 0
8900 Gatlin BEL Mal Paige Kinkela #406 Open 1 19' 0
9161 Juice Box BEL Mal Crystal McClaran Open 1 19' 0
8139 Uddie BEL Mal (V) Ruth Gimpel Open 3 18' 8
28 8928 Felony BEL Mal (V) Anne Baxter Open 6 18' 7
28 8973 Baby D BEL Mal Ellyn Crawford Open 6 18' 7
8322 Chartreuse BEL Mal (V) Crystal McClaran Open 2 18' 6
10328 Beckham BEL Mal (V) Debby Sundstrom Open 2 18' 6
2405 Piper BEL Mal (V) Dan Hunter Open 2 18' 0
2990 Hydra BEL Mal Jana Rice Open 1 18' 0
3804 Steely BEL Mal (V) Amanda Fleck Open 1 18' 0
5004 Mimosa BEL Mal (V) Sara Walchli Open 1 18' 0
6455 Deja BEL Mal (V) Cassandra Vasko Open 4 18' 0
30 10311 Envy BEL Mal (V) Rusty Boone Open 6 18' 0
10315 Zozo BEL Mal Alexandria Dolceamore Open 1 18' 0
31 8197 Delta BEL Mal (V) Becky Cota Open 5 17' 10
32 9127 Marrok BEL Mal (V) Katherine Koczan Open 9 17' 7
8369 Ricochet BEL Mal Windy Pense Open 2 17' 6
33 2488 Jack BEL Mal (V) Robert Greger Open 10 17' 5
34 1570 Katana BEL Mal (V) Carol Underwood Open 11 17' 2
34 7337 Kyon BEL Mal (V) Marie Aymard Open 6 17' 2
34 9192 Summer BEL Mal (V) Leslie Garbutt Open 15 17' 2
1110 Caleb BEL Mal (V) Lise Strum Open 2 17' 0
2235 Bree BEL Mal (V) Leslie Garbutt Open 1 17' 0
5402 Goblin BEL Mal (V) Emily Morrison Open 1 17' 0
10255 Bubbles BEL Mal (V) Ericka Duggan Open 1 17' 0
10793 Apollo BEL Mal (V) Jessica Noll Open 1 17' 0
11620 Degas BEL Mal Lise Strum Open 1 17' 0
1501 Stark BEL Mal (V) Cindy Noland Open 3 16' 8
37 7870 Maverick BEL Mal (V) Cherie Flores Open 6 16' 7
3889 Jackal BEL Mal Samuel Jones Open 4 16' 3
38 6088 Icon BEL Mal (V) Suzy Nicholson Open 9 16' 2
3505 Ada BEL Mal (V) Meghan O'Brien Open 2 16' 0
5034 Eloise BEL Mal Lise Strum Open 1 16' 0
10257 Echo BEL Mal Michael Ellis Open 2 16' 0
10273 Xanax BEL Mal Amy Peterson Open 1 16' 0
11413 Aviva BEL Mal April Pelletier Open 1 16' 0
11512 Deztiny BEL Mal Ursula Kinley Open 1 16' 0
8895 Amie BEL Mal (V) David Clemmons Open 4 15' 9
9110 Scandal BEL Mal Mary Young Open 3 15' 4
8714 Jack BEL Mal (V) Margaret Worth Open 4 15' 3
3965 Divot BEL Mal (V) Kathy Fardy Open 2 15' 0
4511 Giggles BEL Mal (V) Lisa Pittarelli Open 1 15' 0
9160 Skeeter BEL Mal Tammy Montgomery Open 1 15' 0
9824 Monty BEL Mal (V) Brittany Vielma Open 2 15' 0
9825 Moose BEL Mal (V) Sara Carson Open 2 15' 0
10274 Puzzle BEL Mal Debbie Port Open 2 15' 0
10582 Cairo BEL Mal (V) Sharon Whitsitt Open 1 15' 0
6535 Madi BEL Mal (V) Ellyn Crawford Open 2 14' 6
7381 Helo BEL Mal Krystal Tronboll Open 3 14' 0
39 8296 Phelan BEL Mal (V) Marie Aymard Open 8 13' 10
5003 Roo BEL Mal Nikki Puccini Open 4 13' 9
40 10065 Syx BEL Mal Lisa Sun Open 10 13' 5
6233 Caper BEL Mal Cassie Hancock Open 1 13' 0
9410 Charger BEL Mal Michelle Blank Open 1 13' 0
4128 Fawkes BEL Mal (V) Maren Jones Open 1 12' 0
8913 Kaiya BEL Mal (V) Caitlyn Canada Open 2 12' 0
10427 Loki BEL Mal (V) Diana Barrett Open 1 12' 0
41 3467 Posey BEL Mal (V) Andrea Wilson Open 7 10' 0
9017 Mayo BEL Mal (V) Ted Evans Open 1 8' 0
10644 Maisie BEL Mal Mandy Lytle Open 1 8' 0
9538 Loki BEL Mal Aleksandr Fedovskiy Open 1 6' 0
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