Titles Earned

Dogs that have earned at least one title in a particular division are listed below. The title shown is the dog's highest title achieved in each division. To view a list of all the titles a dog has earned, click on that dog's name for more information.

NADD ID Call Name Breed Owner Total Jumps Title
24574 Bert Irish Setter Brigitte Gilson 6 DJ
10749 Bree Irish Setter Dean Williams 21 DJ
23884 Carson Irish Setter Wendy Culbertson 8 DJ
5010 Crosby Irish Setter Davis Denny 5 DJ
27016 DD Irish Setter Lynne Godshall 9 DJ
14672 Dempsey Irish Setter Liz Brescia 5 DJ
28651 Hennessy Irish Setter Will Grabert 9 DJ
27359 Jack Irish Setter Jolee Chartrand 6 DJ
28088 Katy Irish Setter Mary McAdam 8 DJ
4884 Keeva Irish Setter Catherine Powell 5 DJ
7665 Kermit Irish Setter Patrick McGarry 12 DJ
27595 Kix Irish Setter Terrie MacDonnell 6 DJ
3798 Lincoln Irish Setter Anne Crocker 21 DJ
12777 Marlowe Irish Setter Michelle Ahmann 7 DJ
7184 Quinlan Irish Setter John Abert 56 DJX
11595 Rose Irish Setter Mary Alissa Annandale, DVM 100 DJX2
11594 Siri Irish Setter Mary Alissa Annandale, DVM 42 DJA
23332 Speedy Irish Setter Lynn Kwiatkowski 24 DJ
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