Titles Earned

Dogs that have earned at least one title in a particular division are listed below. The title shown is the dog's highest title achieved in each division. To view a list of all the titles a dog has earned, click on that dog's name for more information.

NADD ID Call Name Breed Owner Total Jumps Title
21265 Achilles German Shepherd Dog Destiny Lytle 35 DEA
16533 Aksel German Shepherd Dog Travis Wescott 32 DEA
4830 Dani German Shepherd Dog Jackie Little 5 DE
16404 Django German Shepherd Dog Paige Banzhaf 12 DE
3731 Haunto German Shepherd Dog Cindy Cobb 25 DE
8267 Hendrix German Shepherd Dog Mary Ellen Pennell 25 DEQ19
14022 Kazi German Shepherd Dog Kayla Hirt 5 DE
6115 Maverick German Shepherd Dog Donna Edison 14 DE
27519 Pickle German Shepherd Dog Angela Young 5 DE
12049 Reaper German Shepherd Dog Brittany James 7 DE
7010 Rotten Spaten German Shepherd Dog Hollie Hibbard 59 DEX
17496 Subban German Shepherd Dog Marie-France Drolet 8 DE
21455 Tiberius German Shepherd Dog Lara Norville 14 DE
5514 Volcha German Shepherd Dog Gulnaz Zagidullina 10 DE
17712 Yuna German Shepherd Dog Karine Landry 5 DE
24312 Zendi German Shepherd Dog Tracey Smith 19 DE
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