Titles Earned

Dogs that have earned at least one title in a particular division are listed below. The title shown is the dog's highest title achieved in each division. To view a list of all the titles a dog has earned, click on that dog's name for more information.

NADD ID Call Name Breed Owner Total Jumps Title
20878 Beckett English Shepherd Hannah Gilmore 25 DS
26619 Benjamin English Shepherd Kay Stimson 26 DS
5366 Charlotte English Shepherd Kim Wager 180 DSX6
21461 Emberlee English Shepherd Michele Proxee 24 DS
20834 Hondo English Shepherd Annie Adams 42 DSA
30993 Izzy English Shepherd Linda Maurer 18 DS
8635 Macintosh English Shepherd Becky Jones 56 DSX
5930 Shaylin English Shepherd Michele Proxee 125 DSX3
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