Titles Earned

Dogs that have earned at least one title in a particular division are listed below. The title shown is the dog's highest title achieved in each division. To view a list of all the titles a dog has earned, click on that dog's name for more information.

NADD ID Call Name Breed Owner Total Jumps Title
19390 Amber Dutch Shepherd Cheryl Godfrey 51 DNA
25251 Arsyn Dutch Shepherd Chelsey Conklin 6 DN
25915 Audacity Dutch Shepherd Tiffany Perez 5 DN
12532 Beowulf Dutch Shepherd Jacob Bush 9 DN
4060 Bruno Dutch Shepherd Carol Underwood 5 DN
16400 Decca Dutch Shepherd Carol Underwood 17 DN
19929 DIESEL Dutch Shepherd Alexis Farris 6 DN
16225 Drogo Dutch Shepherd Katherine Henney 9 DN
3599 Eddy Dutch Shepherd Melissa LaMere-Dragovich 5 DN
26086 Erebus Dutch Shepherd Victoria Harter 10 DN
3539 Flex Dutch Shepherd Glen Cabasag 7 DN
15677 Hexa Dutch Shepherd Joanne Lincoln 6 DN
3598 Mako Dutch Shepherd Joshua Luck 6 DN
29605 Maven Dutch Shepherd Shyla Johnson 9 DN
8431 Nina Dutch Shepherd Doree Donovan 5 DN
10093 Odin Dutch Shepherd Krystal Tronboll 6 DN
10531 Predator Dutch Shepherd Lisa Corbett 22 DN
16530 Reaper Dutch Shepherd Jillian Vogel 6 DN
25495 Reaper Dutch Shepherd Robert Barlow 8 DN
24852 Rebel Dutch Shepherd Veronica Lucero 5 DN
22064 Rev Dutch Shepherd Chloe Morgan 5 DN
21405 Ripley Dutch Shepherd Susan Fife 7 DN
16070 Rogue Dutch Shepherd Alishia Johnson 7 DN
6153 Rumor Dutch Shepherd Albert Foulkes 7 DN
20981 Shep Dutch Shepherd Elizabeth Pugrud 23 DN
23566 Sierra Dutch Shepherd Meredith Mapes 38 DNA
28081 Soldier Dutch Shepherd Taylor Duguay-Ladouceur 6 DN
33185 Taiga Dutch Shepherd Karine Baudelot 8 DN
18909 Toxin Dutch Shepherd Russell Rex 5 DN
26369 Zeva Dutch Shepherd Amber Brandt 7 DN
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