Titles Earned

Dogs that have earned at least one title in a particular division are listed below. The title shown is the dog's highest title achieved in each division. To view a list of all the titles a dog has earned, click on that dog's name for more information.

NADD ID Call Name Breed Owner Total Jumps Title
25859 Amadeus Whippet Lynn Mitchell 6 DN
12057 Anastasia Whippet Lynn Mitchell 14 DN
3592 Augie Whippet Karen Lee 9 DN
18405 Babblez Whippet Mary Magee 18 DN
7727 Beastie Whippet Laurel Behnke 5 DN
5376 Bebe Whippet Robin Brown 5 DN
9931 Beck Whippet Charlene Stone 5 DN
16434 Beckett Whippet Megan Scheffler 22 DN
7753 Bentley Whippet Annie Andrews 7 DN
4857 Bess Whippet Donna Bost 5 DN
22365 Bindi Whippet Sissy Santangelo 9 DN
29729 Brooklyn Whippet Melanie Berger 8 DN
9742 Bugz Whippet Alice Lubbers 16 DN
10575 Carlin Whippet Sharon Miller 64 DNX
30731 Dewey Whippet Monique Krouse 13 DN
24437 Eri Whippet Becky Johnson 5 DN
5276 Ferris Whippet Shawn Hart 6 DN
1414 Fling Whippet Debra Borton 6 DN
15274 Gibson Whippet Carrie Williams 10 DN
34183 Halford Whippet Barb Hearley 5 DN
11878 Hawkeye Whippet Amy Maxfield 34 DNA
1413 Indie Whippet Debra Borton 7 DN
1531 Jojo Whippet Clarence Gelwicks 5 DN
7754 Jude Whippet Annie Andrews 5 DN
20141 Maeve Whippet Kathryn Wilson 6 DN
22735 MarGo Whippet Angela Stallone 8 DN
31275 Meeko Whippet Ashley Dockham 5 DN
21007 Mika Whippet Cindy Greenslade 16 DN
29978 Minerva Whippet Alissa Huckabay 13 DN
24569 Nautica Whippet Montgomery Blair 6 DN
16479 Niffler Whippet Diane Bollinger 13 DN
16937 Oakley Whippet Jessica Burgess 5 DN
12748 Obsidian Whippet Chris Eddy 8 DN
11067 Otter Whippet Peggy Splawn 15 DN
16641 POPtart Whippet Madisyn Brownlee 9 DN
18764 Quattro Whippet Lyne Michaud 5 DN
17561 Raven Whippet Cindy Bulligan 7 DN
9843 Rhaegar Whippet Erin McNeill 23 DNQ18
1480 Ringo Whippet Annie Andrews 8 DN
6584 Ryder Whippet Jen Havens 7 DN
28476 Scorch Whippet Grace Chan 5 DN
22071 Shadow Whippet Sharon Miller 6 DN
10395 Siggy Whippet Sydney Mackey 15 DN
9637 Stella Whippet Sharon Miller 9 DN
27267 Stewie Whippet John Moore 28 DN
22449 Taylor Whippet Carrie Williams 5 DN
14253 TeePee Whippet Louise Hoelscher 6 DN
13925 Turbo Whippet Alissa Huckabay 8 DN
10576 Warrior Whippet Jenette Mackey 9 DN
13292 Winta Whippet Shannon Hoehn 5 DN
15135 Yoshi Whippet Che Rivera 7 DN
10007 Zeus Whippet Susan Mallonee 9 DN
16443 Zipper Whippet Stacie Parks 18 DN
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