Titles Earned

Dogs that have earned at least one title in a particular division are listed below. The title shown is the dog's highest title achieved in each division. To view a list of all the titles a dog has earned, click on that dog's name for more information.

NADD ID Call Name Breed Owner Total Jumps Title
7183 Boomer Newfoundland Meredith Johnson 8 DJ
11218 Cava Newfoundland Kaila Everest 11 DJ
10742 Elara Newfoundland Kim Taylor 7 DJ
10888 Hawkeye Newfoundland Ashley Olien 52 DJA
14034 Lamar Newfoundland Paige Casteel 13 DJ
4758 Leander Newfoundland Brendan Geraghty 10 DJ
29454 Maizi Newfoundland Ken Norman 6 DJ
17067 Maple Newfoundland Ciana Novello 21 DJ
23945 Meadow Newfoundland Stefani Rushnok 10 DJ
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