2025 Division Rankings - Air Retrieve

NADD Air Retrieve Divisions are determined using the dog's top 5 scores for the season.

Division used to be determined by the division containing the greatest number of those 5 high scores. Division is now determined by range with inches above the top of a division range included in that range.

Once division placement has been determined, dogs within that division will then be ranked according to the average of those 5 scores. Dogs must have at least 5 scores to be ranked. Dogs with a tied score will share the same rank.

Open Rankings
Elite 22' - 42'
Rank NADD ID Call Name Qualifiers Breed Season Average Season Jumps
1 33582 Boulder Labrador Retriever 22' 7 6
2 34401 Rosco Belgian Malinois(V) 22' 2 5
2 27965 Solo Belgian Malinois(V) 22' 2 11
Master 18' - 21'
Rank NADD ID Call Name Qualifiers Breed Season Average Season Jumps
1 21185 Buddy Labrador Retriever(V) 21' 5 9
2 20802 Dooley Labrador Retriever 21' 2 8
3 33450 Jack Labrador Retriever 21' 0 10
3 26107 Kota Labrador Retriever(V) 21' 0 6
3 21186 Tehya Labrador Retriever(V) 21' 0 9
6 13388 Boom All American Dog(V) 20' 7 5
6 33600 Leo German Shepherd Dog(V) 20' 7 14
6 28346 RyeLee German Shorthaired Pointer(V) 20' 7 7
6 28644 Rysin Dutch Shepherd(V) 20' 7 7
6 27125 Siren Belgian Malinois(V) 20' 7 5
11 22452 Lyta Belgian Malinois(V) 20' 5 6
11 28823 Muldoon IV Golden Retriever 20' 5 8
13 29589 Fig All American Dog(V) 20' 2 7
13 34055 J J Labrador Retriever 20' 2 13
15 12154 Tonks Golden Retriever(V) 20' 0 14
15 34047 Trek Labrador Retriever(V) 20' 0 11
17 2849 Honor All American Dog(V) 19' 10 13
17 8948 Minnie Cooper Labrador Retriever(V) 19' 10 5
19 30492 Kratos Belgian Malinois(V) 19' 7 5
19 20000 Slyxzce Belgian Malinois(V) 19' 7 6
21 32464 Akuma Belgian Malinois(V) 19' 5 6
22 16224 Bacon Labrador Retriever 19' 2 14
22 4342 Bullitt Belgian Malinois(V) 19' 2 7
22 32494 Carbon Labrador Retriever(V) 19' 2 14
22 17124 Wrigley Labrador Retriever(V) 19' 2 7
26 34048 Dixie Labrador Retriever(V) 19' 0 11
26 31708 Gryphon Border Collie 19' 0 5
26 8399 Josie Labrador Retriever(V) 19' 0 12
26 14104 Monty All American Dog(V) 19' 0 5
26 12257 Sarin Belgian Malinois 19' 0 8
31 28122 Del Other - Mixed 18' 10 5
31 30906 Ember Roo Labrador Retriever(V) 18' 10 5
31 27179 Steve Whippet(V) 18' 10 5
31 29320 Yadi Golden Retriever(V) 18' 10 10
35 33874 Caliber Labrador Retriever(V) 18' 7 5
35 32205 Siren Belgian Malinois(V) 18' 7 10
35 17034 Willing Border Collie 18' 7 11
35 32515 Zeus German Shepherd Dog(V) 18' 7 9
39 29693 Forest Labrador Retriever(V) 18' 5 5
39 16402 Milo Golden Retriever(V) 18' 5 5
39 33583 Pine Labrador Retriever(V) 18' 5 6
39 24979 Quest Flat-Coated Retriever(V) 18' 5 6
39 36418 Renata White Shepherd(V) 18' 5 7
44 29708 Star Belgian Malinois(V) 18' 2 7
44 25544 Sully Labrador Retriever(V) 18' 2 5
44 32595 Sun Tzu Belgian Malinois(V) 18' 2 7
47 34040 Bella Labrador Retriever 18' 0 10
47 16325 Drake Doberman Pinscher(V) 18' 0 6
47 32486 Knox All American Dog 18' 0 9
47 30287 Rip Australian Shepherd(V) 18' 0 10
47 8398 Silas Labrador Retriever(V) 18' 0 12
47 29700 Sundance Dalmatian(V) 18' 0 10
Senior 14' - 17'
Rank NADD ID Call Name Qualifiers Breed Season Average Season Jumps
1 33359 Mr Singleton American Bully 17' 10 9
2 27770 Chappie Border Collie(V) 17' 7 6
2 4795 Emma Labrador Retriever(V) 17' 7 7
2 14686 Winston Border Collie(V) 17' 7 11
5 19974 Gravy Chesapeake Bay Retriever(V) 17' 5 6
5 34366 Kyro Labrador Retriever(V) 17' 5 5
5 30290 Lexi Other - Mixed 17' 5 16
8 29260 Caoimhe Belgian Malinois(V) 17' 2 6
8 24575 Juniper Golden Retriever(V) 17' 2 7
8 34631 Juno Dutch Shepherd 17' 2 6
8 24674 MAJOR Labrador Retriever(V) 17' 2 5
12 32479 Birdie Chesapeake Bay Retriever(V) 17' 0 6
12 35897 Cinch Border Collie(V) 17' 0 5
12 29541 Enzo Belgian Malinois(V) 17' 0 10
12 8454 Jake Labrador Retriever(V) 17' 0 6
12 13552 Tabby Labrador Retriever(V) 17' 0 10
12 26198 Tovie Pudelpointer(V) 17' 0 5
18 30383 Cruz Golden Retriever(V) 16' 10 6
18 19896 Diamond German Shepherd Dog(V) 16' 10 8
18 34615 Finn All American Dog(V) 16' 10 8
18 20706 Lloyd All American Dog(V) 16' 10 9
18 16236 Marli All American Dog(V) 16' 10 6
18 29395 Sanji Labrador Retriever(V) 16' 10 5
24 27666 Duska German Shepherd Dog(V) 16' 7 5
25 34851 Hawk All American Dog(V) 16' 5 5
25 26019 Posey Labrador Retriever(V) 16' 5 5
25 34215 Schaar Dutch Shepherd(V) 16' 5 5
28 10619 Bogart Australian Shepherd(V) 16' 2 10
28 25057 Cowboy Golden Retriever(V) 16' 2 6
28 31208 Griffin Golden Retriever(V) 16' 2 5
28 25297 Kylo Labrador Retriever(V) 16' 2 5
32 36947 Goose German Shepherd Dog(V) 16' 0 7
32 29603 Shiner Golden Retriever(V) 16' 0 5
32 32345 Wrigley Golden Retriever(V) 16' 0 6
35 38149 Boris Labrador Retriever(V) 15' 10 5
35 12096 Buoy Flat-Coated Retriever(V) 15' 10 5
35 22125 Hope Golden Retriever(V) 15' 10 5
35 24109 Roxie Dalmatian(V) 15' 10 6
39 31698 Leo German Shepherd Dog(V) 15' 7 5
40 35961 Clark Border Collie(V) 15' 5 9
40 34385 PANTHER All American Dog(V) 15' 5 10
40 19379 Pepper Border Collie(V) 15' 5 5
40 9587 Willow Labrador Retriever(V) 15' 5 5
44 34791 Ares Belgian Malinois(V) 15' 2 6
44 30626 Aspen Other - Mixed 15' 2 5
44 28643 Brew Belgian Malinois(V) 15' 2 7
44 31282 JKing German Shorthaired Pointer(V) 15' 2 5
48 36438 Bader All American Dog(V) 15' 0 7
48 33580 Timber Labrador Retriever 15' 0 6
50 13080 Chase Golden Retriever(V) 14' 10 6
50 29517 Cheeze! Australian Shepherd(V) 14' 10 5
50 35261 Queso Labrador Retriever 14' 10 5
50 25569 Roger Labrador Retriever(V) 14' 10 8
54 30419 Cy Labrador Retriever(V) 14' 7 5
54 12715 Freyja Australian Shepherd(V) 14' 7 5
54 24928 Mowana Border Collie(V) 14' 7 6
54 26485 Sawyer German Shepherd Dog(V) 14' 7 6
58 35618 Aspen Mae Labrador Retriever(V) 14' 5 7
58 29574 Docket Labrador Retriever(V) 14' 5 5
58 37020 Finley Australian Shepherd 14' 5 9
58 32210 Kenzi Labrador Retriever(V) 14' 5 9
62 26227 Darby Golden Retriever(V) 14' 2 9
62 25546 Data Labrador Retriever(V) 14' 2 5
62 17077 Scout German Shorthaired Pointer(V) 14' 2 7
62 32403 Spree Labrador Retriever(V) 14' 2 5
66 20175 Barry Labrador Retriever(V) 14' 0 5
66 29728 Kevin Australian Cattle Dog(V) 14' 0 8
66 31431 Macho German Shepherd Dog(V) 14' 0 7
Junior 10' - 13'
Rank NADD ID Call Name Qualifiers Breed Season Average Season Jumps
1 8870 Flirt All American Dog(V) 13' 7 7
1 19009 Gus Golden Retriever(V) 13' 7 5
1 28666 Keith Labrador Retriever(V) 13' 7 5
1 27177 Roadie Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever(V) 13' 7 7
5 30055 Kona All American Dog(V) 13' 5 7
5 35530 Mercury Mudi(V) 13' 5 6
7 19879 Jerry Golden Retriever(V) 12' 10 5
8 8579 Effie Golden Retriever(V) 12' 7 5
8 38000 Maks Australian Shepherd 12' 7 8
8 16800 Pilot Staffordshire Bull Terrier(V) 12' 7 5
11 22415 Calee Other - Mixed 12' 5 8
11 29154 Epic Belgian Malinois(V) 12' 5 8
11 24434 Malibu German Shepherd Dog(V) 12' 5 5
11 12611 William Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever(V) 12' 5 5
15 31039 Manny Other - Mixed 12' 2 7
15 18056 Mitch Border Collie 12' 2 9
17 30018 Minnie German Shepherd Dog(V) 12' 0 8
18 16343 Daisy Chain Golden Retriever(V) 11' 10 5
18 21209 Izzy Australian Cattle Dog(V) 11' 10 8
18 32803 Meg Golden Retriever(V) 11' 10 5
21 2950 Ella All American Dog(V) 11' 5 6
21 29506 Sway Irish Water Spaniel(V) 11' 5 5
23 29990 Allie Labrador Retriever 11' 2 5
23 36971 Asher Golden Retriever(V) 11' 2 5
25 11742 Tattle All American Dog(V) 11' 0 10
26 34082 Iris Mudi(V) 10' 10 5
26 25067 Sandy Golden Retriever(V) 10' 10 5
28 34015 Tikka American Staffordshire Terrier(V) 10' 7 5
29 29429 Hope Labrador Retriever(V) 10' 5 7
Novice 6' - 9'
Rank NADD ID Call Name Qualifiers Breed Season Average Season Jumps
1 9409 Chloe Labrador Retriever 9' 2 5
2 22699 Pepper Australian Shepherd(V) 6' 7 5
3 31965 Jade German Shepherd Dog(V) 6' 2 5
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