Breed Rankings Report

Breed rankings for Hydro Dash are based on the season average, which is the average of each dog's top 5 Hydro Dash scores in the 2022 season. Dogs must have at least 5 Hydro Dash scores in 2022 to be ranked. (V) indicates a registered dog's breed has been verified.

More options: show all dogs for this breed, even if they don't have enough jumps to be ranked yet.

2022 Hydro Dash Rankings for German Shepherd Dog (56)

Rank NADD ID Call Name Qualifiers Breed Owner Class Jumps Season Average
1 22996 Reya GSD Christine Hanko Open 7 13.827
2 26834 Freeway GSD (V) Debra Linden Open 8 15.611
3 21265 Achilles GSD (V) Destiny Lytle Open 8 15.624
4 23908 Thorin GSD (V) Elizabeth Johnson Open 6 15.662
5 24141 Cheyenne GSD (V) Michelle Delaney Open 14 15.820
6 19896 Diamond GSD (V) Marie Buckingham Open 15 15.859
7 19888 Reid GSD (V) Kayleigh Casey Open 12 15.889
8 17398 Polaris GSD (V) Tina Tolson Mahurin Open 8 16.096
9 16533 Aksel GSD (V) Travis Wescott Open 5 16.102
10 13015 Gideon GSD John Hajzer Open 10 16.145
11 20570 Mila GSD (V) Kim Orozco Open 6 16.156
12 19546 Cian GSD (V) Darla Jackson Open 5 16.198
13 10729 Shetna GSD (V) Destiny Lytle Open 7 16.267
14 19609 Maggie GSD (V) Kaison Dunkel Open 6 16.537
15 9148 Ulysses GSD (V) Daragaya Gordon Open 8 16.636
16 27493 Steve GSD (V) Bonnie Weinstein Open 6 16.637
17 5667 Smoke GSD (V) Karen McKee Open 7 16.706
18 21653 Roman GSD (V) Kaitlyn Leasure Open 6 16.792
19 16656 Talley GSD (V) Kimberly Dezern Open 7 16.957
20 20187 Harley GSD (V) Elizabeth Fowler Open 11 16.967
21 14023 Q GSD (V) Denese Wolfson Open 5 17.014
22 21889 Rogue GSD (V) Christy Tolbert Open 13 17.023
23 16707 Ansell GSD (V) Christine Barker Open 6 17.049
24 7301 Flayre GSD (V) Karen McKee Open 7 17.151
25 23441 Pyxis GSD (V) Patricia Schneiderjohn Open 8 17.371
26 16278 Neo GSD (V) Melissa Sowa Open 7 17.405
27 5754 Wave GSD Michelene Ellington Open 9 17.411
28 16704 Aria GSD (V) Christine Barker Open 5 17.457
29 21366 Remi GSD (V) Shelby Dumond Open 7 17.514
30 22102 Kita GSD (V) Tim Keesee Open 5 17.582
31 9899 Amos GSD (V) Amber Brandt Open 9 17.673
32 13264 Odin GSD (V) Pamela Rusinko Open 9 17.693
33 26593 Sisu GSD (V) Paula Bergland Open 6 17.824
34 14559 Brooks GSD Michael Sanders Open 9 17.953
35 24136 Zero GSD (V) Jessica Bezusko Open 7 18.030
36 9396 Lole GSD (V) Kristin Powell Open 22 18.126
37 14647 Boom GSD Katherine Carmen Open 5 18.218
38 13844 O-Ren GSD Heather Suedkamp Open 6 18.256
39 22639 Artax GSD (V) Lisa Berry Open 6 18.491
40 16092 Niko GSD (V) Marisol Esquilin Open 5 18.521
41 13595 Jaqar GSD Shaun Lytle Open 6 18.642
42 25965 Sassy GSD Timothy Matthes Open 5 19.126
43 19848 Ipsy GSD (V) Kaylea Ortiz Open 8 19.279
44 16583 Shadow GSD (V) Jacey Sullivan Open 6 19.618
45 11165 Arlo GSD (V) Karen Wood Open 5 19.943
46 23486 Daenaries GSD (V) Michelle Delaney Open 13 20.131
47 1718 Ace GSD (V) Marie Buckingham Open 16 20.235
48 20797 Shadrach GSD (V) John Hajzer Open 9 20.356
49 9185 Nushka GSD (V) Daragaya Gordon Open 8 20.523
50 5385 August GSD (V) Marianne Johnson Open 10 20.581
51 19849 Hydro GSD (V) Kaylea Ortiz Open 9 21.805
52 19809 Jace GSD (V) Kathy Rose Open 6 22.133
53 19949 Lahkota GSD Allyson Colburn Open 6 22.156
54 24076 Saga GSD Pamela Rusinko Open 7 22.392
55 1668 Vader GSD (V) Melissa Sowa Open 7 22.438
56 21568 Lotus GSD (V) Asia Duhamel Open 10 23.844
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