Breed Rankings Report

Breed rankings for Air Retrieve are based on the season average, which is the average of each dog's top 5 Air Retrieve scores in the 2020 season. Dogs must have at least 5 Air Retrieve scores in 2020 to be ranked. (V) indicates a registered dog's breed has been verified.

More options: show all dogs for this breed, even if they don't have enough jumps to be ranked yet.

2020 Air Retrieve Rankings for German Shepherd Dog (30)

Rank NADD ID Call Name Qualifiers Breed Owner Class Jumps Season Average
1 7875 Savage GSD (V) Chesley Glassco Open 6 20' 0
2 6115 Maverick GSD Donna Edison Open 7 19' 0
3 13264 Odin GSD (V) Pamela Rusinko Open 6 18' 5
4 13539 Arrow GSD (V) Christine Ross Open 9 18' 2
5 12653 Q GSD (V) Angela Young Open 5 17' 7
6 13595 Jaqar GSD Shaun Lytle Open 5 17' 5
7 9899 Amos GSD (V) Amber Brandt Open 12 17' 2
7 13544 Dragon GSD (V) Sheri Gardner Open 7 17' 2
7 15964 Addie GSD (V) Kathy Baker Open 11 17' 2
10 14168 Atlas GSD (V) Dominick Tomasino Open 8 17' 0
11 12387 Swindle GSD (V) Kari Selinger Open 14 16' 7
11 13736 Louna GSD (V) Lola Darrien Open 5 16' 7
13 5667 Smoke GSD (V) Karen McKee Open 11 16' 5
13 16643 Micco GSD Donna Edison Open 5 16' 5
15 13844 O-Ren GSD Heather Suedkamp Open 8 15' 7
15 16296 Radar GSD (V) Cassandra Terranova Open 6 15' 7
15 17176 Maverick GSD (V) Theresa Smith Open 7 15' 7
18 8547 Chaos GSD (V) Cindy Cobb Open 6 15' 2
19 8093 Riley GSD (V) Cindy Cobb Open 8 15' 0
20 6582 Vada GSD (V) Christine Barker Open 6 14' 5
21 17669 Brava GSD (V) Melissa Murphree Open 5 13' 10
22 9396 Lole GSD (V) Kristin Powell Open 7 13' 7
22 10730 Z GSD (V) Destiny Lytle Open 7 13' 7
22 14023 Q GSD (V) Denese Wolfson Open 5 13' 7
25 8246 Ven GSD (V) Destiny Lytle Open 5 13' 2
25 16360 Ripley GSD (V) Megan Chapin Open 6 13' 2
27 17398 Polaris GSD (V) Tina Tolson Mahurin Open 6 12' 5
28 14687 Kima GSD (V) Lisa Gainey Open 5 11' 0
29 9768 Zap GSD (V) Jeff Lund Open 9 9' 0
30 7197 Finn GSD (V) Brooke Saldana Open 5 7' 0
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