Breed Rankings Report

Breed rankings for Distance Jump are based on the season average, which is the average of each dog's top 15 Distance Jump scores in the 2024 season. Dogs must have at least 15 Distance Jump scores in 2024 to be ranked. (V) indicates a registered dog's breed has been verified.

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2024 Distance Jump Rankings for Boston Terrier (17)

Rank NADD ID Call Name Qualifiers Breed Owner Class Jumps Season Average
4378 Pulse Boston (V) Chris Kemper Lap 9 16' 9
1 17298 Lord Queso von Taco Boston (V) Ashley Peterson Lap 20 15' 2
14281 Yogi Boston (V) Chris Kemper Lap 7 14' 2
32798 Betty Boston (V) Deborah Chvilicek Lap 7 13' 0
31015 Brody Boston (V) Mark Escamilla Lap 8 12' 4
2 11835 Pepper Boston (V) Stephanie Gehrls Lap 21 11' 10
17293 Dravyn Boston (V) Krystin Johansen Weishiemer Lap 4 11' 10
3 33546 Franklin Boston (V) Jean Beaulieu Lap 25 11' 5
4 24648 Sassy Boston (V) Donna Pellegrino Lap 24 10' 10
34001 Greta Boston (V) Katie Wohlgemuth Lap 9 10' 4
33825 Sam Boston Vance McCausland Lap 4 7' 7
5 15427 Piper Boston (V) Heather Neldner Lap 24 7' 6
34019 El Frito Taquito Boston (V) Ashley Peterson Lap 9 7' 1
31704 Ouija Boston Alysha Riel Lap 6 6' 5
28904 Rosie Boston Catherine Alford Lap 3 5' 11
33809 Jessie Boston Linda Johansen Lap 8 5' 9
33685 Deets Boston Chris Kemper Lap 11 5' 8
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