Breed Rankings Report

Breed rankings for Distance Jump are based on the season average, which is the average of each dog's top 15 Distance Jump scores in the 2021 season. Dogs must have at least 15 Distance Jump scores in 2021 to be ranked. (V) indicates a registered dog's breed has been verified.

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2021 Distance Jump Rankings for Boston Terrier (34)

Rank NADD ID Call Name Qualifiers Breed Owner Class Jumps Season Average
1 7185 Bean Boston (V) Jeanelle Stull Lap 35 22' 8
5263 Tank Boston (V) Pam Dykeman Open 3 22' 6
2 19856 Bandit Boston (V) Jeana French Lap 15 18' 9
3 4378 Pulse Boston (V) Chris Kemper Lap 21 18' 7
4 17298 Lord Queso von Taco Boston (V) Ashley Peterson Lap 47 17' 9
5 13460 Dexter Boston (V) Christy Dietert Lap 53 16' 5
6 5684 Frankie Boston (V) Kathleen McClung Lap 17 16' 0
7 17922 Gizmo Boston (V) Mike Rinaldi Lap 43 15' 9
8 4839 Spiffy Boston (V) Stacy Price Lap 21 15' 2
9 14005 BZRK Boston (V) Samantha Youngblood Lap 46 14' 8
10 13471 Henry Fred Boston (V) Sandra Roebuck Lap 42 13' 7
11 11835 Pepper Boston (V) Stephanie Gehrls Lap 39 13' 6
12 4034 Fizz Boston (V) Stacey Clear Lap 19 12' 10
13 8336 Winnie Boston (V) Kevin Bottoms Lap 18 12' 4
14 17293 Dravyn Boston (V) Krystin Johansen Weishiemer Lap 16 12' 2
15 18323 Paxil Boston (V) Hillary Brown Lap 19 11' 11
16 19237 Impa Boston (V) Tara Helwig Lap 26 11' 5
17 12064 Jermy Boston Heather Wegner Lap 39 10' 6
10059 Mo Money Boston Jeff Konopski Lap 3 10' 1
18 6881 Casey Boston (V) Nicole Davilli Lap 33 9' 10
9063 Rex Boston (V) Birgit Mantilla Lap 3 8' 9
19 16344 Pinto Boston (V) Jeanelle Stull Lap 18 8' 4
20443 Toilet Boston Melody Wells Lap 8 7' 11
14281 Yogi Boston (V) Chris Kemper Lap 3 7' 8
20 15427 Piper Boston (V) Heather Neldner Lap 21 7' 5
22399 Tibbs Boston (V) JULIE Haddy Lap 6 7' 4
23789 Sophie-Lulu Boston (V) Colleen Fowler Lap 8 7' 3
24164 Rowde Boston (V) Edna Flinn Lap 5 7' 2
20309 Hemi Boston (V) Melissa Preston-Fleming Lap 2 7' 1
23331 Sophie Boston (V) Michael Purdue Lap 8 6' 1
1658 Sheeva Boston (V) Silvia Do Valle Lap 5 6' 0
21 17808 Hop Boston (V) Elizabeth Staley Lap 17 5' 11
23927 Oscar Boston Cathy Jenkins Lap 13 5' 11
12476 Tuya Boston (V) Conni Borwick Lap 2 4' 10
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