Breed Rankings Report

Breed rankings for Distance Jump are based on the season average, which is the average of each dog's top 15 Distance Jump scores in the 2024 season. Dogs must have at least 15 Distance Jump scores in 2024 to be ranked. (V) indicates a registered dog's breed has been verified.

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2024 Distance Jump Rankings for Belgian Malinois (252)

Rank NADD ID Call Name Qualifiers Breed Owner Class Jumps Season Average
16851 Umorok BEL Mal (V) Emily Nikzat Open 5 28' 9
21773 Loki BEL Mal (V) Rachel Novak Open 6 28' 5
14496 Lana BEL Mal Danielle Curtician Open 3 28' 4
20845 Calypso BEL Mal (V) Craig Foster Open 3 27' 11
28395 Athena BEL Mal Jessie DeRight Open 1 27' 9
23792 Cash BEL Mal (V) Taylor Warren Open 13 27' 7
14862 Journée BEL Mal (V) Terisa Partin Open 1 27' 6
10001 Lukah BEL Mal (V) Scott Dempsey Open 2 27' 4
26539 Z BEL Mal Kate Andrews Open 8 27' 4
1 4342 Bullitt BEL Mal (V) Donna Mobilia Open 43 27' 3
1 29708 Star BEL Mal (V) Donna Mobilia Open 46 27' 3
3 29586 Chief BEL Mal (V) Kylie Steele Open 53 27' 0
4 27125 Siren BEL Mal (V) Allison Hill Open 25 26' 4
28880 Siren BEL Mal (V) Linda Redfield Open 10 26' 3
5 29260 Caoimhe BEL Mal (V) Erin Chairez Open 57 26' 3
34054 Yanix BEL Mal Taylor Parker Open 14 25' 11
6 27479 Riot BEL Mal Danielle Barcomb Open 16 25' 10
30492 Kratos BEL Mal (V) Matthew Bohn Open 8 25' 10
3804 Steely BEL Mal (V) Amanda Fleck Open 8 25' 9
19803 Wikken BEL Mal (V) Scott Dempsey Open 1 25' 9
24049 Shenzi BEL Mal Meggie Bouchard Lavoie Open 14 25' 8
23712 Nala BEL Mal (V) Kim Smith Open 2 25' 6
7 20000 Slyxzce BEL Mal (V) Kristin Powell Open 15 25' 3
30596 Ghost BEL Mal (V) Ashley Armstrong Open 8 25' 2
26341 Brilliant BEL Mal (V) Heather Bandoli Open 3 25' 0
11797 Wizard BEL Mal (V) Linda Liscano Open 7 24' 11
8 26507 Oskar BEL Mal (V) Dani Terry Open 19 24' 9
31309 Puzzle BEL Mal (V) Leslie VanArsdale Open 2 24' 9
32205 Siren BEL Mal (V) Kylie Steele Open 43 24' 9
28650 Sega BEL Mal (V) Diana Barrett Open 3 24' 8
15520 Daenerys BEL Mal Alfonso Roggiero Open 6 24' 7
10 22884 Jasper BEL Mal (V) Lori Glaspie Open 22 24' 6
26512 Drogon BEL Mal (V) Jessica Valentine Open 4 24' 6
4429 Sriracha BEL Mal (V) Kristin Powell Open 9 24' 5
12785 Bullet BEL Mal (V) Tammy Knisley Open 4 24' 4
14589 Abey BEL Mal (V) Daphnée Houle-Martel Open 4 24' 3
11 10311 Envy BEL Mal (V) Rusty Boone Open 23 24' 2
19784 Montana BEL Mal Shania Martinez Open 2 24' 2
31932 Luka BEL Mal Cassie Villarreal Open 1 24' 2
32711 Char BEL Mal (V) Kellen Beauchesne Open 21 24' 2
34472 Frankie BEL Mal (V) Lisa Krogh Open 12 24' 2
17891 Tyr BEL Mal (V) Jarid Boggs Open 4 24' 0
12786 Jinx BEL Mal (V) Tammy Knisley Open 4 23' 11
22190 Rogue BEL Mal Emily Metz Open 7 23' 11
13 30637 Maker BEL Mal (V) Betty Hogan-Haynes Open 29 23' 10
21259 Diesel BEL Mal (V) Linda Madore Open 8 23' 9
29529 Ace BEL Mal Tiffany Mcclain Open 10 23' 9
14 20044 Halsey BEL Mal (V) Jill Suydam Open 17 23' 8
26287 Kodak BEL Mal Grace Santana Open 2 23' 7
15 32482 Lex BEL Mal (V) Savannaha Peterson Open 16 23' 7
16 9506 Nitro BEL Mal (V) Laura Bronk Open 35 23' 6
11459 Mako BEL Mal (V) Serena Ghosio Open 2 23' 6
31440 Delta BEL Mal Akira Roy Open 2 23' 5
25863 Cerberus BEL Mal Alfonso Roggiero Open 6 23' 4
18908 Bling BEL Mal (V) Stephanie Knatz Open 9 23' 3
20340 Koa BEL Mal (V) Annette Lynch Open 2 23' 2
20991 Piquels BEL Mal (V) Missi Roland Open 5 23' 2
32464 Akuma BEL Mal (V) Zachariah Karr Open 8 23' 2
22895 Melee BEL Mal (V) Amy Ryder Open 3 23' 1
24925 Thor BEL Mal (V) Cheryl O’Connor Open 10 23' 0
27162 URIKAA! BEL Mal (V) Allie Stiles Open 2 23' 0
17 31751 Piper BEL Mal (V) Judi Miller Open 20 23' 0
31856 Clarice BEL Mal (V) Laura Cromal Open 11 23' 0
13652 Osso BEL Mal (V) Eugénie Demontigny Open 4 22' 10
28706 Isabella BEL Mal (V) Ashley Hughes Open 8 22' 10
18 26255 Birdy BEL Mal (V) Nanette Blair Open 54 22' 9
19 17233 Dagger BEL Mal (V) Ellyn Crawford Open 19 22' 7
21488 Rock BEL Mal (V) Simone Szulc-Cieplicki Open 2 22' 5
20 22452 Lyta BEL Mal (V) MARCELLA RUHANA Open 20 22' 4
22617 Max BEL Mal (V) Robert Herold Open 8 22' 3
28805 Raynor BEL Mal (V) Laura Cromal Open 11 22' 3
3709 Narbe BEL Mal Robert Greger Open 14 22' 2
8478 Falkor BEL Mal (V) Emily Nikzat Open 4 22' 2
12637 Leaf BEL Mal (V) Daphnée Houle-Martel Open 4 22' 2
17653 Vader BEL Mal (V) Stan Perry Open 14 22' 1
34110 Crash BEL Mal Rachel Sample Open 4 22' 1
16864 Charlie BEL Mal Patricia Dileo Open 2 22' 0
31163 Pyro BEL Mal (V) Courtney Weber Open 2 22' 0
21 33849 Stolas BEL Mal (V) Lillianna Tyndall Open 39 22' 0
8852 River BEL Mal Linda Liscano Open 4 21' 11
16895 Flex BEL Mal Summer Marks Open 2 21' 11
16678 Jethro BEL Mal James Newhouse Open 10 21' 10
24236 Ava BEL Mal (V) Robert Morris Open 3 21' 10
22 24442 Bridget BEL Mal (V) Nanette Blair Open 54 21' 10
3745 Pablo BEL Mal (V) Alfonso Roggiero Open 3 21' 9
7984 Vamp BEL Mal (V) Amanda Morrissey Open 2 21' 9
22592 Sherlock BEL Mal Al Burns Open 1 21' 9
25656 Rythum BEL Mal (V) Tammy Knisley Open 2 21' 9
23 32486 Knox BEL Mal Kylie Steele Open 46 21' 9
24 12257 Sarin BEL Mal Whitney Lightner Open 15 21' 7
34401 Rosco BEL Mal (V) Ashley York Open 12 21' 6
25 22504 Kylo BEL Mal (V) Mike Foresee Open 24 21' 5
24771 Groot BEL Mal (V) Savannah Reese Open 4 21' 5
32063 Malik BEL Mal Meggie Bouchard Lavoie Open 13 21' 4
34155 Maya BEL Mal Katy Karr Open 3 21' 3
27105 Siren BEL Mal Jessica Noll Open 3 21' 2
28378 Kiara BEL Mal (V) Nathalie Landry Open 8 21' 2
28643 Brew BEL Mal (V) Cortney Adams Open 6 21' 2
26 29541 Enzo BEL Mal (V) Jack Beckwith Open 33 21' 1
26 32595 Sun Tzu BEL Mal (V) Zachariah Karr Open 17 21' 1
33766 Coop BEL Mal Ashley Hughes Open 8 21' 0
16055 Gambit BEL Mal Danielle Escarcega Open 6 20' 11
18001 Gennesee BEL Mal (V) Nancy Villarreal Open 9 20' 10
21457 Joker BEL Mal (V) Sébastien Lemay Open 4 20' 10
35096 BRUNO BEL Mal SILVER NEWTON Open 2 20' 9
33783 Maya BEL Mal Brenda Bailey Open 6 20' 7
21827 Juniper BEL Mal (V) Meagan Corr Open 2 20' 6
33749 Sinner BEL Mal Rachel Hack Open 4 20' 5
34347 Franklin BEL Mal Maria Negron Open 4 20' 5
24034 Malibu BEL Mal Brittany James Open 3 20' 4
12552 Breacher BEL Mal (V) Melissa Ellis Open 2 20' 3
25735 Kat BEL Mal (V) Ashley Brezina Open 2 20' 3
30555 Vecna BEL Mal (V) Ally Gibson Open 6 20' 3
34419 Emrakul BEL Mal (V) Zachariah Karr Open 11 20' 2
23863 Reaper BEL Mal (V) Meeghan McKeown Open 1 20' 0
24519 Malware BEL Mal Beth Nicholson Open 10 20' 0
25515 Kai BEL Mal (V) Carla Campbell Open 8 20' 0
9705 Titan BEL Mal (V) Gina McCuen Open 4 19' 11
29658 Tachyon BEL Mal Logan Donielson Open 3 19' 11
1204 Whiskey BEL Mal (V) Cortney Adams Open 4 19' 10
28 9410 Charger BEL Mal Michelle Blank Open 15 19' 10
1589 Kenzi BEL Mal (V) Alfonso Roggiero Open 3 19' 9
29 18071 Peter BEL Mal Kirstin Rager Open 17 19' 9
20200 Taki BEL Mal (V) Amber Coleman Open 2 19' 9
30 14043 Konor BEL Mal (V) Laura Bronk Open 34 19' 8
26782 Albus BEL Mal (V) Duane Young Open 2 19' 8
27786 Scarecrow BEL Mal (V) Katherine Benjamin Open 15 19' 8
29525 Felon BEL Mal (V) Elia Aragon Open 14 19' 8
31239 Harley Quinn BEL Mal (V) Colleen Christensen Open 24 19' 8
29430 Reaper BEL Mal (V) Lauren Helfer Open 3 19' 7
31204 Jesi BEL Mal (V) Sue Hathaway Open 9 19' 6
33304 Melee BEL Mal Heather Bennet Open 2 19' 6
33 29946 Tazz BEL Mal (V) Angie Pohlman Open 50 19' 5
33976 Patton BEL Mal (V) Christina Granatier Open 7 19' 5
34851 Hawk BEL Mal Kellen Beauchesne Open 3 19' 3
3758 Ivox BEL Mal (V) Steve Powell Open 4 19' 2
32973 Ronin BEL Mal Jared McClellan Open 3 19' 2
23368 Sirsh BEL Mal Julia Stiever Open 2 19' 0
25563 Mace BEL Mal Kate Bucci Open 2 19' 0
32179 Z BEL Mal (V) Kylah Lenz Open 8 19' 0
14607 Cseze BEL Mal (V) Cindy Noland Open 2 18' 11
22260 Omega BEL Mal (V) Tammy Knisley Open 2 18' 10
34 27965 Solo BEL Mal (V) Christi Johnson Open 21 18' 9
34 29154 Epic BEL Mal (V) Rusty Boone Open 60 18' 9
21490 Amber BEL Mal (V) Simone Szulc-Cieplicki Open 2 18' 8
3805 Gator BEL Mal Beth Nicholson Open 3 18' 7
6659 Sky BEL Mal (V) Theresa Foster Open 1 18' 7
29991 Quixote BEL Mal (V) Jana Rice Open 3 18' 7
16930 Mouse BEL Mal (V) Sherri Matheny Open 4 18' 6
36 25649 Tetra BEL Mal (V) Kaelan Kelly Open 15 18' 6
34816 Harmony BEL Mal (V) Heather Doucette Open 10 18' 6
26135 Mila BEL Mal (V) Greg Noble Open 4 18' 5
15743 Athena BEL Mal Cheryl O’Connor Open 2 18' 3
22945 Kronos BEL Mal Elise Fuxell Open 3 18' 3
27670 Xave BEL Mal (V) Paul Service Open 6 18' 3
37 30024 Dior BEL Mal Julie Laflèche Open 27 18' 3
34087 Axel BEL Mal Mandy Harris Open 2 18' 3
32918 Annie BEL Mal Leroy Gouge Open 8 18' 2
33042 Rip BEL Mal William Kershner Open 4 18' 2
29342 Ratchet BEL Mal (V) Daphne Grace Open 5 17' 11
30601 Venom BEL Mal (V) Jerilyn Pippin Open 2 17' 11
31768 Baako BEL Mal (V) STACEY NEAL Open 2 17' 9
38 33698 Babadook BEL Mal (V) Breanna Perez Open 28 17' 9
2488 Jack BEL Mal (V) Robert Greger Open 11 17' 8
32189 Kayzo BEL Mal Gina Geness Open 6 17' 7
30370 Ammy BEL Mal Kelsey Alvarez Open 2 17' 6
39 33107 Logun BEL Mal Sharon Brunner Open 24 17' 4
40 28519 Sable BEL Mal Terry Louwerens Open 15 17' 2
28534 Fauda BEL Mal (V) Sara Warrick Open 5 17' 2
29638 Rajah BEL Mal (V) Roxy Alhaj Open 4 17' 2
32675 Eirik BEL Mal Adrianna Torres Open 12 17' 0
27737 Raven BEL Mal Della Roberts Open 10 16' 11
41 16693 Milly BEL Mal (V) Roxanne Sandt Open 21 16' 9
34756 Siren BEL Mal Brianna Donnal Open 4 16' 9
24131 Kya BEL Mal Julie Cramer Open 1 16' 6
19805 Joey BEL Mal Aaron Hidalgo Open 2 16' 5
26181 Bones BEL Mal Ally Gibson Open 5 16' 5
32969 Jade BEL Mal (V) Curtis Jones Open 7 16' 5
30145 Riot BEL Mal (V) Lexi Gamache Open 12 16' 4
31312 Ruger BEL Mal angela miller Open 3 16' 4
16448 Valor BEL Mal (V) Meghan Oesch Open 4 16' 2
34847 Freyia BEL Mal Madison Barton Open 2 16' 2
29519 Princess Leia BEL Mal Gregg Tracy Open 7 16' 1
31617 Dezba BEL Mal Daphnée Houle-Martel Open 5 15' 11
8571 Stuck BEL Mal (V) Suzanne Loegel Open 3 15' 10
34687 Roky BEL Mal (V) Michael Arnett Open 3 15' 10
28675 Khaleesi BEL Mal (V) Jessica Valentine Open 4 15' 9
25063 Rizzo BEL Mal (V) Mitch Christian Open 2 15' 8
12028 Rocco BEL Mal Allison Marcum Open 4 15' 6
31293 Arson BEL Mal (V) Mariah Johnston Open 3 15' 6
32857 City BEL Mal Edith Morris Open 12 15' 4
42 26540 Xena BEL Mal Liz Ulferts Open 19 15' 2
27385 Venom BEL Mal (V) Florencia Montanez Open 1 15' 0
34785 Maverick BEL Mal Caroline Shaffer- Sabo Open 4 14' 8
20001 Oono BEL Mal (V) Steve Powell Open 8 14' 6
32626 Fletcher BEL Mal Olivia Miller Open 1 14' 6
29041 Denali BEL Mal (V) Ginger (Virginia) McBride Open 10 14' 2
34304 Figaro BEL Mal (V) Jadyn Bronk Open 14 14' 1
25908 Colt BEL Mal Brian Megerle Open 3 14' 0
30552 Rogue BEL Mal (V) Danielle Barcomb Open 5 14' 0
34064 Drako BEL Mal Katie Powers Open 4 14' 0
34235 Merc BEL Mal Matthew Bohn Open 7 13' 11
29565 Phoenix BEL Mal (V) Stacy Faw Open 12 13' 10
43 30698 Mason BEL Mal (V) Kelsey Alvarez Open 20 13' 10
33305 First Class Ticket BEL Mal Connie Dieball Open 2 13' 9
34602 Bucket BEL Mal (V) Tiffany Smith Open 5 13' 8
34709 Mazikeen BEL Mal (V) Wendy Cousino Open 8 13' 8
20476 Caprice BEL Mal (V) Amberly Frandsen Open 1 13' 6
32220 Sybil BEL Mal (V) Allison Bilinski Open 3 13' 4
19927 Rumor BEL Mal Nicole Johnstone Open 3 13' 2
10736 Ruger BEL Mal (V) Whitney Smiley Open 3 13' 1
29284 Abby BEL Mal Sandi Newhouse Open 7 12' 11
28765 Jax BEL Mal (V) Jodi Baur Open 6 12' 10
34065 Brie BEL Mal (V) Jessica Brunet Open 5 12' 9
9507 Tesla BEL Mal (V) Jadyn Bronk Open 14 12' 8
33798 Axel BEL Mal Megan Gessin Open 2 12' 8
1252 Gripp BEL Mal (V) Whitney Lightner Open 4 12' 7
22742 Maya BEL Mal (V) Melody Rice Open 2 12' 6
23097 Abram BEL Mal Shaun Lytle Open 3 12' 6
24692 Gus BEL Mal (V) Dani Terry Open 6 12' 6
33128 Venom BEL Mal (V) Phoebe Blue Open 4 12' 5
30382 Dallas BEL Mal Kali Geisecke Open 4 12' 4
24296 Waylon BEL Mal (V) Sue Hathaway Open 6 12' 0
32951 Taz BEL Mal Emerson Greuling Open 1 11' 9
32294 Ryah BEL Mal Kim Orozco Open 2 11' 8
17934 Kreia BEL Mal (V) Margaret Hardtner Open 1 11' 6
35028 Esme BEL Mal Kelsey Alvarez Open 4 11' 5
35092 Allie BEL Mal Drew Guadagno Open 4 11' 5
9271 Drogon BEL Mal (V) Stacy Goldstein Open 6 11' 3
21776 Aella BEL Mal (V) MARCELLA RUHANA Open 11 11' 2
25402 Tara BEL Mal (V) Sherry Green Open 2 11' 2
9192 Summer BEL Mal (V) Leslie Garbutt Open 2 10' 8
32701 Octavia BEL Mal (V) Florencia Montanez Open 1 10' 6
28798 Petra BEL Mal Heather Haag Open 4 10' 5
32700 Raven BEL Mal (V) Florencia Montanez Open 1 10' 3
34698 Nina BEL Mal Katelynn Moore Open 2 10' 2
31157 Fenrir BEL Mal Erica Bullard Open 11 10' 1
34576 V BEL Mal Keli Andrea Open 1 10' 0
32852 Silco BEL Mal (V) Paige Klar Open 11 9' 10
33711 Moose BEL Mal Samantha Snead Open 3 9' 10
32216 Vera BEL Mal (V) Kaitlyn Leasure Open 2 9' 9
34274 Echo BEL Mal Lillea Phillips Open 8 9' 3
32329 Hella BEL Mal Emily Jordan Open 5 9' 2
29727 Rocket BEL Mal (V) Lori Glaspie Open 12 8' 10
44 34012 Nyxie BEL Mal (V) MARCELLA RUHANA Open 25 8' 10
33758 Drax BEL Mal Leigh Williamson Open 6 8' 9
35011 Margo BEL Mal Caroline Shaffer- Sabo Open 2 8' 8
34525 Maui BEL Mal Adam Brickeen Open 1 8' 6
29530 Hamaarahof's Samara BEL Mal Reehana Schroeder Open 3 8' 3
16370 Boom BEL Mal (V) mickey Fambri Open 3 8' 2
31861 Nitro BEL Mal Tori Crackel Open 3 7' 3
45 30209 Dorrie BEL Mal Theresa Foster Open 16 6' 8
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