Breed Rankings Report

Breed rankings for Hydro Dash are based on the season average, which is the average of each dog's top 5 Hydro Dash scores in the 2022 season. Dogs must have at least 5 Hydro Dash scores in 2022 to be ranked. (V) indicates a registered dog's breed has been verified.

More options: show all dogs for this breed, even if they don't have enough jumps to be ranked yet.

2022 Hydro Dash Rankings for Belgian Malinois (62)

Rank NADD ID Call Name Qualifiers Breed Owner Class Jumps Season Average
1 16795 Aris BEL Mal (V) Corina Zachos Open 8 13.389
2 17652 Tyler BEL Mal (V) Lisa Rodriguez Open 11 13.871
3 14043 Konor BEL Mal (V) Laura Bronk Open 27 13.945
4 4429 Sriracha BEL Mal (V) Kristin Powell Open 17 14.040
5 22190 Rogue BEL Mal Emily Metz Open 8 14.067
6 12552 Breacher BEL Mal (V) Melissa Ellis Open 5 14.128
7 18697 Jameson BEL Mal (V) Samantha Sciolino Open 8 14.144
8 4950 Duke BEL Mal (V) Michelle Filler Open 6 14.149
9 12785 Bullet BEL Mal (V) Tammy Knisley Open 9 14.183
10 20000 Slyxzce BEL Mal (V) Kristin Powell Open 9 14.199
11 18071 Peter BEL Mal Kirstin Rager Open 19 14.224
11 22260 Omega BEL Mal (V) Tammy Knisley Open 9 14.224
13 16463 Iago BEL Mal (V) Becky Norlander Open 5 14.431
14 21457 Joker BEL Mal (V) Sébastien Lemay Open 6 14.508
15 17629 Fox BEL Mal (V) Danielle Vulpes Open 7 14.549
16 13093 Dare BEL Mal (V) Annelise Lynch Open 6 14.651
17 12786 Jinx BEL Mal (V) Tammy Knisley Open 9 14.669
18 3608 Zippy BEL Mal (V) Dianne Sanlorenzo Open 5 14.795
19 2431 Fuze BEL Mal (V) Gina McCuen Open 15 14.807
20 3758 Ivox BEL Mal (V) Steve Powell Open 27 14.908
20 23863 Reaper BEL Mal (V) Meeghan McKeown Open 13 14.908
22 20991 Piquels BEL Mal (V) Missi Roland Open 6 15.123
23 17233 Dagger BEL Mal (V) Ellyn Crawford Open 8 15.147
24 4342 Bullitt BEL Mal (V) Donna Mobilia Open 13 15.309
25 22265 Indy BEL Mal (V) Stephanie Zimmerli Open 5 15.380
26 13768 Rumer BEL Mal (V) Teresa Pulley Open 9 15.402
27 16851 Umorok BEL Mal (V) Emily Nikzat Open 5 15.425
28 10383 Cassie BEL Mal Jane Lambert Open 5 15.520
29 22465 Astrid BEL Mal Samantha Sciolino Open 6 15.601
30 4260 Thatcher BEL Mal (V) Teresa Pulley Open 7 15.608
31 12682 Cargo BEL Mal (V) Crystal Partain Open 5 15.639
32 11459 Mako BEL Mal (V) Serena Ghosio Open 5 15.658
33 24442 Bridget BEL Mal (V) Nanette Blair Open 22 15.725
34 9415 Siri BEL Mal (V) William Bilzing Open 5 15.772
35 15770 Risky BEL Mal Bonnie Gutzwiler Open 9 15.798
36 21259 Diesel BEL Mal (V) Linda Madore Open 9 15.806
37 10311 Envy BEL Mal (V) Rusty Boone Open 11 15.835
38 12486 Fenix BEL Mal (V) Melody Osborn Open 10 15.849
39 18908 Bling BEL Mal (V) Stephanie Knatz Open 13 15.881
40 13030 Halen BEL Mal (V) Mary Scanlon Open 5 15.913
41 9410 Charger BEL Mal Michelle Blank Open 11 16.065
42 13652 Osso BEL Mal (V) Eugénie Demontigny Open 6 16.073
43 12637 Leaf BEL Mal (V) Daphnée Houle-Martel Open 6 16.104
44 16678 Jethro BEL Mal James Newhouse Open 8 16.148
45 18241 Troy BEL Mal William Bilzing Open 5 16.150
46 1921 Siren BEL Mal (V) Ginger (Virginia) McBride Open 7 16.170
47 23712 Nala BEL Mal (V) Kim Smith Open 11 16.351
48 16685 Mallory BEL Mal (V) Kim Smith Open 8 16.402
49 3470 Cita BEL Mal (V) Victoria Harter Open 6 16.549
50 9127 Marrok BEL Mal (V) Katherine Koczan Open 6 16.570
51 19738 Fritz BEL Mal (V) Tammie Anglin Open 9 17.178
52 26003 Navi BEL Mal (V) Tara Teixeira Esslinger Open 6 17.273
53 12420 Samson BEL Mal Bill Johnson Open 6 17.278
54 9811 Havoc BEL Mal (V) Megan Preuit Open 9 17.286
55 22884 Jasper BEL Mal (V) Lori Glaspie Open 6 17.405
56 17500 Ruckus BEL Mal (V) Kassandra Royer Open 6 17.448
57 22246 Ace BEL Mal (V) John Williford Open 5 17.463
58 6535 Madi BEL Mal (V) Ellyn Crawford Open 6 18.053
59 24152 BEE BEL Mal (V) Tammie Anglin Open 5 18.945
60 2488 Jack BEL Mal (V) Robert Greger Open 8 19.405
61 5413 Ziva BEL Mal Sandi Newhouse Open 6 20.003
62 16693 Milly BEL Mal (V) Roxanne Sandt Open 10 20.590
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