Breed Rankings Report

Breed rankings for Hydro Dash are based on the season average, which is the average of each dog's top 5 Hydro Dash scores in the 2021 season. Dogs must have at least 5 Hydro Dash scores in 2021 to be ranked. (V) indicates a registered dog's breed has been verified.

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2021 Hydro Dash Rankings for Australian Cattle Dog (26)

Rank NADD ID Call Name Qualifiers Breed Owner Class Jumps Season Average
1 13796 Westley Cattle Dog (V) Lori Asbury Open 9 16.174
2 5777 Spree Cattle Dog (V) Lori Asbury Open 8 16.659
12563 Wesson Cattle Dog (V) Taylor Hankins Open 1 17.322
3 16999 Dare Cattle Dog (V) Kathy Simons Open 10 17.733
4 8408 Ruby Cattle Dog (V) Linda Powell Open 14 18.151
5 4948 Cannon Cattle Dog (V) Michelle Largent Open 7 18.466
21615 Snarlz Barkley Cattle Dog (V) Ron Shelko Open 1 18.501
13495 Boone Cattle Dog (V) Brad Cypert Open 1 18.620
8554 Ace Cattle Dog (V) Annelise Lynch Open 1 18.783
3323 Quiz Cattle Dog (V) Mary Young Open 2 18.846
10324 Emma Cattle Dog (V) Roberta Mecklenburg Open 3 19.466
19828 Pepper Cattle Dog (V) Alaina Bruni Open 1 19.959
6 1703 Ember Cattle Dog (V) Lori Asbury Open 7 20.034
7 16703 Ammo Cattle Dog (V) Katherine Bitzan Open 5 20.783
7890 Bex Cattle Dog Michelle Pena Open 1 20.882
8 6753 Justice Cattle Dog (V) Jan Lewis Open 13 21.189
9 9118 Barolo Cattle Dog (V) Hallie Blankenship Open 9 21.231
10 18654 Emoji Cattle Dog (V) Bonnie Gutzwiler Open 8 21.367
11 10684 Taz Cattle Dog Jamie Nanni-DiSalvo Open 7 22.019
19873 Bindi Cattle Dog Denise Schmidt Open 2 22.174
17527 Coyote Cattle Dog (V) Dominique Smith Open 1 22.461
12 6997 Kat Cattle Dog (V) Linda Gallacher Open 5 22.816
13 2915 Screamy! Cattle Dog (V) Tamara Blankenship Open 6 24.973
14 9628 Shiner Cattle Dog (V) Becki Sheets-Klinger Open 9 25.054
17339 G2 Cattle Dog (V) Melissa Barr Open 3 25.365
21241 Rogue Cattle Dog (V) Kendra Thompson Open 1 42.683
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