Breed Rankings Report

Breed rankings for Distance Jump are based on the season average, which is the average of each dog's top 15 Distance Jump scores in the 2024 season. Dogs must have at least 15 Distance Jump scores in 2024 to be ranked. (V) indicates a registered dog's breed has been verified.

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2024 Distance Jump Rankings for Australian Cattle Dog (91)

Rank NADD ID Call Name Qualifiers Breed Owner Class Jumps Season Average
1 8408 Ruby Cattle Dog (V) Linda Powell Open 23 26' 6
30660 Beretta Cattle Dog (V) Vit Kruml Open 9 25' 4
5777 Spree Cattle Dog (V) Lori Asbury Open 4 23' 9
27231 Ranger Cattle Dog Bri Benton Open 14 23' 6
15316 Wilma Cattle Dog (V) Christine Graham Open 8 22' 11
25341 Timber Cattle Dog Janice Aube Open 10 22' 5
24098 Savage Cattle Dog (V) Taylor Hankins Open 12 21' 8
2 12563 Wesson Cattle Dog (V) Taylor Hankins Open 15 21' 6
30366 Arrow Cattle Dog (V) Pamela Spatz Open 12 21' 6
19873 Bindi Cattle Dog Denise Schmidt Open 1 21' 3
3 26650 Cheyenne Cattle Dog (V) Cady Jones Open 22 21' 3
31091 Bandit Cattle Dog johnny bucy Open 2 21' 3
29137 Bandit Cattle Dog Steve Newsome Open 3 20' 11
17339 G2 Cattle Dog (V) Melissa Barr Open 8 20' 9
31598 Flash Cattle Dog Jessica Danko Open 3 20' 8
26121 Simon Cattle Dog (V) Emily Johnson Open 12 20' 4
34035 Curt Cattle Dog Gwyneth Hayes Open 6 20' 4
14695 Chimera Cattle Dog (V) Meranda Tripp Open 3 20' 3
32222 Gambler Cattle Dog Jacquline Bonaldo Open 2 20' 2
26896 Flidais Cattle Dog (V) Ellyn Smith Open 6 20' 1
4 32826 Brenn Cattle Dog Amanda Drews Open 32 19' 10
5 29830 Pepper Cattle Dog Karen Singletary Open 29 19' 9
6 29728 Kevin Cattle Dog (V) Jennifer Baiocco Open 38 19' 8
30744 Oliver Cattle Dog Kyler Sands Open 13 19' 5
30837 Spook Cattle Dog Amie Green Open 6 19' 5
30641 Panda Cattle Dog (V) Jenny Asip Open 10 19' 4
7 21209 Izzy Cattle Dog (V) Maureen Roberson Open 35 18' 10
8 8802 Mac Cattle Dog (V) Robin Herman Open 18 18' 8
25482 Tilley Cattle Dog (V) Jacqueline P. Harris Open 5 18' 8
34095 Y'all Cattle Dog Vit Kruml Open 3 18' 7
31783 Mozart Cattle Dog Kirsty Bracken Open 4 18' 2
33636 Hank Cattle Dog Alex Beauvais Open 1 18' 0
32164 CeCe Cattle Dog (V) Heather Ritchie Open 3 17' 11
33575 Whiskey Cattle Dog Kathryn White Open 4 17' 11
29270 Merit Cattle Dog (V) Amelia Brooks Open 4 17' 9
24419 Colt Cattle Dog (V) Stefanie Kelly Open 12 17' 8
11124 Kimber Cattle Dog (V) Paige Banzhaf Open 2 17' 7
16032 Ruger Cattle Dog Cady Jones Open 14 17' 3
22685 Wallace Cattle Dog (V) Karli Windischmann Open 2 17' 3
31552 Jeep Cattle Dog (V) JoAnn Phillips Open 6 17' 3
34271 Gilligan Cattle Dog Karisa LAND Open 6 17' 3
34938 Kye Cattle Dog Alyssa Schlegel Open 3 17' 3
23343 Ryot Cattle Dog Amanda Bock Open 7 17' 2
29647 Bee Cattle Dog (V) Jett Nieves Open 10 17' 2
26747 Dozer Cattle Dog (V) Teffany Howard Open 4 16' 11
27361 Razor Cattle Dog Terrie Jones Open 5 16' 11
33172 Kimchi Cattle Dog Audrey Rutter Open 12 16' 9
9628 Shiner Cattle Dog (V) Becki Sheets-Klinger Open 10 16' 8
7890 Bex Cattle Dog Michelle Pena Open 3 16' 6
13796 Westley Cattle Dog (V) Lori Asbury Open 4 16' 3
1453 Kiah Cattle Dog (V) Kimberly Langevin Open 5 16' 2
16774 Fidget Cattle Dog (V) Kylie Higgins Open 4 16' 1
30270 Spotlight Cattle Dog (V) Kylie Higgins Open 4 16' 1
9 30031 Kix Cattle Dog (V) Berta Surniak Open 32 16' 0
30675 Mick Cattle Dog (V) Meghan Potter Open 4 15' 11
33502 Groot Cattle Dog Francesca Moon Open 5 15' 11
24776 Meabh Cattle Dog (V) Rachel Weelborg Lap 3 15' 10
29347 Blue Cattle Dog Denise Banjavic Open 6 15' 10
18781 Penny Cattle Dog (V) Ann Hamlin Open 3 15' 9
2915 Screamy! Cattle Dog (V) Tamara Blankenship Open 3 15' 6
23930 Minkah Moo Cattle Dog (V) Tamara Blankenship Open 2 15' 6
32663 Stevie Cattle Dog John Neeley Open 12 15' 6
34474 Kronos Cattle Dog Tiffany Hughes Open 1 15' 4
10 13105 Lish Cattle Dog (V) Berta Surniak Open 18 15' 3
24607 Karma Cattle Dog (V) Jessie Hecht Open 10 15' 0
32740 Splash Cattle Dog Jacquline Bonaldo Open 1 14' 9
25818 Willow Cattle Dog Heather Davis Open 2 14' 8
16773 Levi Cattle Dog (V) Kylie Higgins Open 4 14' 7
34637 Rascal Cattle Dog Jenna Robertson Open 2 14' 3
24038 Rumble Cattle Dog (V) Christina Ochrymowych Open 2 14' 2
19895 Penny Cattle Dog (V) John Wallace Open 11 13' 10
33908 Twister Cattle Dog (V) Doreen Heywood Open 7 13' 9
26533 Beretta Cattle Dog Taylor Hankins Open 8 13' 6
33317 Han Cattle Dog (V) Shantele Rogers Open 12 13' 3
31885 Bingo Cattle Dog johnny bucy Open 2 10' 10
33693 Willow Cattle Dog Zoe Delilo Open 8 10' 7
34700 Smokey Cattle Dog Hannah Mann Open 3 10' 5
11 31358 Daisy Mae Cattle Dog Ginger Tabatt Lap 16 10' 2
34638 Chuck Cattle Dog Anisha Kumar Open 12 9' 10
25400 Aringka Cattle Dog (V) Pamela Miller Open 12 9' 8
30307 Denim Cattle Dog Marisa Wagner Open 1 9' 2
29943 Buoy Cattle Dog (V) Laura Winter Open 3 8' 11
12 33525 Chiquita Cattle Dog Cady Jones Lap 15 8' 10
32702 Rue Cattle Dog (V) Jaimie Caltrider Open 14 8' 3
23140 Abe Cattle Dog (V) Ellen Richardson Open 2 8' 0
28754 Tex Cattle Dog Cady Jones Lap 6 7' 11
34607 Whiskey Cattle Dog Jen Ortman Open 4 7' 11
32990 Swayde Cattle Dog Carrie Jensen Open 1 7' 8
34600 Kanga Rue Cattle Dog (V) Karen Pellerin Open 5 6' 4
22358 Willow Cattle Dog Kristi Waters-Via Open 1 6' 1
25501 Spike Cattle Dog Nellie Bird Open 8 1' 10
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