Breed Rankings Report

Breed rankings for Air Retrieve are based on the season average, which is the average of each dog's top 5 Air Retrieve scores in the 2018 season. Dogs must have at least 5 Air Retrieve scores in 2018 to be ranked. (V) indicates a registered dog's breed has been verified.

More options: show all dogs for this breed, even if they don't have enough jumps to be ranked yet.

2018 Air Retrieve Rankings for Australian Cattle Dog (10)

Rank NADD ID Call Name Qualifiers Breed Owner Class Jumps Season Average
1 4322 Looker Cattle Dog (V) Tamara Kasser Open 11 19' 7
2 6695 Vegas Cattle Dog (V) Lore Hannon Open 11 19' 2
3 5777 Spree Cattle Dog (V) Lori Asbury Open 5 18' 10
4 6696 Danny Cattle Dog (V) Lore Hannon Open 10 15' 7
5 8408 Ruby Cattle Dog (V) Linda Powell Open 5 15' 5
6 8288 Stella Cattle Dog Judith Bolton Open 6 14' 0
7 5857 Gryphon Cattle Dog (V) Thomas McCarthy Open 5 13' 5
7 9118 Barolo Cattle Dog (V) Hallie Blankenship Open 6 13' 5
9 3586 Spur Cattle Dog (V) Julie Fisher Open 5 12' 10
10 2915 Screamy! Cattle Dog (V) Tamara Blankenship Open 8 11' 7
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