Titles Earned

Dogs that have earned at least one title in a particular division are listed below. The title shown is the dog's highest title achieved in each division. To view a list of all the titles a dog has earned, click on that dog's name for more information.

NADD ID Call Name Breed Owner Total Jumps Title
32275 Axel German Shorthaired Pointer Cary Maedke 12 DP
29330 Blackjack German Shorthaired Pointer Mike Moritz 8 DP
21915 Maximus German Shorthaired Pointer Blenda Diaz 22 DP
12059 Ricochet German Shorthaired Pointer Mike Moritz 19 DP
21512 Rosy German Shorthaired Pointer Dawn Watkins 10 DP
NADD ID Call Name Breed Owner Total Jumps Title
6220 Andy German Shorthaired Pointer John Watkins 6 DE
30140 Apollo German Shorthaired Pointer Christi Abshire 12 DE
18104 Axel German Shorthaired Pointer Kelsie Boswell 64 DEX
32275 Axel German Shorthaired Pointer Cary Maedke 10 DE
26848 Bama German Shorthaired Pointer Serena DaSilva 27 DE
12873 Baron German Shorthaired Pointer Mike Moritz 21 DE
30792 Ben German Shorthaired Pointer Cheryl Harris 15 DE
29330 Blackjack German Shorthaired Pointer Mike Moritz 28 DE
10608 Blitz German Shorthaired Pointer Sheri Fastenrath 7 DE
14429 Blush German Shorthaired Pointer Tiffany Cessna 19 DE
15978 Bo German Shorthaired Pointer Hal Walker 99 DEX2
36007 Boone German Shorthaired Pointer Natalie Blanford 17 DE
14426 Brice German Shorthaired Pointer Tiffany Cessna 6 DE
3453 Buck German Shorthaired Pointer William Burns 15 DE
17456 Buckshot German Shorthaired Pointer Mike Moritz 19 DE
15379 Bullseye German Shorthaired Pointer Ginny Studer 40 DEA
9249 Cayde German Shorthaired Pointer Ann Claire Lester 9 DEQ18
18480 Chief German Shorthaired Pointer Theresa Boxdorfer 19 DE
26981 Clutch German Shorthaired Pointer Brittney Castle 23 DE
26126 Cooper German Shorthaired Pointer Lauren Phillips 17 DE
35833 Dee Dee German Shorthaired Pointer Joe Aulbert 5 DE
13578 Deuce German Shorthaired Pointer Justin Toupin 6 DE
14236 Dixie German Shorthaired Pointer Daniel Powers 6 DE
17056 Dixie German Shorthaired Pointer Dana Brown 19 DE
23164 Drake German Shorthaired Pointer Scotque Massett 91 DEX2
10949 Duchess German Shorthaired Pointer Allyson Strother 8 DE
24743 Eobard German Shorthaired Pointer Aaron Dagres 9 DE
22727 Forrest German Shorthaired Pointer Bridget Booker 62 DEX
20181 Gabby German Shorthaired Pointer Ken Tierney 59 DEX
11341 Gary German Shorthaired Pointer Laura Tyson 8 DE
13414 Gator German Shorthaired Pointer Vicki Gilchrist 51 DEA
17380 Gidget German Shorthaired Pointer Erica Morris 17 DE
11041 Goose German Shorthaired Pointer Gail Kowalkowski 6 DE
35368 Greta German Shorthaired Pointer Tim Jones 8 DE
8742 Hank German Shorthaired Pointer Melanie Thormahlen 56 DEX
25023 Huckleberry German Shorthaired Pointer Anne Buckwald 35 DEA
17492 Huckleberry/Huck German Shorthaired Pointer Lee Warren 5 DE
19324 Jade German Shorthaired Pointer Cristina Hernandez 7 DE
4044 Jameson German Shorthaired Pointer Ky Flock 8 DE
2683 Jessie Jo German Shorthaired Pointer Jeri Fishack 55 DEX
27522 Journey German Shorthaired Pointer Anne De Roo 10 DE
16648 June German Shorthaired Pointer McKayley Dannelley 8 DE
8271 Kennedy German Shorthaired Pointer Gabrielle Ruano Mikell 65 DEX
10279 Lane German Shorthaired Pointer Alisha Tomac 148 DEX4
29766 Leilani German Shorthaired Pointer Marianne Johnson 6 DE
25462 Lennyx German Shorthaired Pointer Scarlett Flores 6 DE
13954 Luna German Shorthaired Pointer Aaron Benz 10 DE
9239 Mahi German Shorthaired Pointer Christina Cantu 6 DE
13554 Major German Shorthaired Pointer Debbie Kurtz 9 DE
22086 Maverick German Shorthaired Pointer Louis Schwarz 41 DEA
21915 Maximus German Shorthaired Pointer Blenda Diaz 35 DEA
24431 Maya German Shorthaired Pointer Lauren Phillips 44 DEA
4372 Mickey German Shorthaired Pointer Jennifer Tanner 6 DEQ18
32428 Miley German Shorthaired Pointer Erika Rockenstein 5 DE
31931 Moose German Shorthaired Pointer Jeri Fishack 20 DE
4487 Murphy German Shorthaired Pointer Emily Hyler 65 DEX
25974 Nash German Shorthaired Pointer Brooke Lyford 6 DE
25993 Neo German Shorthaired Pointer Christi Abshire 15 DE
22299 Nitro German Shorthaired Pointer Jordan Armstrong 7 DE
29671 OTIS German Shorthaired Pointer Teresa Rauch 72 DEX
4922 Parker German Shorthaired Pointer Fawn Kovach 22 DEQ18
6367 Phoebe German Shorthaired Pointer Erin Thompson 31 DEA
16730 Picadilly German Shorthaired Pointer Molly McCown 12 DE
24562 Piper German Shorthaired Pointer Brooke Kastner 26 DE
3937 Reese German Shorthaired Pointer Tamara Strassenberg 35 DEA
22701 Remi German Shorthaired Pointer Andrew Wordekemper 7 DE
14167 Rhett German Shorthaired Pointer Tamara Strassenberg 26 DE
12059 Ricochet German Shorthaired Pointer Mike Moritz 62 DEX
16818 Ridge German Shorthaired Pointer Brent Henry 41 DEA
14430 Ridge German Shorthaired Pointer Brad & Sallie Jordan 19 DE
35572 Riley German Shorthaired Pointer Jill Walters 7 DE
21512 Rosy German Shorthaired Pointer Dawn Watkins 14 DE
11436 Ruger German Shorthaired Pointer Kristina Tamburr 11 DE
23831 Ruger German Shorthaired Pointer Michael D'Arville 20 DE
33299 Ruger German Shorthaired Pointer Cassandra Wheeler 7 DE
28346 RyeLee German Shorthaired Pointer Donna Hart-Miller 83 DEX2
5993 Scout German Shorthaired Pointer Bryan Baldwin 60 DEX
20045 Scuba Stevie German Shorthaired Pointer Eve Hoehle 14 DE
35688 Stella German Shorthaired Pointer Michele Newman 17 DE
30400 Tally German Shorthaired Pointer Chenin Doiron 16 DE
24475 Talon German Shorthaired Pointer Joshua Taylor 5 DE
13281 Thor German Shorthaired Pointer Lisa Zimmerman 6 DE
20019 TinkerBell German Shorthaired Pointer Melissa Peterson-Ney 32 DEA
12060 Titan German Shorthaired Pointer Michelle Demler 104 DEX2
21830 Twig German Shorthaired Pointer Robert Elliott 64 DEX
14634 Xena German Shorthaired Pointer Sarah Pacacha 7 DE
19217 Xena German Shorthaired Pointer Susan Neher 16 DE
18076 Zana German Shorthaired Pointer Isabelle Bernard 10 DE
22875 Zeppelin German Shorthaired Pointer Denise LeBleu 74 DEX
9814 Zeus German Shorthaired Pointer Stephanie Oosterhof 5 DE
17667 Zion German Shorthaired Pointer Michelle Demler 88 DEX2
NADD ID Call Name Breed Owner Total Jumps Title
15203 Abby German Shorthaired Pointer Dianne Klingensmith 34 DMA
2282 AnnaBelle German Shorthaired Pointer Richard Studer 16 DM
30140 Apollo German Shorthaired Pointer Christi Abshire 5 DM
15762 Archer German Shorthaired Pointer Carly DeArmond 30 DMA
32316 Ari German Shorthaired Pointer Eric Honeycutt 6 DM
11717 Arrow German Shorthaired Pointer Haleigh Cepurno 6 DM
27880 Asher German Shorthaired Pointer Amber Allison 43 DMA
9324 Asher German Shorthaired Pointer Gary Houghton 5 DM
24781 Aspen German Shorthaired Pointer Michelle Molkenthine 19 DM
13259 Astro German Shorthaired Pointer Lexie Lanier 63 DMX
4464 Atreyu German Shorthaired Pointer Eric Murphy 41 DMA
9883 Axel German Shorthaired Pointer Laura Nagy 92 DMX2
18104 Axel German Shorthaired Pointer Kelsie Boswell 33 DMA
32275 Axel German Shorthaired Pointer Cary Maedke 5 DM
7054 Bailey German Shorthaired Pointer Fawn Kovach 43 DMA
26848 Bama German Shorthaired Pointer Serena DaSilva 53 DMA
12873 Baron German Shorthaired Pointer Mike Moritz 134 DMX4
10407 Bax German Shorthaired Pointer Johanna Huxel 40 DMA
33438 Beauty German Shorthaired Pointer Angila Richins 5 DM
32577 Belle German Shorthaired Pointer Pam Stillman 25 DM
30792 Ben German Shorthaired Pointer Cheryl Harris 42 DMA
26639 Benny German Shorthaired Pointer Megan Hannem 5 DM
35090 Berlin German Shorthaired Pointer Kathy Paradis-Bergeron 32 DMA
7732 Bernie German Shorthaired Pointer Anne Kernan 5 DM
18486 Bert German Shorthaired Pointer Christine Kelly 8 DM
29330 Blackjack German Shorthaired Pointer Mike Moritz 9 DM
27846 Blaise German Shorthaired Pointer Cristina Ralph 5 DM
26193 Bleu German Shorthaired Pointer Kathleen Kurtz 6 DM
3699 Blindside German Shorthaired Pointer Jennifer Vickers Kelly 6 DM
10608 Blitz German Shorthaired Pointer Sheri Fastenrath 57 DMX
38442 Blitz aka Goose German Shorthaired Pointer Becky Christner 8 DM
13951 Blue German Shorthaired Pointer Mark Pigg 5 DM
14429 Blush German Shorthaired Pointer Tiffany Cessna 210 DMX7
15978 Bo German Shorthaired Pointer Hal Walker 27 DM
13932 Bo German Shorthaired Pointer Hannah Cole 6 DM
5224 Bond German Shorthaired Pointer Morgan Mandeville 5 DM
32047 Bonnie German Shorthaired Pointer Gage Quiett 14 DM
10743 Boone German Shorthaired Pointer Andrea Martsolf 9 DM
36007 Boone German Shorthaired Pointer Natalie Blanford 8 DM
34245 Boone German Shorthaired Pointer Kristen Maldonado 11 DM
4670 Boss German Shorthaired Pointer Alexandria Spear 8 DM
7811 Bowie German Shorthaired Pointer Tina Craig 5 DM
15065 Bravo German Shorthaired Pointer June Johnston 5 DM
20821 Briar German Shorthaired Pointer Cheri Raines 15 DM
14426 Brice German Shorthaired Pointer Tiffany Cessna 208 DMX7
17461 Brody German Shorthaired Pointer Sierra Combs 8 DM
24282 Brook German Shorthaired Pointer Tina Metcalf 12 DM
7678 Brooklyn German Shorthaired Pointer Lynn Middleton 10 DM
37464 Bruno German Shorthaired Pointer Joshua Webb 16 DM
3341 Bubba German Shorthaired Pointer William Burns 38 DMA
3453 Buck German Shorthaired Pointer William Burns 60 DMX
30315 Buck German Shorthaired Pointer Courtney Hyso 5 DM
17456 Buckshot German Shorthaired Pointer Mike Moritz 82 DMX2
14962 Buddy German Shorthaired Pointer Chad Mix 6 DM
27101 Buddy German Shorthaired Pointer Cheyenne Neuhoff 15 DM
15379 Bullseye German Shorthaired Pointer Ginny Studer 68 DMX
30987 Bunker German Shorthaired Pointer Bryce Egger 12 DM
16880 Cadence German Shorthaired Pointer Karter Hunt 5 DM
7359 Caesar German Shorthaired Pointer Allyson Strother 19 DM
36885 Callie German Shorthaired Pointer Donna McMullen 7 DM
31896 Captain Mallard German Shorthaired Pointer Ariel David 16 DM
9249 Cayde German Shorthaired Pointer Ann Claire Lester 64 DMX
30981 Chainsaw German Shorthaired Pointer Philip Stevens 6 DM
14432 Chase German Shorthaired Pointer Jean & Dave Harvey 41 DMA
18480 Chief German Shorthaired Pointer Theresa Boxdorfer 55 DMX
14441 Citori German Shorthaired Pointer Jessica Adamczyk 9 DM
8608 Clay German Shorthaired Pointer Alisha Tomac 9 DM
32669 Clay German Shorthaired Pointer Amy Brumley 6 DM
7354 Cleo German Shorthaired Pointer Allyson Strother 37 DMA
26981 Clutch German Shorthaired Pointer Brittney Castle 24 DM
8144 Cola German Shorthaired Pointer Lisa Paisley 10 DM
26126 Cooper German Shorthaired Pointer Lauren Phillips 49 DMA
1154 Cooper German Shorthaired Pointer Billie Weeks 5 DM
3955 Corndog German Shorthaired Pointer Angela Moore 20 DM
27992 Crockett German Shorthaired Pointer Christie Auck 39 DMA
32665 Cru German Shorthaired Pointer Molly Brame 7 DM
6677 Cruz German Shorthaired Pointer Carrie Morris 5 DM
12044 Dante German Shorthaired Pointer Gail Docherty 6 DM
37323 Dax German Shorthaired Pointer Izabella Pompei 7 DM
35833 Dee Dee German Shorthaired Pointer Joe Aulbert 5 DM
15575 Derby German Shorthaired Pointer Laura Stansfield 6 DM
21999 Diesel German Shorthaired Pointer Chani St. Jean 8 DM
17056 Dixie German Shorthaired Pointer Dana Brown 82 DMX2
14236 Dixie German Shorthaired Pointer Daniel Powers 80 DMX2
31288 Dixie German Shorthaired Pointer Douglas Fulwider 6 DM
37830 Doc German Shorthaired Pointer Rayann Stokes 9 DM
23063 Doobie German Shorthaired Pointer Joelyn Corrado 19 DM
12283 Doris German Shorthaired Pointer Victoria Tesh 10 DM
23164 Drake German Shorthaired Pointer Scotque Massett 94 DMX2
10949 Duchess German Shorthaired Pointer Allyson Strother 61 DMX
13946 Duchess German Shorthaired Pointer Christie Bailey 7 DM
29968 Duck German Shorthaired Pointer Bailey Greiner 19 DM
14713 Eamon German Shorthaired Pointer Karen Reilly 10 DM
26323 Echo German Shorthaired Pointer Kristi Carpenter 46 DMA
9865 Eddie German Shorthaired Pointer Cheryl Harris 118 DMX3
20418 Eirinn German Shorthaired Pointer Karen Combs 9 DM
31087 Elsa German Shorthaired Pointer Kelsea Peace 5 DM
16250 Elsa German Shorthaired Pointer Daniel Powers 11 DM
30319 Emmy German Shorthaired Pointer Katelynn Silva 6 DM
24743 Eobard German Shorthaired Pointer Aaron Dagres 69 DMX
25009 Fenrir German Shorthaired Pointer Michelle Livingston 10 DM
18316 Fenway German Shorthaired Pointer Jean-Michel D’Escoubet 108 DMX3
12425 Fife German Shorthaired Pointer Emily Hyler 19 DM
10538 Finley German Shorthaired Pointer Toni Provencher 8 DM
35822 Fiona German Shorthaired Pointer Kimberley Feist 6 DM
32399 Fish German Shorthaired Pointer Rori Smith 29 DM
35293 Fizz German Shorthaired Pointer beth Janos 13 DM
6495 Flir German Shorthaired Pointer Ellen Ritter 28 DMQ18
22727 Forrest German Shorthaired Pointer Bridget Booker 29 DM
26147 Freddie German Shorthaired Pointer Eve Hoehle 9 DM
20181 Gabby German Shorthaired Pointer Ken Tierney 64 DMX
11341 Gary German Shorthaired Pointer Laura Tyson 60 DMX
13414 Gator German Shorthaired Pointer Vicki Gilchrist 34 DMA
17380 Gidget German Shorthaired Pointer Erica Morris 41 DMA
16150 Glory German Shorthaired Pointer Sandy Gonchar 20 DM
11041 Goose German Shorthaired Pointer Gail Kowalkowski 37 DMA
9323 Goose German Shorthaired Pointer Gary Houghton 6 DM
18521 Gracie German Shorthaired Pointer Jennifer Mau 34 DMA
4902 Gracie German Shorthaired Pointer Cynthia Sandstedt 12 DM
7167 Gracie German Shorthaired Pointer Kathleen Kurtz 5 DM
16917 Granger German Shorthaired Pointer Eve Hoehle 6 DM
1066 Grant German Shorthaired Pointer Lynn Rhodes Herman 7 DM
35368 Greta German Shorthaired Pointer Tim Jones 9 DM
28815 Greta Garbo German Shorthaired Pointer William LeMaster 5 DM
8637 Gunner German Shorthaired Pointer Michelle Demler 120 DMX3
4563 Gunner German Shorthaired Pointer Alexandra Dunn 18 DM
8632 Gunner German Shorthaired Pointer Abigail Soto 17 DM
19621 Gunner German Shorthaired Pointer Melanie Smith 21 DM
16883 Gypsy German Shorthaired Pointer Sandra Dannelley 24 DM
8742 Hank German Shorthaired Pointer Melanie Thormahlen 11 DM
12898 Harper German Shorthaired Pointer Leslie Proctor 8 DM
35354 Hazel German Shorthaired Pointer Jackie Porteous 14 DM
4615 Henry German Shorthaired Pointer Lori Hawkins 80 DMX2
13221 Henry German Shorthaired Pointer Jessica Kotuba 33 DMA
25193 Henry German Shorthaired Pointer Sean Walker 12 DM
24765 Herbert German Shorthaired Pointer Kimberly McCann Mahoney 8 DM
18314 Hero German Shorthaired Pointer Sarah Pacacha 34 DMA
35617 Hildi German Shorthaired Pointer Chris Craft 7 DM
30802 Hondo German Shorthaired Pointer JENNIFER M BLAIR 24 DM
31528 Hooch German Shorthaired Pointer Jenny Beadling 7 DM
13558 Hope German Shorthaired Pointer Debra Galan-Parsons 16 DM
10136 Hoyt German Shorthaired Pointer Jordyn Smith 9 DM
25023 Huckleberry German Shorthaired Pointer Anne Buckwald 18 DM
17492 Huckleberry/Huck German Shorthaired Pointer Lee Warren 31 DMA
22676 Image German Shorthaired Pointer Athena Tirre 6 DM
34039 Indy German Shorthaired Pointer Douglas Worden 31 DMA
24374 Indy German Shorthaired Pointer Vincent Fannin 5 DM
37205 Ivy German Shorthaired Pointer Mark MacDonald 12 DM
30222 Izzy German Shorthaired Pointer Emily Hyler 7 DM
31090 Jada German Shorthaired Pointer Brianna Keeling 5 DM
6333 Jade German Shorthaired Pointer McKayley Dannelley 82 DMX2
19324 Jade German Shorthaired Pointer Cristina Hernandez 5 DM
24738 Jaeger German Shorthaired Pointer Laura Nagy 5 DM
9481 Jager German Shorthaired Pointer Thomas O'Connell 16 DM
14001 Jager German Shorthaired Pointer Alfonso Saldana 7 DM
4044 Jameson German Shorthaired Pointer Ky Flock 40 DMA
2683 Jessie Jo German Shorthaired Pointer Jeri Fishack 50 DMA
2088 Jethro German Shorthaired Pointer Connie Sims 36 DMA
31282 JKing German Shorthaired Pointer Tracey Mirgon 30 DMA
1721 Joe German Shorthaired Pointer Barbara Levenson 7 DM
5444 Josey German Shorthaired Pointer Kelly Welch 23 DM
27522 Journey German Shorthaired Pointer Anne De Roo 31 DMA
1956 Journey German Shorthaired Pointer Jennifer Pietrusiewicz 5 DM
16876 Jules German Shorthaired Pointer Sandra Dannelley 21 DM
16648 June German Shorthaired Pointer McKayley Dannelley 36 DMA
17846 Kali German Shorthaired Pointer Martin Card 6 DM
32670 Karter German Shorthaired Pointer Amy Brumley 13 DM
8271 Kennedy German Shorthaired Pointer Gabrielle Ruano Mikell 58 DMX
26885 Kimber German Shorthaired Pointer Amanda Rodieck 61 DMX
26613 Kimber German Shorthaired Pointer Kayleigh Highfill 37 DMA
4184 Klaus German Shorthaired Pointer Bonnie I McLaurin 5 DM
32597 Koa German Shorthaired Pointer Nicole Keagle 7 DM
18053 Koda German Shorthaired Pointer Jennifer Urban 21 DM
15366 Kona German Shorthaired Pointer Kristin Brewer 87 DMX2
7933 Kricket German Shorthaired Pointer Melinda Crismon 94 DMX2
10279 Lane German Shorthaired Pointer Alisha Tomac 57 DMX
5954 Layla German Shorthaired Pointer Anne De Roo 5 DMQ19
29766 Leilani German Shorthaired Pointer Marianne Johnson 57 DMX
25462 Lennyx German Shorthaired Pointer Scarlett Flores 16 DM
14433 Levi German Shorthaired Pointer Tiffany Cessna 104 DMX2
16683 lily German Shorthaired Pointer Alan Christensen 9 DM
1509 Lina German Shorthaired Pointer Diane Prohaska 32 DMA
37898 Lincoln German Shorthaired Pointer Charlotte Dear 6 DM
6855 Link German Shorthaired Pointer Patricia Nicholson 13 DM
14983 Livy German Shorthaired Pointer Tracy Allen 15 DM
30110 Loki German Shorthaired Pointer HAROLD PICKETT 59 DMX
16053 Loretta German Shorthaired Pointer Eve Hoehle 11 DM
32432 LUCA German Shorthaired Pointer Lea Bellando 19 DM
13954 Luna German Shorthaired Pointer Aaron Benz 12 DM
33852 Luther German Shorthaired Pointer Christie Bailey 17 DM
11277 Lyric German Shorthaired Pointer Anne De Roo 70 DMX
34299 Mack German Shorthaired Pointer Taylor Kapphahn 5 DM
13554 Major German Shorthaired Pointer Debbie Kurtz 86 DMX2
12772 Mark German Shorthaired Pointer Robert E Godfrey 12 DM
33909 Marnie German Shorthaired Pointer Tommy Fox 13 DM
9081 Marshall German Shorthaired Pointer Danika Melnar 13 DM
13174 Marty McFly German Shorthaired Pointer Marina Daniels 10 DM
36258 Mason German Shorthaired Pointer Melissa Nice 5 DM
13385 Maverick German Shorthaired Pointer Kim Thicke 5 DM
22086 Maverick German Shorthaired Pointer Louis Schwarz 21 DM
8200 Max German Shorthaired Pointer Ken Ross 41 DMA
24431 Maya German Shorthaired Pointer Lauren Phillips 42 DMA
19343 Maya German Shorthaired Pointer George Campopiano 5 DM
30741 Meadow German Shorthaired Pointer David Mears 16 DM
7603 Meg German Shorthaired Pointer Creighton Corlis 8 DM
8019 Mercy Me German Shorthaired Pointer Cynthia Sandstedt 36 DMA
6517 Mia German Shorthaired Pointer beth Janos 8 DM
4372 Mickey German Shorthaired Pointer Jennifer Tanner 33 DMA
32428 Miley German Shorthaired Pointer Erika Rockenstein 18 DM
29563 Miller German Shorthaired Pointer Emma Sanders 7 DM
9963 Millie German Shorthaired Pointer Lauren Kruders 11 DMQ18
21799 Millie German Shorthaired Pointer Emily Barritt 5 DM
1377 Milly German Shorthaired Pointer Kody Smith 5 DM
2876 Miss M German Shorthaired Pointer Susan Harrison 13 DMQ19
7565 Moose German Shorthaired Pointer Allyson Strother 41 DMA
31931 Moose German Shorthaired Pointer Jeri Fishack 5 DM
4487 Murphy German Shorthaired Pointer Emily Hyler 55 DMX
11333 Myles German Shorthaired Pointer Jenna Lewis 5 DM
26943 Na'Vi German Shorthaired Pointer Vanessa Camarena 9 DM
5650 Nan German Shorthaired Pointer Jana Ewing 19 DMQ19
25974 Nash German Shorthaired Pointer Brooke Lyford 19 DM
25993 Neo German Shorthaired Pointer Christi Abshire 8 DM
16948 Nisha German Shorthaired Pointer Megan Palmer 34 DMA
22299 Nitro German Shorthaired Pointer Jordan Armstrong 123 DMX3
22859 Nixy German Shorthaired Pointer Ruth Lachapelle 10 DM
4104 Nova German Shorthaired Pointer Beverly Quarles 58 DMX
9031 Oakley German Shorthaired Pointer Brian Ranft 5 DM
14205 Oliver German Shorthaired Pointer Marina Daniels 8 DM
22388 Oliver German Shorthaired Pointer Carter Jensen 18 DM
6292 Ophelia German Shorthaired Pointer Michael Kaliban 5 DM
29671 OTIS German Shorthaired Pointer Teresa Rauch 14 DM
21669 Otto German Shorthaired Pointer Lara Richards 58 DMX
17026 Paisley German Shorthaired Pointer Codie Ambrose 7 DM
11868 Pandora German Shorthaired Pointer Katie Smiley 105 DMX3
4922 Parker German Shorthaired Pointer Fawn Kovach 67 DMX
19428 Phire-Fly German Shorthaired Pointer Aimee McDougall 19 DM
6367 Phoebe German Shorthaired Pointer Erin Thompson 41 DMA
8087 Phoenix German Shorthaired Pointer Mike Moritz 84 DMX2
13948 Phoenix German Shorthaired Pointer David Palumbo 5 DM
16730 Picadilly German Shorthaired Pointer Molly McCown 61 DMX
24562 Piper German Shorthaired Pointer Brooke Kastner 30 DMA
6781 Poker German Shorthaired Pointer Ellen Ritter 36 DMA
18461 Porter German Shorthaired Pointer Mindy Dang 10 DM
24615 Prince German Shorthaired Pointer Carleen Sutheimer 5 DM
16816 Quincy German Shorthaired Pointer Mary Ellen Whyte 8 DM
14131 Ramsey German Shorthaired Pointer Lindsy Levesque 6 DM
6682 Rascal German Shorthaired Pointer Juli Thompson 6 DM
6542 Reagan German Shorthaired Pointer Michael Szyjka 9 DM
3937 Reese German Shorthaired Pointer Tamara Strassenberg 140 DMX4
22701 Remi German Shorthaired Pointer Andrew Wordekemper 28 DM
25497 Remington German Shorthaired Pointer Stephanie Mowery 67 DMX
24050 Rex German Shorthaired Pointer Sharon Furman 16 DM
4493 Rhett German Shorthaired Pointer Lindsey Nicholas 73 DMX
14167 Rhett German Shorthaired Pointer Tamara Strassenberg 31 DMA
12059 Ricochet German Shorthaired Pointer Mike Moritz 45 DMA
12417 Riddick German Shorthaired Pointer Jennifer Herdman 83 DMX2
14430 Ridge German Shorthaired Pointer Brad & Sallie Jordan 107 DMX3
16818 Ridge German Shorthaired Pointer Brent Henry 26 DM
35572 Riley German Shorthaired Pointer Jill Walters 67 DMX
25942 Risk German Shorthaired Pointer Ashley Tilden 9 DM
33177 RJ German Shorthaired Pointer Jill Walters 12 DM
13947 Rocky German Shorthaired Pointer Alan Christensen 41 DMA
27298 Rolo German Shorthaired Pointer Sally Harris 7 DM
33076 Ropyr German Shorthaired Pointer Victoria Harvey 9 DM
21512 Rosy German Shorthaired Pointer Dawn Watkins 14 DM
24293 Roxy German Shorthaired Pointer Bric Steed 5 DM
11436 Ruger German Shorthaired Pointer Kristina Tamburr 57 DMX
23831 Ruger German Shorthaired Pointer Michael D'Arville 45 DMA
33299 Ruger German Shorthaired Pointer Cassandra Wheeler 34 DMA
1895 Rumor German Shorthaired Pointer Beth DeVries 6 DM
33587 Rush German Shorthaired Pointer Melaine Cheater 40 DMA
28346 RyeLee German Shorthaired Pointer Donna Hart-Miller 55 DMX
28923 Ryker German Shorthaired Pointer Kerry Jonas 14 DM
24504 Sabine German Shorthaired Pointer Carrie Pelzer 16 DM
8776 Sage German Shorthaired Pointer Cheri Raines 7 DM
11580 Sage German Shorthaired Pointer Emily DelFiandra 6 DM
19868 Samson German Shorthaired Pointer Elizabeth Knisely 48 DMA
22381 Scarlett German Shorthaired Pointer Samantha Thomas 17 DM
13390 Schatzi German Shorthaired Pointer William Gelok 17 DM
5993 Scout German Shorthaired Pointer Bryan Baldwin 121 DMX3
17077 Scout German Shorthaired Pointer Alicia Haberstich 73 DMX
20045 Scuba Stevie German Shorthaired Pointer Eve Hoehle 15 DM
27037 Shatzi German Shorthaired Pointer Danielle Lee 6 DM
6426 Si Michael German Shorthaired Pointer Giuliana Templeton 11 DM
11167 Sinjin German Shorthaired Pointer Danielle Nelson 88 DMX2
29738 Skeeter German Shorthaired Pointer Alicia Haberstich 11 DM
12522 Smoke German Shorthaired Pointer Vicki Gilchrist 8 DM
27707 Stark German Shorthaired Pointer Tiffany & Trevyn DuBois 9 DM
30928 Stella German Shorthaired Pointer Judith Lemieux 88 DMX2
35688 Stella German Shorthaired Pointer Michele Newman 25 DM
23754 Stitch German Shorthaired Pointer Bethany Carter 12 DM
26603 Story German Shorthaired Pointer Robin Richter 7 DM
32225 Strider German Shorthaired Pointer Tiffany Cessna 21 DM
23195 Summit German Shorthaired Pointer Erin Hill 11 DM
13289 Sydney German Shorthaired Pointer Karen Combs 102 DMX2
22058 Talala German Shorthaired Pointer Christopher Skinner-Bland 12 DM
30400 Tally German Shorthaired Pointer Chenin Doiron 57 DMX
24475 Talon German Shorthaired Pointer Joshua Taylor 17 DM
4349 Tavi German Shorthaired Pointer Meghan Bodie 11 DM
13281 Thor German Shorthaired Pointer Lisa Zimmerman 84 DMX2
16487 Tia German Shorthaired Pointer Heather Carstens 56 DMX
20019 TinkerBell German Shorthaired Pointer Melissa Peterson-Ney 65 DMX
5649 Tipper German Shorthaired Pointer Jana Ewing 51 DMA
12060 Titan German Shorthaired Pointer Michelle Demler 51 DMA
11197 Toby German Shorthaired Pointer Julie Jernigan 17 DMQ19
15304 Trooper German Shorthaired Pointer Betsey Knight 7 DM
30840 Tucker German Shorthaired Pointer Robert Rynkiewicz 31 DMA
4234 Tucker German Shorthaired Pointer Christina Wertz 8 DM
18573 Tucker German Shorthaired Pointer Edie Fisher 28 DM
25846 Tucker German Shorthaired Pointer Kyra Moore 9 DM
21830 Twig German Shorthaired Pointer Robert Elliott 63 DMX
36840 Uppercut German Shorthaired Pointer Renee Verner 19 DM
12424 Vader German Shorthaired Pointer Emily Hyler 17 DM
12608 Vader German Shorthaired Pointer Beth DeVries 13 DM
11073 Vince German Shorthaired Pointer Kimberly Rupert 33 DMA
7914 Violet German Shorthaired Pointer Kelly Ladrigan 6 DM
2746 Vogue German Shorthaired Pointer Kyle Gotthardt 24 DM
17331 Walker German Shorthaired Pointer Brittany Brauer 5 DM
17989 Wally German Shorthaired Pointer Janet Wisneski 30 DMA
31887 Warden German Shorthaired Pointer Laura Crickenberger 11 DM
29251 Waylon German Shorthaired Pointer Kayleigh Duarte 15 DM
27848 Wednesday German Shorthaired Pointer Cristina Ralph 8 DM
9920 Wild German Shorthaired Pointer Kelly Lengle 60 DMX
25581 Willow German Shorthaired Pointer Kerry Cloud 11 DM
17367 Willy German Shorthaired Pointer Mark Elliott 8 DM
5238 Wilson German Shorthaired Pointer Jason Hyler 11 DM
28687 Winslow German Shorthaired Pointer Mark Yamashita 25 DM
25079 Winx German Shorthaired Pointer Patty Ewing 7 DM
21034 Wren German Shorthaired Pointer Brynn Bross 6 DM
24462 Wrigley German Shorthaired Pointer Jean-Michel D’Escoubet 40 DMA
9158 Wyatt German Shorthaired Pointer Mark DiRienzo 6 DM
25115 Wynonna German Shorthaired Pointer Ashley Chalfant 37 DMA
19217 Xena German Shorthaired Pointer Susan Neher 82 DMX2
14634 Xena German Shorthaired Pointer Sarah Pacacha 27 DM
27056 Yeti German Shorthaired Pointer William James 5 DM
18076 Zana German Shorthaired Pointer Isabelle Bernard 67 DMX
29688 Zeke German Shorthaired Pointer Destini Alexander 20 DM
31893 Zenli German Shorthaired Pointer Kaitie McCormack 9 DM
22875 Zeppelin German Shorthaired Pointer Denise LeBleu 53 DMA
9814 Zeus German Shorthaired Pointer Stephanie Oosterhof 13 DMQ18
23232 Ziggy German Shorthaired Pointer Jamie Hubiak 26 DM
17667 Zion German Shorthaired Pointer Michelle Demler 24 DM
NADD ID Call Name Breed Owner Total Jumps Title
9243 Abbie German Shorthaired Pointer Jana Ewing 19 DS
15203 Abby German Shorthaired Pointer Dianne Klingensmith 110 DSX3
31609 Abel German Shorthaired Pointer Jared Quade 6 DS
12468 Ada German Shorthaired Pointer Kaylan Hopper 14 DS
27668 Ah-liv (olive) German Shorthaired Pointer Molly McCown 6 DS
1807 Andy German Shorthaired Pointer Cora Pizzitola 7 DSQ18
2282 AnnaBelle German Shorthaired Pointer Richard Studer 24 DS
15762 Archer German Shorthaired Pointer Carly DeArmond 48 DSA
31382 Archer German Shorthaired Pointer Heaven Keener 6 DS
13311 Archie German Shorthaired Pointer Patrick Dunleavy 7 DS
32316 Ari German Shorthaired Pointer Eric Honeycutt 7 DS
11717 Arrow German Shorthaired Pointer Haleigh Cepurno 11 DS
9324 Asher German Shorthaired Pointer Gary Houghton 9 DS
24781 Aspen German Shorthaired Pointer Michelle Molkenthine 62 DSX
4464 Atreyu German Shorthaired Pointer Eric Murphy 49 DSA
11684 Axel German Shorthaired Pointer Barbara Hessell 19 DS
18104 Axel German Shorthaired Pointer Kelsie Boswell 5 DS
9883 Axel German Shorthaired Pointer Laura Nagy 12 DS
8749 Baby Dew German Shorthaired Pointer Christopher Skinner-Bland 21 DS
25895 Bacardi German Shorthaired Pointer Renee Peretto 11 DS
7054 Bailey German Shorthaired Pointer Fawn Kovach 21 DS
26848 Bama German Shorthaired Pointer Serena DaSilva 8 DS
28090 Bandit German Shorthaired Pointer Kimberlee Levee 20 DS
12873 Baron German Shorthaired Pointer Mike Moritz 75 DSX
13744 Basil German Shorthaired Pointer Kim Luskey 14 DS
10407 Bax German Shorthaired Pointer Johanna Huxel 56 DSX
12946 Beau German Shorthaired Pointer Jami Meath 18 DS
4082 Bella German Shorthaired Pointer Patty Smithers 5 DS
6763 Bella German Shorthaired Pointer Madison Zamudio 6 DS
5251 Belle German Shorthaired Pointer Janelle Mondi 57 DSX
32577 Belle German Shorthaired Pointer Pam Stillman 9 DS
30792 Ben German Shorthaired Pointer Cheryl Harris 8 DS
35090 Berlin German Shorthaired Pointer Kathy Paradis-Bergeron 7 DS
27846 Blaise German Shorthaired Pointer Cristina Ralph 5 DS
26193 Bleu German Shorthaired Pointer Kathleen Kurtz 23 DS
11015 Blitz German Shorthaired Pointer Emily Shirey 10 DS
10608 Blitz German Shorthaired Pointer Sheri Fastenrath 9 DS
14429 Blush German Shorthaired Pointer Tiffany Cessna 42 DSA
35954 Bode German Shorthaired Pointer Jamie Libow 6 DS
23501 Boden German Shorthaired Pointer Megan McGuire 5 DS
5224 Bond German Shorthaired Pointer Morgan Mandeville 16 DS
17959 Bonnie German Shorthaired Pointer Kristina Tamburr 22 DS
18892 Bonnie German Shorthaired Pointer Kelli Dwyer 7 DS
10743 Boone German Shorthaired Pointer Andrea Martsolf 8 DS
7811 Bowie German Shorthaired Pointer Tina Craig 9 DS
5540 Brew German Shorthaired Pointer Denise Avery 9 DS
20821 Briar German Shorthaired Pointer Cheri Raines 16 DS
14426 Brice German Shorthaired Pointer Tiffany Cessna 62 DSX
37352 Brie German Shorthaired Pointer Dorothea Hand 5 DS
23194 Brighton German Shorthaired Pointer Erin Hill 16 DS
13182 Bristol German Shorthaired Pointer Nicole Maples 22 DS
24282 Brook German Shorthaired Pointer Tina Metcalf 21 DS
3341 Bubba German Shorthaired Pointer William Burns 14 DS
30315 Buck German Shorthaired Pointer Courtney Hyso 12 DS
17456 Buckshot German Shorthaired Pointer Mike Moritz 43 DSA
30776 Buddy German Shorthaired Pointer Cape Bell 8 DS
15379 Bullseye German Shorthaired Pointer Ginny Studer 13 DS
35696 Buster German Shorthaired Pointer Alicia Strickland 5 DS
16880 Cadence German Shorthaired Pointer Karter Hunt 8 DS
7359 Caesar German Shorthaired Pointer Allyson Strother 168 DSX5
36885 Callie German Shorthaired Pointer Donna McMullen 10 DS
18487 Cannoli German Shorthaired Pointer Raylene piazza 6 DS
31896 Captain Mallard German Shorthaired Pointer Ariel David 16 DS
13695 Carat German Shorthaired Pointer Kayla Swanberg 8 DS
9249 Cayde German Shorthaired Pointer Ann Claire Lester 35 DSA
30981 Chainsaw German Shorthaired Pointer Philip Stevens 11 DS
1967 Charlie German Shorthaired Pointer Vanessa Dalton 5 DS
37311 Charlie German Shorthaired Pointer Laurence Lambert 10 DS
14432 Chase German Shorthaired Pointer Jean & Dave Harvey 74 DSX
16935 Cheyenne German Shorthaired Pointer Jennifer Bohac 21 DS
18480 Chief German Shorthaired Pointer Theresa Boxdorfer 30 DSA
23599 Chip German Shorthaired Pointer Mary Ann Anger 34 DSA
31436 Claire German Shorthaired Pointer Debbie and Chris Swain 27 DS
15632 Clarity German Shorthaired Pointer Kayla Swanberg 35 DSA
8608 Clay German Shorthaired Pointer Alisha Tomac 72 DSX
32669 Clay German Shorthaired Pointer Amy Brumley 10 DS
7354 Cleo German Shorthaired Pointer Allyson Strother 70 DSX
26981 Clutch German Shorthaired Pointer Brittney Castle 8 DS
31519 Coal German Shorthaired Pointer Kayla Swanberg 7 DS
32089 Coal German Shorthaired Pointer David Mears 18 DS
17758 Cobra German Shorthaired Pointer Kelly Ladrigan 14 DS
8144 Cola German Shorthaired Pointer Lisa Paisley 14 DS
7253 Cole German Shorthaired Pointer Carol Chadwick 13 DS
26126 Cooper German Shorthaired Pointer Lauren Phillips 10 DS
29866 Cope German Shorthaired Pointer Dominique Turmel 10 DS
11371 Copper German Shorthaired Pointer Gina Flores 5 DS
3955 Corndog German Shorthaired Pointer Angela Moore 9 DS
27992 Crockett German Shorthaired Pointer Christie Auck 8 DS
32665 Cru German Shorthaired Pointer Molly Brame 10 DS
31049 Cruiser German Shorthaired Pointer Elizabeth Ritchie 5 DS
6677 Cruz German Shorthaired Pointer Carrie Morris 16 DS
3667 Cy German Shorthaired Pointer Caitlin Carroll 5 DS
8451 Cy German Shorthaired Pointer Chris Vogel 6 DS
34046 Dakota German Shorthaired Pointer Lisa Cain 27 DS
37323 Dax German Shorthaired Pointer Izabella Pompei 5 DS
4523 Dax German Shorthaired Pointer Annette Henke 23 DS
5627 Deacan German Shorthaired Pointer Ellen Cavalla 8 DS
25896 Delta German Shorthaired Pointer Laine Jewell 5 DS
13679 Denny German Shorthaired Pointer Pamela Spencer 9 DS
12839 Deuce German Shorthaired Pointer Jami Meath 6 DS
12124 Diamond German Shorthaired Pointer Ed Kerr 25 DS
21999 Diesel German Shorthaired Pointer Chani St. Jean 7 DS
31288 Dixie German Shorthaired Pointer Douglas Fulwider 10 DS
17056 Dixie German Shorthaired Pointer Dana Brown 19 DS
14236 Dixie German Shorthaired Pointer Daniel Powers 24 DS
12283 Doris German Shorthaired Pointer Victoria Tesh 34 DSA
23164 Drake German Shorthaired Pointer Scotque Massett 21 DS
13946 Duchess German Shorthaired Pointer Christie Bailey 27 DS
10949 Duchess German Shorthaired Pointer Allyson Strother 19 DS
29968 Duck German Shorthaired Pointer Bailey Greiner 19 DS
4053 Dylan German Shorthaired Pointer John Roland 5 DS
14713 Eamon German Shorthaired Pointer Karen Reilly 7 DS
26323 Echo German Shorthaired Pointer Kristi Carpenter 41 DSA
22463 Echo German Shorthaired Pointer Stephen Zozzaro 8 DS
9865 Eddie German Shorthaired Pointer Cheryl Harris 59 DSX
1510 Eden German Shorthaired Pointer Judi Glickman 22 DS
20418 Eirinn German Shorthaired Pointer Karen Combs 10 DS
14223 Ella German Shorthaired Pointer Osvaldo Miranda 5 DS
35593 Ella German Shorthaired Pointer Renay Thomas 15 DS
32381 Ellie German Shorthaired Pointer Carol Powell 8 DS
16250 Elsa German Shorthaired Pointer Daniel Powers 62 DSX
7699 Elsa German Shorthaired Pointer Stacie Smith 5 DS
31087 Elsa German Shorthaired Pointer Kelsea Peace 5 DS
28121 Emery German Shorthaired Pointer Gail Docherty 6 DS
30319 Emmy German Shorthaired Pointer Katelynn Silva 5 DS
18298 Envy German Shorthaired Pointer Tina Hince 6 DS
1180 Enzo German Shorthaired Pointer Kelly Lengle 34 DSA
24743 Eobard German Shorthaired Pointer Aaron Dagres 17 DS
11331 Fate German Shorthaired Pointer Ed Kerr 33 DSA
25009 Fenrir German Shorthaired Pointer Michelle Livingston 27 DS
18316 Fenway German Shorthaired Pointer Jean-Michel D’Escoubet 9 DS
1080 Fergie German Shorthaired Pointer Meichelle Feinberg 7 DS
12425 Fife German Shorthaired Pointer Emily Hyler 6 DS
28344 Fina German Shorthaired Pointer Meghan Bodie 5 DS
6770 Findley German Shorthaired Pointer Deanna Glasgow 31 DSA
10538 Finley German Shorthaired Pointer Toni Provencher 35 DSA
35822 Fiona German Shorthaired Pointer Kimberley Feist 6 DS
32399 Fish German Shorthaired Pointer Rori Smith 25 DS
35293 Fizz German Shorthaired Pointer beth Janos 7 DS
6495 Flir German Shorthaired Pointer Ellen Ritter 23 DS
35747 Floyd German Shorthaired Pointer Denise LeBleu 18 DS
34901 Freya German Shorthaired Pointer Dorothea Hand 6 DS
14151 Fynn German Shorthaired Pointer Holly Wendricks 6 DS
20181 Gabby German Shorthaired Pointer Ken Tierney 6 DS
2112 Gabe German Shorthaired Pointer Janet Wisneski 29 DS
6210 Gator German Shorthaired Pointer Alexandra Dunn 5 DS
29398 George German Shorthaired Pointer Yasmin Radinsky 12 DS
24672 Ghost German Shorthaired Pointer Susan Lewis 6 DS
17380 Gidget German Shorthaired Pointer Erica Morris 10 DS
2789 Gigi German Shorthaired Pointer Dorothea Hand 33 DSA
16150 Glory German Shorthaired Pointer Sandy Gonchar 13 DS
11041 Goose German Shorthaired Pointer Gail Kowalkowski 17 DS
18521 Gracie German Shorthaired Pointer Jennifer Mau 126 DSX3
4902 Gracie German Shorthaired Pointer Cynthia Sandstedt 5 DS
7167 Gracie German Shorthaired Pointer Kathleen Kurtz 6 DS
4500 Gracie German Shorthaired Pointer Robert Oertel 5 DS
16917 Granger German Shorthaired Pointer Eve Hoehle 12 DS
1066 Grant German Shorthaired Pointer Lynn Rhodes Herman 12 DS
36473 groot German Shorthaired Pointer Alexandra Dunn 9 DS
8637 Gunner German Shorthaired Pointer Michelle Demler 87 DSX2
8632 Gunner German Shorthaired Pointer Abigail Soto 6 DS
4563 Gunner German Shorthaired Pointer Alexandra Dunn 11 DS
20178 Gunner German Shorthaired Pointer Katie Ballard 6 DS
19012 Gunny German Shorthaired Pointer Margaret Black 22 DS
16883 Gypsy German Shorthaired Pointer Sandra Dannelley 33 DSA
9749 Gypsy German Shorthaired Pointer Samantha Mcdaniel 5 DS
27076 Hailey German Shorthaired Pointer Sara Murphy 5 DS
12586 Halligan German Shorthaired Pointer Jennifer Herdman 17 DS
1397 Hank German Shorthaired Pointer Lynn Browne 7 DS
27989 Hank German Shorthaired Pointer Stacey Bryan 6 DS
19611 Hanna German Shorthaired Pointer Jonathan Dever 5 DS
33830 Hannah German Shorthaired Pointer Renay Thomas 7 DS
24931 Harper German Shorthaired Pointer Virginia Rowe 7 DS
14671 Harvest German Shorthaired Pointer Robin Mahoney 59 DSX
18390 Harvey German Shorthaired Pointer Jami Meath 6 DS
13221 Henry German Shorthaired Pointer Jessica Kotuba 63 DSX
17833 Henry German Shorthaired Pointer Christina Wildes 14 DS
4615 Henry German Shorthaired Pointer Lori Hawkins 9 DS
24765 Herbert German Shorthaired Pointer Kimberly McCann Mahoney 18 DS
18314 Hero German Shorthaired Pointer Sarah Pacacha 7 DS
27303 Hobbes German Shorthaired Pointer Kayleigh Carini 17 DS
30802 Hondo German Shorthaired Pointer JENNIFER M BLAIR 100 DSX2
30388 Honey German Shorthaired Pointer Megan Abe 8 DS
13558 Hope German Shorthaired Pointer Debra Galan-Parsons 39 DSA
10136 Hoyt German Shorthaired Pointer Jordyn Smith 9 DS
17492 Huckleberry/Huck German Shorthaired Pointer Lee Warren 10 DS
4385 Huk German Shorthaired Pointer Diann Fisk 9 DS
9172 Hunter German Shorthaired Pointer Tom Skabry 50 DSA
23377 Hunter German Shorthaired Pointer Janet Hughes 6 DS
19412 Hustler German Shorthaired Pointer Tina Hince 6 DS
26676 Hyde German Shorthaired Pointer Sierra Combs 8 DS
5132 I-Zyk German Shorthaired Pointer Stefanie Slaughter 24 DS
22676 Image German Shorthaired Pointer Athena Tirre 6 DS
34039 Indy German Shorthaired Pointer Douglas Worden 15 DS
24374 Indy German Shorthaired Pointer Vincent Fannin 11 DS
12578 Inge German Shorthaired Pointer Christopher Skinner-Bland 5 DS
17678 Ivy German Shorthaired Pointer Jami Meath 5 DS
9448 Izzie German Shorthaired Pointer Denise Ross 8 DS
30222 Izzy German Shorthaired Pointer Emily Hyler 35 DSA
6333 Jade German Shorthaired Pointer McKayley Dannelley 10 DS
24738 Jaeger German Shorthaired Pointer Laura Nagy 11 DS
9481 Jager German Shorthaired Pointer Thomas O'Connell 8 DS
22334 Jäger German Shorthaired Pointer Kathryn Cole 5 DS
13043 Jasmine German Shorthaired Pointer Rochelle Thomson 14 DS
37219 Jasper German Shorthaired Pointer Carley Simpson 6 DS
34333 Jax German Shorthaired Pointer Steven Guidroz 25 DS
37764 Jaycee German Shorthaired Pointer Renee Peretto 5 DS
25078 Jennie German Shorthaired Pointer April Hole 6 DS
2683 Jessie Jo German Shorthaired Pointer Jeri Fishack 21 DS
2088 Jethro German Shorthaired Pointer Connie Sims 14 DS
31282 JKing German Shorthaired Pointer Tracey Mirgon 68 DSX
1721 Joe German Shorthaired Pointer Barbara Levenson 7 DS
11040 Jolene German Shorthaired Pointer Ashley Chalfant 5 DS
5444 Josey German Shorthaired Pointer Kelly Welch 12 DS
15844 Journey German Shorthaired Pointer Sandra Dannelley 15 DS
16876 Jules German Shorthaired Pointer Sandra Dannelley 35 DSA
16648 June German Shorthaired Pointer McKayley Dannelley 7 DS
17846 Kali German Shorthaired Pointer Martin Card 5 DS
25585 Karma German Shorthaired Pointer Tammy Hawkins 45 DSA
4671 Kate German Shorthaired Pointer David Palumbo 8 DS
4510 KC German Shorthaired Pointer Audrey Reed 5 DS
25796 Keen German Shorthaired Pointer Gary Houghton 6 DS
36558 Kick German Shorthaired Pointer Elizabeth (Beth) Harless 5 DS
26885 Kimber German Shorthaired Pointer Amanda Rodieck 30 DSA
26613 Kimber German Shorthaired Pointer Kayleigh Highfill 9 DS
28862 Kimber German Shorthaired Pointer Paul Gilley 6 DS
17820 Kipling German Shorthaired Pointer Kimberly Petts 5 DS
2636 Kit German Shorthaired Pointer Billie Jo Weeks 12 DS
15234 Koda German Shorthaired Pointer Amelia Ruppert 30 DSA
15366 Kona German Shorthaired Pointer Kristin Brewer 19 DS
28357 Kori German Shorthaired Pointer Emily Buller 9 DS
7933 Kricket German Shorthaired Pointer Melinda Crismon 60 DSX
7304 Kweli German Shorthaired Pointer Mariana Xavier 16 DS
18827 Lady German Shorthaired Pointer Victoria Dolan 9 DS
14087 Lady Bird German Shorthaired Pointer Ellen Cavalla 6 DS
29739 Lager German Shorthaired Pointer Jenny Beadling 7 DS
23206 Lakey German Shorthaired Pointer Kristen Riddley 5 DS
10279 Lane German Shorthaired Pointer Alisha Tomac 9 DS
5954 Layla German Shorthaired Pointer Anne De Roo 193 DSX6
29766 Leilani German Shorthaired Pointer Marianne Johnson 25 DS
25462 Lennyx German Shorthaired Pointer Scarlett Flores 12 DS
14433 Levi German Shorthaired Pointer Tiffany Cessna 20 DS
24682 Levy German Shorthaired Pointer Sierra Combs 7 DS
15098 Lewis German Shorthaired Pointer Molly McCown 9 DS
25715 Lexi German Shorthaired Pointer Cynthia Sandstedt 6 DS
16683 lily German Shorthaired Pointer Alan Christensen 57 DSX
34175 Lily German Shorthaired Pointer Christie Auck 16 DS
1509 Lina German Shorthaired Pointer Diane Prohaska 23 DS
6855 Link German Shorthaired Pointer Patricia Nicholson 15 DS
14983 Livy German Shorthaired Pointer Tracy Allen 5 DS
30110 Loki German Shorthaired Pointer HAROLD PICKETT 15 DS
34755 Loki German Shorthaired Pointer Lori McNeal 10 DS
37312 Loki German Shorthaired Pointer Jorge Carrillo 7 DS
16053 Loretta German Shorthaired Pointer Eve Hoehle 60 DSX
14234 Louie German Shorthaired Pointer Cheri Raines 6 DS
2841 Lucky German Shorthaired Pointer Clint Henning 5 DS
35591 Luka German Shorthaired Pointer Renay Thomas 6 DS
11366 Luna German Shorthaired Pointer Tina Ferguson 14 DS
7255 Luna German Shorthaired Pointer Carol Chadwick 5 DS
13954 Luna German Shorthaired Pointer Aaron Benz 7 DS
33852 Luther German Shorthaired Pointer Christie Bailey 10 DS
11277 Lyric German Shorthaired Pointer Anne De Roo 8 DS
11398 Mae German Shorthaired Pointer John Hesse 8 DS
30165 Maggie German Shorthaired Pointer Katherine Meik 7 DS
9239 Mahi German Shorthaired Pointer Christina Cantu 5 DS
14550 Maisy German Shorthaired Pointer Catherine Hutchings 6 DS
2744 Marburg German Shorthaired Pointer Douglas Wakeland 7 DS
12772 Mark German Shorthaired Pointer Robert E Godfrey 13 DS
33909 Marnie German Shorthaired Pointer Tommy Fox 15 DS
9081 Marshall German Shorthaired Pointer Danika Melnar 67 DSX
13174 Marty McFly German Shorthaired Pointer Marina Daniels 14 DS
36258 Mason German Shorthaired Pointer Melissa Nice 6 DS
30910 Max German Shorthaired Pointer Tiffany Cessna 6 DS
8200 Max German Shorthaired Pointer Ken Ross 24 DS
6430 Mayhem German Shorthaired Pointer Aleigh Zaidan 5 DS
30741 Meadow German Shorthaired Pointer David Mears 16 DS
8019 Mercy Me German Shorthaired Pointer Cynthia Sandstedt 49 DSA
33843 Merle German Shorthaired Pointer Sarah Seelow 8 DS
6517 Mia German Shorthaired Pointer beth Janos 18 DS
4372 Mickey German Shorthaired Pointer Jennifer Tanner 5 DS
29563 Miller German Shorthaired Pointer Emma Sanders 7 DS
9963 Millie German Shorthaired Pointer Lauren Kruders 18 DS
21799 Millie German Shorthaired Pointer Emily Barritt 7 DS
1377 Milly German Shorthaired Pointer Kody Smith 6 DS
17740 Minerva German Shorthaired Pointer Sasha Scheib 11 DS
2876 Miss M German Shorthaired Pointer Susan Harrison 39 DSA
34658 Mona German Shorthaired Pointer Melinda Benbow 5 DS
17127 Moolah German Shorthaired Pointer Stephanie Clemons 23 DS
7565 Moose German Shorthaired Pointer Allyson Strother 68 DSX
9238 Morgen German Shorthaired Pointer Peggy Sieve 32 DSA
13622 Moxie German Shorthaired Pointer Judy Schroeder 37 DSA
27539 Murphy German Shorthaired Pointer Melanie Galinger 13 DS
4487 Murphy German Shorthaired Pointer Emily Hyler 21 DS
23804 Murphy German Shorthaired Pointer Michael Usher 5 DS
26943 Na'Vi German Shorthaired Pointer Vanessa Camarena 7 DS
5650 Nan German Shorthaired Pointer Jana Ewing 33 DSA
25974 Nash German Shorthaired Pointer Brooke Lyford 7 DS
18578 Natalie German Shorthaired Pointer Mary Sparks 21 DS
34138 Nibs German Shorthaired Pointer Melissa Peterson-Ney 5 DS
9802 Nikon German Shorthaired Pointer Cheri Raines 30 DSA
13075 Nikon German Shorthaired Pointer Tina Hince 6 DS
16948 Nisha German Shorthaired Pointer Megan Palmer 19 DS
22299 Nitro German Shorthaired Pointer Jordan Armstrong 12 DS
22859 Nixy German Shorthaired Pointer Ruth Lachapelle 9 DS
4104 Nova German Shorthaired Pointer Beverly Quarles 38 DSA
20206 Nyx German Shorthaired Pointer Joanna Lee 8 DS
2737 Oakley German Shorthaired Pointer Judy Zeigler 6 DS
14205 Oliver German Shorthaired Pointer Marina Daniels 5 DS
22388 Oliver German Shorthaired Pointer Carter Jensen 8 DS
6292 Ophelia German Shorthaired Pointer Michael Kaliban 24 DS
14527 Oscar German Shorthaired Pointer Danika Melnar 7 DS
21669 Otto German Shorthaired Pointer Lara Richards 8 DS
2514 Ozzy German Shorthaired Pointer Becky Feigh 5 DS
17026 Paisley German Shorthaired Pointer Codie Ambrose 8 DS
19633 Paisley German Shorthaired Pointer Emily Hyler 10 DS
11868 Pandora German Shorthaired Pointer Katie Smiley 15 DS
4922 Parker German Shorthaired Pointer Fawn Kovach 11 DS
3902 Pearl German Shorthaired Pointer Mat Miller 39 DSA
32499 Pepper Potts German Shorthaired Pointer Tiffany & Trevyn DuBois 11 DS
19428 Phire-Fly German Shorthaired Pointer Aimee McDougall 11 DS
8087 Phoenix German Shorthaired Pointer Mike Moritz 61 DSX
11989 Phoenix German Shorthaired Pointer Erica Morris 64 DSX
13948 Phoenix German Shorthaired Pointer David Palumbo 10 DS
16730 Picadilly German Shorthaired Pointer Molly McCown 20 DS
24562 Piper German Shorthaired Pointer Brooke Kastner 15 DS
18350 Pippa German Shorthaired Pointer Courtney Campeau 7 DS
13496 Pistol Pete German Shorthaired Pointer Janet Burroughs 5 DS
6781 Poker German Shorthaired Pointer Ellen Ritter 47 DSA
18048 Poppy German Shorthaired Pointer Jami Meath 6 DS
18461 Porter German Shorthaired Pointer Mindy Dang 5 DS
21219 Porter German Shorthaired Pointer William James 10 DS
1398 Possum German Shorthaired Pointer Eleanor Campbell 27 DS
14431 Prim Rose German Shorthaired Pointer Tiffany Cessna 7 DS
24615 Prince German Shorthaired Pointer Carleen Sutheimer 7 DS
18707 Quest German Shorthaired Pointer Ronny Wiltz 37 DSA
16816 Quincy German Shorthaired Pointer Mary Ellen Whyte 7 DS
14090 Quinn German Shorthaired Pointer Liam Murphy 9 DS
10867 Radar German Shorthaired Pointer Shantrel Tinsley 21 DS
9345 Ramsay German Shorthaired Pointer Francesca Marsh 5 DS
6682 Rascal German Shorthaired Pointer Juli Thompson 11 DS
6542 Reagan German Shorthaired Pointer Michael Szyjka 7 DS
7537 Rebel German Shorthaired Pointer Andrea Martsolf 11 DS
3937 Reese German Shorthaired Pointer Tamara Strassenberg 45 DSA
26238 Reese German Shorthaired Pointer Deborah Rein 5 DS
8160 Reigna German Shorthaired Pointer Tina Craig 6 DS
22701 Remi German Shorthaired Pointer Andrew Wordekemper 24 DS
25497 Remington German Shorthaired Pointer Stephanie Mowery 62 DSX
24050 Rex German Shorthaired Pointer Sharon Furman 61 DSX
37197 Rex German Shorthaired Pointer DAVE KENNON 10 DS
13930 Rhea German Shorthaired Pointer Hannah Cole 6 DS
14167 Rhett German Shorthaired Pointer Tamara Strassenberg 44 DSA
4493 Rhett German Shorthaired Pointer Lindsey Nicholas 18 DS
12886 Rhythm German Shorthaired Pointer Connie Sims 6 DS
20776 Ria German Shorthaired Pointer Nicole Tiner 15 DS
14308 Ria German Shorthaired Pointer Deva Wilson 7 DS
1153 Ricky German Shorthaired Pointer Billie Weeks 7 DS
12059 Ricochet German Shorthaired Pointer Mike Moritz 39 DSA
12417 Riddick German Shorthaired Pointer Jennifer Herdman 11 DS
14430 Ridge German Shorthaired Pointer Brad & Sallie Jordan 7 DS
16818 Ridge German Shorthaired Pointer Brent Henry 11 DS
32946 Ridley German Shorthaired Pointer Jennifer Pietrusiewicz 19 DS
4624 Rio German Shorthaired Pointer Christina Cantu 10 DS
9667 Rion German Shorthaired Pointer Dorothy Thompson 6 DS
25956 Riot German Shorthaired Pointer Patrick Paulin 5 DS
36073 Rip German Shorthaired Pointer Lacy Bauer 7 DS
36129 Ripken German Shorthaired Pointer Odette Fetzner 5 DS
14666 Ripley German Shorthaired Pointer Anthony LaSpina 8 DS
25942 Risk German Shorthaired Pointer Ashley Tilden 11 DS
22186 River German Shorthaired Pointer Nicole Tiner 9 DS
35085 River German Shorthaired Pointer sydnie Hyde 6 DS
33177 RJ German Shorthaired Pointer Jill Walters 42 DSA
13947 Rocky German Shorthaired Pointer Alan Christensen 109 DSX3
27298 Rolo German Shorthaired Pointer Sally Harris 56 DSX
6459 Roman German Shorthaired Pointer Johnna Zona 71 DSX
24037 Rooster German Shorthaired Pointer Shelby Vannarsdall 5 DS
24293 Roxy German Shorthaired Pointer Bric Steed 5 DS
29146 Ruger German Shorthaired Pointer Rebeccalynn Russell 5 DS
23831 Ruger German Shorthaired Pointer Michael D'Arville 13 DS
33299 Ruger German Shorthaired Pointer Cassandra Wheeler 9 DS
19914 Rumo German Shorthaired Pointer Johanna Huxel 6 DS
29408 Rumor German Shorthaired Pointer Melanie Galinger 12 DS
33587 Rush German Shorthaired Pointer Melaine Cheater 18 DS
35094 Ryder German Shorthaired Pointer Stephanie Peters 5 DS
28923 Ryker German Shorthaired Pointer Kerry Jonas 15 DS
27644 Sadie German Shorthaired Pointer Sierra Combs 5 DS
8776 Sage German Shorthaired Pointer Cheri Raines 30 DSA
12574 Sage German Shorthaired Pointer Kenneth Ross 6 DS
32745 Sage German Shorthaired Pointer Cassandra Wheeler 7 DS
19868 Samson German Shorthaired Pointer Elizabeth Knisely 88 DSX2
2298 Savannah German Shorthaired Pointer Terina Chernich 22 DS
13390 Schatzi German Shorthaired Pointer William Gelok 6 DS
37613 Schatzi German Shorthaired Pointer Michelle Santos 6 DS
17077 Scout German Shorthaired Pointer Alicia Haberstich 37 DSA
5993 Scout German Shorthaired Pointer Bryan Baldwin 10 DS
15429 Scout German Shorthaired Pointer Karen Revilla 7 DS
6363 Sev German Shorthaired Pointer Jason Hyler 11 DS
10325 Shaeley German Shorthaired Pointer Lindsey Gardner 6 DS
27037 Shatzi German Shorthaired Pointer Danielle Lee 25 DS
31133 Shelby German Shorthaired Pointer Vanessa Carmean 5 DS
6426 Si Michael German Shorthaired Pointer Giuliana Templeton 34 DSA
11167 Sinjin German Shorthaired Pointer Danielle Nelson 15 DS
29738 Skeeter German Shorthaired Pointer Alicia Haberstich 7 DS
25252 Sky German Shorthaired Pointer Sandra Maks 5 DS
12522 Smoke German Shorthaired Pointer Vicki Gilchrist 21 DS
19779 Smokey German Shorthaired Pointer Katherine Lerner 7 DS
7810 SoHo German Shorthaired Pointer Tina Craig 18 DS
9630 Sona German Shorthaired Pointer Pamela Yadanza 18 DS
4420 Spenser German Shorthaired Pointer Cheryl Harris 64 DSX
30922 spices German Shorthaired Pointer Tim Lennartz 5 DS
27707 Stark German Shorthaired Pointer Tiffany & Trevyn DuBois 13 DS
30928 Stella German Shorthaired Pointer Judith Lemieux 31 DSA
4421 Stevie German Shorthaired Pointer Cheryl Harris 109 DSX3
18084 Stone German Shorthaired Pointer Kahla Ennis 11 DS
26603 Story German Shorthaired Pointer Robin Richter 8 DS
32225 Strider German Shorthaired Pointer Tiffany Cessna 36 DSA
10964 Stryder German Shorthaired Pointer Geri Orta 5 DS
23195 Summit German Shorthaired Pointer Erin Hill 12 DS
3981 Sydnee German Shorthaired Pointer Stacie Smith 6 DS
13289 Sydney German Shorthaired Pointer Karen Combs 31 DSA
17377 Talon German Shorthaired Pointer Odette Fetzner 8 DS
24475 Talon German Shorthaired Pointer Joshua Taylor 6 DS
26473 Talon German Shorthaired Pointer Terri Clarkson 7 DS
4833 Tanner German Shorthaired Pointer Jessie Dunn 8 DS
4349 Tavi German Shorthaired Pointer Meghan Bodie 6 DS
2745 Teague German Shorthaired Pointer Douglas Wakeland 8 DS
5541 Tess German Shorthaired Pointer Denise Avery 6 DS
13798 Tessa German Shorthaired Pointer Clayton Parker 7 DS
6895 Thor German Shorthaired Pointer Izzy May 33 DSA
13281 Thor German Shorthaired Pointer Lisa Zimmerman 27 DS
14588 Thunder German Shorthaired Pointer Jessica Adamczyk 7 DS
16487 Tia German Shorthaired Pointer Heather Carstens 18 DS
36359 Timber German Shorthaired Pointer Kylie farrior 7 DS
20019 TinkerBell German Shorthaired Pointer Melissa Peterson-Ney 28 DS
29221 Tino German Shorthaired Pointer Joshua Chadd 8 DS
14053 Tipper German Shorthaired Pointer Greg and Jennifer Nutter 8 DS
5649 Tipper German Shorthaired Pointer Jana Ewing 7 DS
12060 Titan German Shorthaired Pointer Michelle Demler 7 DS
11197 Toby German Shorthaired Pointer Julie Jernigan 81 DSX2
13783 Toby German Shorthaired Pointer Kristen Eckwright 7 DS
13074 Tris German Shorthaired Pointer Tina Hince 5 DS
15304 Trooper German Shorthaired Pointer Betsey Knight 9 DS
6322 Trudy German Shorthaired Pointer Lindsey Nicholas 21 DS
30274 Tryger Bean German Shorthaired Pointer Wendy Ensing 19 DS
4234 Tucker German Shorthaired Pointer Christina Wertz 41 DSA
25846 Tucker German Shorthaired Pointer Kyra Moore 6 DS
30840 Tucker German Shorthaired Pointer Robert Rynkiewicz 7 DS
5818 Tucson German Shorthaired Pointer Beth DeVries 10 DS
21830 Twig German Shorthaired Pointer Robert Elliott 9 DS
12608 Vader German Shorthaired Pointer Beth DeVries 5 DS
12424 Vader German Shorthaired Pointer Emily Hyler 19 DS
7914 Violet German Shorthaired Pointer Kelly Ladrigan 33 DSA
23336 Violet German Shorthaired Pointer Tina Craig 9 DS
2746 Vogue German Shorthaired Pointer Kyle Gotthardt 31 DSA
36492 Walker German Shorthaired Pointer Jemma Panzarino 5 DS
17331 Walker German Shorthaired Pointer Brittany Brauer 7 DS
13088 Wallace German Shorthaired Pointer Deanna Glasgow 28 DS
17989 Wally German Shorthaired Pointer Janet Wisneski 39 DSA
31887 Warden German Shorthaired Pointer Laura Crickenberger 13 DS
29251 Waylon German Shorthaired Pointer Kayleigh Duarte 55 DSX
9920 Wild German Shorthaired Pointer Kelly Lengle 32 DSA
34179 Willow German Shorthaired Pointer Lisa Cain 11 DS
25581 Willow German Shorthaired Pointer Kerry Cloud 9 DS
17367 Willy German Shorthaired Pointer Mark Elliott 11 DS
5238 Wilson German Shorthaired Pointer Jason Hyler 13 DS
28687 Winslow German Shorthaired Pointer Mark Yamashita 40 DSA
18251 Wrath German Shorthaired Pointer Cassaundra Frabutt 8 DS
21034 Wren German Shorthaired Pointer Brynn Bross 14 DS
24462 Wrigley German Shorthaired Pointer Jean-Michel D’Escoubet 36 DSA
25115 Wynonna German Shorthaired Pointer Ashley Chalfant 7 DS
19217 Xena German Shorthaired Pointer Susan Neher 17 DS
27056 Yeti German Shorthaired Pointer William James 7 DS
18076 Zana German Shorthaired Pointer Isabelle Bernard 7 DS
17707 Zara German Shorthaired Pointer Maggie Zaharoiu 13 DS
29688 Zeke German Shorthaired Pointer Destini Alexander 10 DS
22875 Zeppelin German Shorthaired Pointer Denise LeBleu 13 DS
19429 Zeppy German Shorthaired Pointer Aimee McDougall 20 DS
23232 Ziggy German Shorthaired Pointer Jamie Hubiak 18 DS
17667 Zion German Shorthaired Pointer Michelle Demler 10 DS
36500 Ziva German Shorthaired Pointer Robert Mickley 7 DS
1511 Ziva German Shorthaired Pointer Judi Glickman 12 DS
1228 Zoe German Shorthaired Pointer Morgan Mattioli 6 DS
NADD ID Call Name Breed Owner Total Jumps Title
15203 Abby German Shorthaired Pointer Dianne Klingensmith 5 DJ
12468 Ada German Shorthaired Pointer Kaylan Hopper 6 DJ
27990 Addi German Shorthaired Pointer Stacey Bryan 24 DJ
32272 Ally German Shorthaired Pointer Kathleen Kurtz 7 DJ
1807 Andy German Shorthaired Pointer Cora Pizzitola 74 DJX
15762 Archer German Shorthaired Pointer Carly DeArmond 5 DJ
2131 Arrow German Shorthaired Pointer Diane Prohaska 7 DJ
24781 Aspen German Shorthaired Pointer Michelle Molkenthine 9 DJ
16738 Aspen German Shorthaired Pointer Alyssa Cook 6 DJ
18589 Ava German Shorthaired Pointer Deborah Rein 5 DJ
8749 Baby Dew German Shorthaired Pointer Christopher Skinner-Bland 9 DJ
25895 Bacardi German Shorthaired Pointer Renee Peretto 5 DJ
7054 Bailey German Shorthaired Pointer Fawn Kovach 6 DJ
28090 Bandit German Shorthaired Pointer Kimberlee Levee 69 DJX
12873 Baron German Shorthaired Pointer Mike Moritz 21 DJ
3985 Baylee German Shorthaired Pointer Joy Flemig 7 DJ
6763 Bella German Shorthaired Pointer Madison Zamudio 7 DJ
5251 Belle German Shorthaired Pointer Janelle Mondi 24 DJ
34128 Belle German Shorthaired Pointer Michelle Wiberg 5 DJ
30792 Ben German Shorthaired Pointer Cheryl Harris 7 DJ
6100 Biannca German Shorthaired Pointer Lacy Bauer 26 DJ
35826 Billy German Shorthaired Pointer Kathleen Kurtz 18 DJ
36035 Binx German Shorthaired Pointer Marie Appel 6 DJ
20729 Blaze German Shorthaired Pointer Shasta Johnson 9 DJ
11015 Blitz German Shorthaired Pointer Emily Shirey 6 DJ
14429 Blush German Shorthaired Pointer Tiffany Cessna 5 DJ
2371 Bomber German Shorthaired Pointer Kelly Lengle 5 DJ
12108 Boomer German Shorthaired Pointer Susan Lewis 25 DJ
7851 Boone German Shorthaired Pointer Sally Harris 56 DJX
12366 Boyce German Shorthaired Pointer Stephan Stark 6 DJ
15065 Bravo German Shorthaired Pointer June Johnston 5 DJ
14426 Brice German Shorthaired Pointer Tiffany Cessna 6 DJ
13182 Bristol German Shorthaired Pointer Nicole Maples 11 DJ
24282 Brook German Shorthaired Pointer Tina Metcalf 5 DJ
30315 Buck German Shorthaired Pointer Courtney Hyso 10 DJ
32530 Butte German Shorthaired Pointer Kaelan Kelly 11 DJ
7359 Caesar German Shorthaired Pointer Allyson Strother 10 DJ
37249 Cali German Shorthaired Pointer STACY LIBOW 5 DJ
13695 Carat German Shorthaired Pointer Kayla Swanberg 27 DJ
33041 Carmen German Shorthaired Pointer Donna Spinelli 5 DJ
25527 Catfish German Shorthaired Pointer Michael McManus 16 DJ
17839 Chamisa German Shorthaired Pointer Joan Pacioretty 12 DJ
22200 Charge German Shorthaired Pointer Nancy Ward 15 DJ
37311 Charlie German Shorthaired Pointer Laurence Lambert 13 DJ
21425 Charly German Shorthaired Pointer Eleanor Campbell 5 DJ
4141 Chaz German Shorthaired Pointer Susan Harrison 6 DJ
34353 Chevy German Shorthaired Pointer Brittany McCrea 5 DJ
16935 Cheyenne German Shorthaired Pointer Jennifer Bohac 11 DJ
18480 Chief German Shorthaired Pointer Theresa Boxdorfer 16 DJ
34913 Chika German Shorthaired Pointer Alexane Tessier 5 DJ
23599 Chip German Shorthaired Pointer Mary Ann Anger 12 DJ
15632 Clarity German Shorthaired Pointer Kayla Swanberg 14 DJ
8608 Clay German Shorthaired Pointer Alisha Tomac 17 DJ
2538 Cody German Shorthaired Pointer Audrey Reed 30 DJA
2534 Colt German Shorthaired Pointer Jeaneen Beisner 5 DJ
26126 Cooper German Shorthaired Pointer Lauren Phillips 16 DJ
29866 Cope German Shorthaired Pointer Dominique Turmel 9 DJ
38196 Cricket German Shorthaired Pointer Valerie Klein 6 DJ
11303 Crickett German Shorthaired Pointer Rachelle Webb 13 DJ
5946 Dakota Sioux German Shorthaired Pointer Nancy Ward 17 DJ
36329 Dazzle German Shorthaired Pointer Erica Morris 5 DJ
5627 Deacan German Shorthaired Pointer Ellen Cavalla 14 DJ
22059 Delilah German Shorthaired Pointer Christopher Skinner-Bland 11 DJ
27170 Delilah German Shorthaired Pointer Anne De Roo 13 DJ
23593 Delta German Shorthaired Pointer Cynthia Krohn 7 DJ
12995 Denver German Shorthaired Pointer Patricia Nicholson 7 DJ
19910 Dixie German Shorthaired Pointer Jennifer Weiss 5 DJ
17056 Dixie German Shorthaired Pointer Dana Brown 8 DJ
30226 Donner German Shorthaired Pointer Patrick Persons 13 DJ
12283 Doris German Shorthaired Pointer Victoria Tesh 18 DJ
4053 Dylan German Shorthaired Pointer John Roland 5 DJ
26323 Echo German Shorthaired Pointer Kristi Carpenter 4 DJ
9865 Eddie German Shorthaired Pointer Cheryl Harris 16 DJ
20418 Eirinn German Shorthaired Pointer Karen Combs 9 DJ
15425 Ella German Shorthaired Pointer Diane Prohaska 5 DJ
14843 Ellie Mae German Shorthaired Pointer Mikkel Hutson 5 DJ
16250 Elsa German Shorthaired Pointer Daniel Powers 7 DJ
11951 Emma German Shorthaired Pointer Nichole Jackson 32 DJA
18559 Emmie German Shorthaired Pointer Carolyn Boyle 21 DJ
1180 Enzo German Shorthaired Pointer Kelly Lengle 16 DJ
13949 Falcon German Shorthaired Pointer David Palumbo 10 DJ
1171 Faye German Shorthaired Pointer Lynn Rhodes Herman 9 DJ
1080 Fergie German Shorthaired Pointer Meichelle Feinberg 6 DJ
6770 Findley German Shorthaired Pointer Deanna Glasgow 17 DJ
10538 Finley German Shorthaired Pointer Toni Provencher 5 DJ
35822 Fiona German Shorthaired Pointer Kimberley Feist 5 DJ
27918 Fletcher German Shorthaired Pointer Nicole Maurer 7 DJ
6495 Flir German Shorthaired Pointer Ellen Ritter 17 DJ
35747 Floyd German Shorthaired Pointer Denise LeBleu 16 DJ
13550 Freck German Shorthaired Pointer Nadine Conner 5 DJ
17819 Fulham German Shorthaired Pointer Kimberly Petts 5 DJ
2112 Gabe German Shorthaired Pointer Janet Wisneski 61 DJX
16290 Georgia German Shorthaired Pointer Debbie Kurtz 7 DJ
24672 Ghost German Shorthaired Pointer Susan Lewis 52 DJA
17676 Ginger German Shorthaired Pointer Julie Hyland 8 DJ
21350 Grace German Shorthaired Pointer Nancy Camp 8 DJ
18521 Gracie German Shorthaired Pointer Jennifer Mau 7 DJ
10139 Gringo German Shorthaired Pointer JoAnn Wolf 6 DJ
14631 Guido German Shorthaired Pointer Diane Fazio 5 DJ
20178 Gunner German Shorthaired Pointer Katie Ballard 7 DJ
27076 Hailey German Shorthaired Pointer Sara Murphy 10 DJ
12586 Halligan German Shorthaired Pointer Jennifer Herdman 59 DJX
4479 Halo German Shorthaired Pointer Beverly Quarles 6 DJ
27989 Hank German Shorthaired Pointer Stacey Bryan 29 DJ
19611 Hanna German Shorthaired Pointer Jonathan Dever 5 DJ
33830 Hannah German Shorthaired Pointer Renay Thomas 6 DJ
29784 Hannah German Shorthaired Pointer Caitlyn Owens 8 DJ
24931 Harper German Shorthaired Pointer Virginia Rowe 8 DJ
14671 Harvest German Shorthaired Pointer Robin Mahoney 5 DJ
19781 Hash German Shorthaired Pointer Jami Meath 6 DJ
31072 Havak German Shorthaired Pointer Kassandra Andrews 5 DJ
19780 Havok German Shorthaired Pointer Jami Meath 5 DJ
17833 Henry German Shorthaired Pointer Christina Wildes 5 DJ
29407 Hessia German Shorthaired Pointer Abigail Melchior 10 DJ
27303 Hobbes German Shorthaired Pointer Kayleigh Carini 10 DJ
30802 Hondo German Shorthaired Pointer JENNIFER M BLAIR 5 DJ
13558 Hope German Shorthaired Pointer Debra Galan-Parsons 4 DJ
9172 Hunter German Shorthaired Pointer Tom Skabry 11 DJ
11339 Hunter German Shorthaired Pointer Cheri Raines 8 DJ
16993 Hunter German Shorthaired Pointer Jillian Fuller 11 DJ
26676 Hyde German Shorthaired Pointer Sierra Combs 6 DJ
5132 I-Zyk German Shorthaired Pointer Stefanie Slaughter 12 DJ
12374 Ingo German Shorthaired Pointer Danielle Nelson 12 DJ
9448 Izzie German Shorthaired Pointer Denise Ross 8 DJ
7467 Jackie German Shorthaired Pointer Robert E Godfrey 5 DJ
2822 Jade German Shorthaired Pointer Cheri Raines 7 DJ
24738 Jaeger German Shorthaired Pointer Laura Nagy 5 DJ
22334 Jäger German Shorthaired Pointer Kathryn Cole 7 DJ
6293 Jake German Shorthaired Pointer Michael Kaliban 8 DJ
13043 Jasmine German Shorthaired Pointer Rochelle Thomson 5 DJ
38331 Jasper German Shorthaired Pointer Judith Lemieux 6 DJ
33533 Jazzy German Shorthaired Pointer Natalie White 5 DJ
2088 Jethro German Shorthaired Pointer Connie Sims 11 DJ
5444 Josey German Shorthaired Pointer Kelly Welch 5 DJ
25585 Karma German Shorthaired Pointer Tammy Hawkins 9 DJ
6109 Kaspar German Shorthaired Pointer Lacy Bauer 6 DJ
4510 KC German Shorthaired Pointer Audrey Reed 16 DJ
36558 Kick German Shorthaired Pointer Elizabeth (Beth) Harless 7 DJ
26613 Kimber German Shorthaired Pointer Kayleigh Highfill 5 DJ
2636 Kit German Shorthaired Pointer Billie Jo Weeks 5 DJ
33844 Knox German Shorthaired Pointer Kourtni Guzanowski 12 DJ
15234 Koda German Shorthaired Pointer Amelia Ruppert 19 DJ
16885 Koda German Shorthaired Pointer Shantrel Tinsley 6 DJ
3406 Kolar German Shorthaired Pointer Kristi Hillebrand 5 DJ
30021 Lacy German Shorthaired Pointer Katherine Meik 5 DJ
14087 Lady Bird German Shorthaired Pointer Ellen Cavalla 5 DJ
5954 Layla German Shorthaired Pointer Anne De Roo 17 DJ
29766 Leilani German Shorthaired Pointer Marianne Johnson 22 DJ
15098 Lewis German Shorthaired Pointer Molly McCown 6 DJ
30499 Lexa German Shorthaired Pointer Alisha Tomac 19 DJ
3857 Liebe German Shorthaired Pointer Laurie Thompson 12 DJ
16683 lily German Shorthaired Pointer Alan Christensen 12 DJ
7915 Lily German Shorthaired Pointer Kelly Ladrigan 15 DJ
34175 Lily German Shorthaired Pointer Christie Auck 23 DJ
1509 Lina German Shorthaired Pointer Diane Prohaska 5 DJ
15592 Loki German Shorthaired Pointer Jacqueline Kopp 16 DJ
9647 Lola German Shorthaired Pointer Susan Massart 5 DJ
11277 Lyric German Shorthaired Pointer Anne De Roo 8 DJ
30165 Maggie German Shorthaired Pointer Katherine Meik 8 DJ
17640 Manny German Shorthaired Pointer Margo Sassaman 57 DJX
2744 Marburg German Shorthaired Pointer Douglas Wakeland 5 DJ
33389 Marcy German Shorthaired Pointer Christina Wertz 6 DJ
33342 Margery German Shorthaired Pointer Brandi Adae 5 DJ
31921 Margot German Shorthaired Pointer Angie Howell 7 DJ
9081 Marshall German Shorthaired Pointer Danika Melnar 6 DJ
2178 Marvin German Shorthaired Pointer Ann Carter 5 DJ
30910 Max German Shorthaired Pointer Tiffany Cessna 10 DJ
30998 Mayzzie German Shorthaired Pointer Ginny Studer 34 DJA
5678 Meggie German Shorthaired Pointer Susan Prohaska 6 DJ
27169 Mercury German Shorthaired Pointer Anne De Roo 9 DJ
17740 Minerva German Shorthaired Pointer Sasha Scheib 5 DJ
20055 Monroe German Shorthaired Pointer Nicole Spencer 5 DJ
17127 Moolah German Shorthaired Pointer Stephanie Clemons 9 DJ
7565 Moose German Shorthaired Pointer Allyson Strother 28 DJ
9238 Morgen German Shorthaired Pointer Peggy Sieve 9 DJ
4487 Murphy German Shorthaired Pointer Emily Hyler 20 DJ
27539 Murphy German Shorthaired Pointer Melanie Galinger 11 DJ
11333 Myles German Shorthaired Pointer Jenna Lewis 8 DJ
26943 Na'Vi German Shorthaired Pointer Vanessa Camarena 9 DJ
18578 Natalie German Shorthaired Pointer Mary Sparks 13 DJ
23915 Nellie German Shorthaired Pointer Abbie Rollison 8 DJ
34138 Nibs German Shorthaired Pointer Melissa Peterson-Ney 12 DJ
9802 Nikon German Shorthaired Pointer Cheri Raines 10 DJ
4104 Nova German Shorthaired Pointer Beverly Quarles 14 DJ
30118 Nox German Shorthaired Pointer Kayla Szasz 8 DJ
33846 Oakley German Shorthaired Pointer Sarah Seelow 5 DJ
14205 Oliver German Shorthaired Pointer Marina Daniels 5 DJ
14527 Oscar German Shorthaired Pointer Danika Melnar 7 DJ
34837 Pabst German Shorthaired Pointer Jessica Craun 5 DJ
3902 Pearl German Shorthaired Pointer Mat Miller 86 DJX2
14632 Phoebe German Shorthaired Pointer Lindsey Nicholas 5 DJ
11989 Phoenix German Shorthaired Pointer Erica Morris 20 DJ
1513 Piper German Shorthaired Pointer Susan Massart 12 DJ
12583 Porter German Shorthaired Pointer David Watson 5 DJ
1398 Possum German Shorthaired Pointer Eleanor Campbell 13 DJ
1329 Putt German Shorthaired Pointer Kelly Lengle 5 DJ
33179 Quill German Shorthaired Pointer Kelly Ladrigan 5 DJ
26657 Rainier German Shorthaired Pointer Hannah Saddler 10 DJ
26288 Rambo German Shorthaired Pointer Jamie Hubiak 34 DJA
28306 Rambo German Shorthaired Pointer Thomas Christopher 11 DJ
13323 Rayce German Shorthaired Pointer Sandy Gonchar 14 DJ
7537 Rebel German Shorthaired Pointer Andrea Martsolf 5 DJ
3937 Reese German Shorthaired Pointer Tamara Strassenberg 9 DJ
7327 Reno German Shorthaired Pointer Andrea Jackson 5 DJ
24050 Rex German Shorthaired Pointer Sharon Furman 11 DJ
14167 Rhett German Shorthaired Pointer Tamara Strassenberg 24 DJ
12886 Rhythm German Shorthaired Pointer Connie Sims 11 DJ
12059 Ricochet German Shorthaired Pointer Mike Moritz 19 DJ
33559 Riggs German Shorthaired Pointer Eric Honeycutt 15 DJ
4624 Rio German Shorthaired Pointer Christina Cantu 9 DJ
10004 Rio German Shorthaired Pointer Michelle Rost 10 DJ
25956 Riot German Shorthaired Pointer Patrick Paulin 6 DJ
36073 Rip German Shorthaired Pointer Lacy Bauer 24 DJ
30594 Rip German Shorthaired Pointer Rachal Davis 16 DJ
22186 River German Shorthaired Pointer Nicole Tiner 5 DJ
35085 River German Shorthaired Pointer sydnie Hyde 5 DJ
2457 Rolex German Shorthaired Pointer Carrie Morris 7 DJ
27298 Rolo German Shorthaired Pointer Sally Harris 14 DJ
6459 Roman German Shorthaired Pointer Johnna Zona 17 DJ
4469 Rose German Shorthaired Pointer A Melinda Hasselman 7 DJ
9155 Rover German Shorthaired Pointer Christy Hale 8 DJ
36338 Roxie German Shorthaired Pointer Rachel McDermitt 23 DJ
9233 Ruby German Shorthaired Pointer Denise Cooper 14 DJ
29408 Rumor German Shorthaired Pointer Melanie Galinger 6 DJ
32745 Sage German Shorthaired Pointer Cassandra Wheeler 5 DJ
10635 Searl German Shorthaired Pointer Judy Huffman 6 DJ
6363 Sev German Shorthaired Pointer Jason Hyler 6 DJ
27037 Shatzi German Shorthaired Pointer Danielle Lee 5 DJ
8841 Sidney German Shorthaired Pointer Theresa Novoa 9 DJ
10008 Skylar German Shorthaired Pointer Jean Bernier 6 DJ
1671 Sly German Shorthaired Pointer Pat Dunn 7 DJ
12522 Smoke German Shorthaired Pointer Vicki Gilchrist 9 DJ
7810 SoHo German Shorthaired Pointer Tina Craig 5 DJ
4420 Spenser German Shorthaired Pointer Cheryl Harris 71 DJX
8277 Spy German Shorthaired Pointer Erin Thompson 17 DJ
30928 Stella German Shorthaired Pointer Judith Lemieux 6 DJ
4421 Stevie German Shorthaired Pointer Cheryl Harris 63 DJX
32225 Strider German Shorthaired Pointer Tiffany Cessna 7 DJ
26640 Stu German Shorthaired Pointer Pauline Lee 5 DJ
19068 Tahoe German Shorthaired Pointer Brooklyn Graham 10 DJ
26473 Talon German Shorthaired Pointer Terri Clarkson 13 DJ
18189 Thad German Shorthaired Pointer Alisha Tomac 22 DJ
35641 Thena German Shorthaired Pointer Renay Thomas 6 DJ
9140 Thomas German Shorthaired Pointer Shelby Kucharski 5 DJ
6895 Thor German Shorthaired Pointer Izzy May 17 DJ
17096 Topper German Shorthaired Pointer Cynthia Long 5 DJ
24407 Trinity German Shorthaired Pointer Julie Steinbeck 5 DJ
20446 Trudee German Shorthaired Pointer Courtney Campeau 6 DJ
6322 Trudy German Shorthaired Pointer Lindsey Nicholas 12 DJ
24263 Truman German Shorthaired Pointer Julie Steinbeck 5 DJ
7853 Tucker German Shorthaired Pointer Tara Griffin 5 DJ
4234 Tucker German Shorthaired Pointer Christina Wertz 6 DJ
5818 Tucson German Shorthaired Pointer Beth DeVries 6 DJ
8748 Twelvey German Shorthaired Pointer Darcy Skinner 22 DJ
21830 Twig German Shorthaired Pointer Robert Elliott 10 DJ
12424 Vader German Shorthaired Pointer Emily Hyler 13 DJ
7914 Violet German Shorthaired Pointer Kelly Ladrigan 8 DJ
14612 Vivian German Shorthaired Pointer Lindsey Nicholas 10 DJ
2746 Vogue German Shorthaired Pointer Kyle Gotthardt 6 DJ
10668 Waylon German Shorthaired Pointer Ashley Watkins 16 DJ
9902 Whim German Shorthaired Pointer Heather Rees 16 DJ
23534 Willow German Shorthaired Pointer Amy Medrano 6 DJ
28687 Winslow German Shorthaired Pointer Mark Yamashita 7 DJ
29597 XS German Shorthaired Pointer Aaron Dagres 5 DJ
8556 Yolo German Shorthaired Pointer Kristine Eckard 19 DJ
8793 Zerk German Shorthaired Pointer Eleanor Campbell 18 DJ
17667 Zion German Shorthaired Pointer Michelle Demler 11 DJ
1511 Ziva German Shorthaired Pointer Judi Glickman 7 DJ
NADD ID Call Name Breed Owner Total Jumps Title
27990 Addi German Shorthaired Pointer Stacey Bryan 33 DNA
32316 Ari German Shorthaired Pointer Eric Honeycutt 8 DN
21045 ARYA German Shorthaired Pointer Katie Kane-Baker 5 DN
16738 Aspen German Shorthaired Pointer Alyssa Cook 5 DN
22734 Athena German Shorthaired Pointer Allyson Strother 69 DNX
28090 Bandit German Shorthaired Pointer Kimberlee Levee 19 DN
21031 Becca German Shorthaired Pointer Eric Murphy 9 DN
5251 Belle German Shorthaired Pointer Janelle Mondi 7 DN
12108 Boomer German Shorthaired Pointer Susan Lewis 8 DN
7851 Boone German Shorthaired Pointer Sally Harris 40 DNA
3222 Brandi German Shorthaired Pointer Clint Henning 5 DN
14714 Brenna German Shorthaired Pointer Karen Reilly 7 DN
14426 Brice German Shorthaired Pointer Tiffany Cessna 6 DN
36583 Bronco German Shorthaired Pointer Zoe Gunter 7 DN
19872 Bryzzo German Shorthaired Pointer Amanda Wampner 5 DN
17456 Buckshot German Shorthaired Pointer Mike Moritz 10 DN
32530 Butte German Shorthaired Pointer Kaelan Kelly 10 DN
7359 Caesar German Shorthaired Pointer Allyson Strother 9 DN
2584 Camo German Shorthaired Pointer Vanessa Carmean 5 DN
13695 Carat German Shorthaired Pointer Kayla Swanberg 7 DN
25527 Catfish German Shorthaired Pointer Michael McManus 21 DN
37311 Charlie German Shorthaired Pointer Laurence Lambert 7 DN
34984 Chatter German Shorthaired Pointer Tiffany Cessna 5 DN
4141 Chaz German Shorthaired Pointer Susan Harrison 5 DN
16935 Cheyenne German Shorthaired Pointer Jennifer Bohac 6 DN
18480 Chief German Shorthaired Pointer Theresa Boxdorfer 5 DN
11303 Crickett German Shorthaired Pointer Rachelle Webb 50 DNA
35692 Dakota German Shorthaired Pointer Thomas Christopher 5 DN
22059 Delilah German Shorthaired Pointer Christopher Skinner-Bland 7 DN
1707 Demo German Shorthaired Pointer Martha Johnson 36 DNA
30226 Donner German Shorthaired Pointer Patrick Persons 6 DN
9914 Dory German Shorthaired Pointer Annette Henke 6 DN
18619 Eagan German Shorthaired Pointer Jean Bernier 5 DN
1510 Eden German Shorthaired Pointer Judi Glickman 5 DN
20418 Eirinn German Shorthaired Pointer Karen Combs 5 DN
11609 Eli German Shorthaired Pointer Kim Anderson 10 DN
14843 Ellie Mae German Shorthaired Pointer Mikkel Hutson 5 DN
11951 Emma German Shorthaired Pointer Nichole Jackson 38 DNA
18559 Emmie German Shorthaired Pointer Carolyn Boyle 11 DN
28730 Finnley German Shorthaired Pointer Keleigh Porter West 7 DN
15164 Fish German Shorthaired Pointer Dan Brodie 5 DN
2112 Gabe German Shorthaired Pointer Janet Wisneski 8 DN
24672 Ghost German Shorthaired Pointer Susan Lewis 5 DN
34306 Griffin German Shorthaired Pointer Jessica Giacona 8 DN
12586 Halligan German Shorthaired Pointer Jennifer Herdman 22 DN
4479 Halo German Shorthaired Pointer Beverly Quarles 19 DN
27989 Hank German Shorthaired Pointer Stacey Bryan 36 DNA
26673 Harper German Shorthaired Pointer Brynn Bross 8 DN
20912 Henry German Shorthaired Pointer Karen Revilla 5 DN
17833 Henry German Shorthaired Pointer Christina Wildes 5 DN
21142 Holly German Shorthaired Pointer Kylie Eye 5 DN
16993 Hunter German Shorthaired Pointer Jillian Fuller 11 DN
27254 Ice German Shorthaired Pointer Cassie Sanders 12 DN
1663 Iddy Biddy German Shorthaired Pointer Anthony Spinelli 6 DN
33851 Imori German Shorthaired Pointer Renay Thomas 5 DN
14701 Ivy German Shorthaired Pointer Barry Lawler 5 DN
35753 Jazmin German Shorthaired Pointer Nathan Swanson 5 DN
4816 Jazz German Shorthaired Pointer Christie Dalman 14 DN
25585 Karma German Shorthaired Pointer Tammy Hawkins 7 DN
6109 Kaspar German Shorthaired Pointer Lacy Bauer 17 DN
10822 Keitany German Shorthaired Pointer Rosalyn Rombauer 7 DN
2747 Kelly German Shorthaired Pointer Lynn R. Perry 5 DN
16146 Kimber German Shorthaired Pointer Elizabeth Knisely 6 DN
16885 Koda German Shorthaired Pointer Shantrel Tinsley 18 DN
15234 Koda German Shorthaired Pointer Amelia Ruppert 5 DN
29769 Lacey German Shorthaired Pointer Bryan Baldwin 5 DN
22254 Lady German Shorthaired Pointer Joshua Taylor 7 DN
14581 Leia German Shorthaired Pointer Theresa Novoa 7 DN
8013 Leo German Shorthaired Pointer Alysha Hoffman 6 DN
11672 Levi German Shorthaired Pointer Chelsy Lancaster 5 DN
34175 Lily German Shorthaired Pointer Christie Auck 16 DN
7915 Lily German Shorthaired Pointer Kelly Ladrigan 5 DN
26904 Lincoln German Shorthaired Pointer Bryan Baldwin 30 DNA
23696 Maggie German Shorthaired Pointer Nicole Harissiadis 5 DN
15597 Magic German Shorthaired Pointer Janet McMillan Zwirko 7 DN
17640 Manny German Shorthaired Pointer Margo Sassaman 14 DN
12772 Mark German Shorthaired Pointer Robert E Godfrey 5 DN
2178 Marvin German Shorthaired Pointer Ann Carter 5 DN
31136 Mary German Shorthaired Pointer Vanessa Carmean 8 DN
30910 Max German Shorthaired Pointer Tiffany Cessna 18 DN
30998 Mayzzie German Shorthaired Pointer Ginny Studer 23 DN
7565 Moose German Shorthaired Pointer Allyson Strother 6 DN
4487 Murphy German Shorthaired Pointer Emily Hyler 14 DN
37294 Mushu German Shorthaired Pointer Shae-Lynn Votary 6 DN
23915 Nellie German Shorthaired Pointer Abbie Rollison 5 DN
6661 Nicholas German Shorthaired Pointer Nancy Ward 5 DN
12513 Paladin German Shorthaired Pointer Holly Faught 14 DN
9094 Patches German Shorthaired Pointer Jennifer Ellis 11 DN
6173 Pearl German Shorthaired Pointer Devin Sears 6 DN
3902 Pearl German Shorthaired Pointer Mat Miller 5 DN
35223 Percy German Shorthaired Pointer Danika Melnar 18 DN
1513 Piper German Shorthaired Pointer Susan Massart 9 DN
12210 Pippin German Shorthaired Pointer Eleanor O'Conner 13 DN
6341 Porsche German Shorthaired Pointer Cheryl Westhoff 5 DN
9137 Preston German Shorthaired Pointer Morgan Kain 5 DN
21341 Quill German Shorthaired Pointer Katie Ballard 5 DN
10867 Radar German Shorthaired Pointer Shantrel Tinsley 7 DN
26288 Rambo German Shorthaired Pointer Jamie Hubiak 12 DN
13323 Rayce German Shorthaired Pointer Sandy Gonchar 10 DN
10962 Reign German Shorthaired Pointer Morgan Mandeville 6 DN
35915 Remy German Shorthaired Pointer Nathan Swanson 6 DN
14167 Rhett German Shorthaired Pointer Tamara Strassenberg 5 DN
12059 Ricochet German Shorthaired Pointer Mike Moritz 11 DNQ19
4838 Ringo German Shorthaired Pointer Beverly Quarles 6 DN
25956 Riot German Shorthaired Pointer Patrick Paulin 8 DN
30594 Rip German Shorthaired Pointer Rachal Davis 10 DN
31631 River German Shorthaired Pointer Elizabeth DeKryger 7 DN
29452 River German Shorthaired Pointer Alicia Moeller 12 DN
9155 Rover German Shorthaired Pointer Christy Hale 6 DN
1534 Schonheit German Shorthaired Pointer Christopher Skinner-Bland 8 DN
10635 Searl German Shorthaired Pointer Judy Huffman 5 DN
8841 Sidney German Shorthaired Pointer Theresa Novoa 5 DN
10008 Skylar German Shorthaired Pointer Jean Bernier 5 DN
4420 Spenser German Shorthaired Pointer Cheryl Harris 27 DN
8277 Spy German Shorthaired Pointer Erin Thompson 20 DNQ19
30563 Starr German Shorthaired Pointer Laura Wiegand 5 DN
4421 Stevie German Shorthaired Pointer Cheryl Harris 10 DN
30311 Stevie German Shorthaired Pointer Brooke Durnin 5 DN
4244 Stubben German Shorthaired Pointer Linda Bielski 5 DN
17164 Sturgill German Shorthaired Pointer Tiffany Cessna 5 DN
18189 Thad German Shorthaired Pointer Alisha Tomac 30 DNA
13741 Thumper German Shorthaired Pointer Deva Wilson 11 DN
21707 Tia (T) German Shorthaired Pointer Tracey Mirgon 5 DN
1258 Timber German Shorthaired Pointer Melinda Crismon 6 DN
7971 Tinsel German Shorthaired Pointer Tina Craig 5 DN
15162 Trooper German Shorthaired Pointer Dan Brodie 9 DN
6322 Trudy German Shorthaired Pointer Lindsey Nicholas 6 DN
4234 Tucker German Shorthaired Pointer Christina Wertz 6 DN
8748 Twelvey German Shorthaired Pointer Darcy Skinner 11 DN
35033 Vaughn German Shorthaired Pointer Stefany Leisz 7 DN
29251 Waylon German Shorthaired Pointer Kayleigh Duarte 5 DN
10668 Waylon German Shorthaired Pointer Ashley Watkins 7 DN
9902 Whim German Shorthaired Pointer Heather Rees 8 DN
28687 Winslow German Shorthaired Pointer Mark Yamashita 15 DN
29597 XS German Shorthaired Pointer Aaron Dagres 12 DN
8556 Yolo German Shorthaired Pointer Kristine Eckard 13 DN
2039 Zeppelin German Shorthaired Pointer Kimberly McCann Mahoney 5 DN
17667 Zion German Shorthaired Pointer Michelle Demler 5 DN
1511 Ziva German Shorthaired Pointer Judi Glickman 5 DN
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