Titles Earned

Dogs that have earned at least one title in a particular division are listed below. The title shown is the dog's highest title achieved in each division. To view a list of all the titles a dog has earned, click on that dog's name for more information.

No dogs in this division.
NADD ID Call Name Breed Owner Total Jumps Title
15283 Ben Rottweiler Matthew White 7 DE
20242 Desi Rottweiler CHRISTINE CULHANE 8 DE
7137 Jordie Rottweiler Joanna Lockner 6 DE
31557 Lukas Rottweiler Cindy McManus 22 DE
2779 Onyx Rottweiler Susan Conrow 19 DEQ19
9022 Reina Rottweiler Cindy McManus 190 DEX6
1045 Titus Rottweiler Jeffrey Welborn 5 DE
21250 Titus Rottweiler Brielle Leary 6 DE
NADD ID Call Name Breed Owner Total Jumps Title
17415 Alaric Rottweiler Lisa Bond 6 DM
32091 Artemis Rottweiler Wayne Cowan 14 DM
1111 Auri Rottweiler Amy Scrimsher 5 DM
2742 Beatrix Rottweiler Jane Fratesi 19 DM
15283 Ben Rottweiler Matthew White 32 DMA
29029 Bexley Rottweiler Kris Brousseau 22 DM
4235 Bohannon Rottweiler Kay Truss 17 DMQ18
6077 Bon-o Rottweiler Sharon Baublitz 42 DMA
1244 Bristol Rottweiler Pamela Monroe 19 DM
22016 C-YA Rottweiler Paula Miloglav-Recco 71 DMX
17668 Cerby Rottweiler Caitlin Noblin 54 DMA
16496 Coco Rottweiler Deborah Haynes 11 DM
20242 Desi Rottweiler CHRISTINE CULHANE 51 DMA
15127 Dice Rottweiler Lynn Mayo 6 DM
1752 Diva Rottweiler Danielle Hansen 7 DM
1682 Ego Rottweiler Carol Beasley 13 DM
22728 Findi Rottweiler Marlene Ferguson 5 DM
3033 Finn Rottweiler Mitchell Criswell 7 DM
8320 Fury Rottweiler Linda Gunderson 30 DMA
36939 Geralt Rottweiler Adriana Sanguily 12 DM
29098 Hank Rottweiler Jeremy Erskine 37 DMA
37606 Hank Rottweiler Kimberly Duff 6 DM
25470 Hooligan Rottweiler Pam Zavidny 34 DMA
26125 Hope Rottweiler Margie Grady 15 DM
17641 Jada Rottweiler Gwen Fiorito 5 DM
7137 Jordie Rottweiler Joanna Lockner 139 DMX4
17644 Josey Rottweiler Gwen Fiorito 12 DM
21431 Klick Rottweiler Alison Ouellette 5 DM
1706 Kona Rottweiler Kathleen Elmore 26 DM
29207 Letty Rottweiler Meredith Nolan 5 DM
33523 Lexa Rottweiler Betty Herbert 34 DMA
18802 Lillee Rottweiler Alison Ouellette 8 DM
31557 Lukas Rottweiler Cindy McManus 57 DMX
2884 Magnum Rottweiler Sandra Bello 20 DM
17747 Malik Rottweiler Monique Latteier 5 DM
24812 Meridius Rottweiler Valerie Hill 11 DM
4341 Michonne Rottweiler Cecilia Fender 11 DM
15693 Mojo Rottweiler Jennifer Neville 18 DM
18891 Monae Rottweiler Jon Grey 14 DM
35776 Mufasa Rottweiler Catalina Martin 16 DM
2892 Nate Rottweiler Michele Hermann 10 DM
23400 Nyla Rottweiler Colette Smith 15 DM
32707 Oliver Rottweiler Alison Ouellette 13 DM
2779 Onyx Rottweiler Susan Conrow 104 DMX2
17255 Opie Rottweiler Craig Bergeron 32 DMA
10413 Otis Rottweiler Katie Maess 97 DMX2
17445 Padraig Rottweiler Brigitte Ortega 13 DM
14694 Panzer Rottweiler Lisa Kramer 10 DM
29069 Pearl Rottweiler Gemma Mueller 24 DM
11732 Pez Rottweiler Jen Molnar 6 DM
13449 Phantom Rottweiler Kimberly Shaffer 9 DM
2931 Preacher Rottweiler Suzi Faulkner 6 DM
7879 Prentice Rottweiler April Miller 8 DM
18113 Raynbow Rottweiler Robyn Carlson 10 DM
16043 Reba Rottweiler Patricia Schneidmiller 13 DM
9022 Reina Rottweiler Cindy McManus 215 DMX7
37581 Rocket Rottweiler Judith Brockman 6 DM
35088 Rocky Rottweiler Dana Chapman 13 DM
18860 Rocky Rottweiler Sonya Champigny 5 DM
17315 Scout Rottweiler Daviann Mitchell 15 DM
13627 Sherman Rottweiler Tracy Schumann 39 DMA
1774 Sorin Rottweiler Patricia Nickolaou 64 DMX
33243 Stormie Rottweiler Shari MARTIN 10 DM
5149 Titan Rottweiler Michael Brandon 12 DM
21250 Titus Rottweiler Brielle Leary 37 DMA
1045 Titus Rottweiler Jeffrey Welborn 7 DM
37907 Uno Rottweiler Amy Jenkins 5 DM
NADD ID Call Name Breed Owner Total Jumps Title
2291 Abbey Rottweiler Carol Jones 6 DS
16314 Akoni Rottweiler Pam Zavidny 39 DSA
17415 Alaric Rottweiler Lisa Bond 29 DS
29855 Amo Rottweiler Mark Elvington 14 DS
1524 Angus Rottweiler Benetta Criswell 46 DSA
32091 Artemis Rottweiler Wayne Cowan 5 DS
2694 Atta Rottweiler Pam Long 19 DS
21436 Azula Rottweiler Alyssa Roupas 5 DS
13347 Baby T Rottweiler Daviann Mitchell 67 DSX
3975 Badger Rottweiler Suzi Faulkner 20 DS
17020 Bear Rottweiler Jessica Shelton 52 DSA
2742 Beatrix Rottweiler Jane Fratesi 21 DS
15283 Ben Rottweiler Matthew White 5 DS
29029 Bexley Rottweiler Kris Brousseau 40 DSA
4235 Bohannon Rottweiler Kay Truss 66 DSX
6077 Bon-o Rottweiler Sharon Baublitz 45 DSA
21866 Boz Rottweiler Patti Hazlitt 5 DS
3787 Bramm Rottweiler Pamela Monroe 36 DSA
10589 Branko Rottweiler Lauren Wilbanks 30 DSA
1244 Bristol Rottweiler Pamela Monroe 69 DSX
2641 Brix Rottweiler Marlene Ferguson 6 DS
33452 Brodie Rottweiler Shari MARTIN 14 DS
3796 Bubbles Rottweiler Sandra Bello 31 DSA
16289 Burkhardt Rottweiler Quinn Amorine 57 DSX
7259 Buzz Rottweiler Dara Chanin 5 DS
22016 C-YA Rottweiler Paula Miloglav-Recco 130 DSX4
26816 Canyon Rottweiler Dawn Phillips 55 DSX
17668 Cerby Rottweiler Caitlin Noblin 69 DSX
17769 Charly Rottweiler Sabrina Drolet 14 DS
1840 Chief Rottweiler Danielle Hansen 9 DS
10296 Chyna Rottweiler Juan Antonio Perez 6 DS
18360 Clint Rottweiler Jennifer Bianchini 131 DSX4
16496 Coco Rottweiler Deborah Haynes 17 DS
7902 Darla Rottweiler Alyssa O'Rourke 6 DS
8626 Deqs Rottweiler Jeannine Ciszak 18 DS
15127 Dice Rottweiler Lynn Mayo 18 DS
1752 Diva Rottweiler Danielle Hansen 12 DS
27055 Dundee Rottweiler Sarah Hitch 21 DS
1682 Ego Rottweiler Carol Beasley 76 DSX
6132 Epic Rottweiler Carol Beasley 84 DSX2
8538 Eska Rottweiler Tricia Yonker 35 DSA
19372 Fenn Rottweiler Michelle Lennon 37 DSA
2272 Fiesta Rottweiler Sarah Janner 18 DS
32993 Finn Rottweiler Janine Posluszny 17 DS
10562 Fisher Rottweiler Dean & Julie Thomas 9 DS
5029 Freyja Rottweiler Janet Archer 10 DS
21143 Furion Rottweiler Jacqueline Riley 31 DSA
8320 Fury Rottweiler Linda Gunderson 84 DSX2
24210 G2 Rottweiler Rita M Friedman 7 DS
17446 Gillean Rottweiler Brigitte Ortega 14 DS
18269 Grayson Rottweiler Ross Carson 5 DS
29098 Hank Rottweiler Jeremy Erskine 42 DSA
21666 Harley Rottweiler RL Canton 5 DS
16351 Hooli Rottweiler Carol Beasley 29 DS
26125 Hope Rottweiler Margie Grady 48 DSA
25296 Hugo Rottweiler Angela Ebbs 30 DSA
5735 Indy Rottweiler Tonya Beam 34 DSA
5421 Iris Rottweiler Peter Friedman 34 DSA
17641 Jada Rottweiler Gwen Fiorito 7 DS
12534 Jade Rottweiler Tanya Yost 10 DS
21198 Jagger Rottweiler Tracy McMahon 5 DS
34874 Jolene Rottweiler John Cowan 19 DS
7137 Jordie Rottweiler Joanna Lockner 10 DS
17644 Josey Rottweiler Gwen Fiorito 10 DS
1370 Karma Rottweiler Carol Beasley 84 DSX2
10280 Kenda Rottweiler Janet Gilbert 7 DS
20633 Kenley Rottweiler Audrey Groves 18 DS
17075 Kimber Rottweiler Tamera Worley 6 DS
21431 Klick Rottweiler Alison Ouellette 45 DSA
13387 Kona Rottweiler Jody Boyer 34 DSA
1706 Kona Rottweiler Kathleen Elmore 10 DS
13837 Korbyn Rottweiler Joanna Lockner 33 DSA
34935 Larry Rottweiler Jeremy Erskine 20 DS
34195 Laser Rottweiler Linda Spengler 10 DS
29207 Letty Rottweiler Meredith Nolan 13 DS
33523 Lexa Rottweiler Betty Herbert 6 DS
18802 Lillee Rottweiler Alison Ouellette 64 DSX
8618 Lola Rottweiler Elsa Moncivais-Whitton 8 DS
31557 Lukas Rottweiler Cindy McManus 18 DS
14480 Lyra Rottweiler Lindsey Pabst 17 DSQ19
2884 Magnum Rottweiler Sandra Bello 85 DSX2
29066 Maia Rottweiler Georgia Flamm 41 DSA
17747 Malik Rottweiler Monique Latteier 13 DS
4549 Mele Rottweiler Shannon Jones 6 DS
24812 Meridius Rottweiler Valerie Hill 29 DS
4341 Michonne Rottweiler Cecilia Fender 17 DS
13838 Mila Rottweiler Joanna Lockner 35 DSA
4223 Moe Rottweiler Sean Flynn 37 DSA
15693 Mojo Rottweiler Jennifer Neville 12 DS
18891 Monae Rottweiler Jon Grey 14 DS
35776 Mufasa Rottweiler Catalina Martin 6 DS
2892 Nate Rottweiler Michele Hermann 12 DS
3817 Nova Rottweiler Peter Friedman 17 DS
6966 Nox Rottweiler Diane McKinney 12 DSQ18
23400 Nyla Rottweiler Colette Smith 19 DS
27035 Nyx Rottweiler Kay Mathias 5 DS
32707 Oliver Rottweiler Alison Ouellette 10 DS
2779 Onyx Rottweiler Susan Conrow 43 DSA
17255 Opie Rottweiler Craig Bergeron 75 DSX
4381 Opie Rottweiler Patricia Crawford 20 DS
10413 Otis Rottweiler Katie Maess 104 DSX2
2677 Padraig Rottweiler Susan Grupp 105 DSX3
17445 Padraig Rottweiler Brigitte Ortega 9 DS
22934 Pallo Rottweiler Sharon Cierniak 11 DS
8691 Pan Rottweiler Dawn Phillips 130 DSX4
29069 Pearl Rottweiler Gemma Mueller 21 DS
11732 Pez Rottweiler Jen Molnar 14 DS
13449 Phantom Rottweiler Kimberly Shaffer 93 DSX2
9109 Phoenix Rottweiler Cynthia Holcomb 65 DSX
6713 Phry Rottweiler Kathleen Sanderson 5 DS
2931 Preacher Rottweiler Suzi Faulkner 22 DS
7879 Prentice Rottweiler April Miller 60 DSX
25607 Pryce Rottweiler Laura Piro 28 DS
8590 Quest Rottweiler Kim Galbo 8 DS
29997 Rachel Rottweiler Elaine Schulz 11 DS
14263 Raven Rottweiler Frances Mistler 9 DS
16043 Reba Rottweiler Patricia Schneidmiller 67 DSX
9022 Reina Rottweiler Cindy McManus 26 DS
13540 Renzo Rottweiler Diane DAngelo 90 DSX2
33080 Riley Rottweiler Michael Gallagher 37 DSA
22403 Riot Rottweiler Kaitlyn Dirkson 10 DS
15039 Riptide Rottweiler Patrice Leipham 19 DS
16373 Risk Rottweiler Judith Barker 14 DS
37581 Rocket Rottweiler Judith Brockman 26 DS
35088 Rocky Rottweiler Dana Chapman 6 DS
18860 Rocky Rottweiler Sonya Champigny 7 DS
31379 Roya Rottweiler Megan Thompson 36 DSA
32763 Ryman Rottweiler Elizabeth Ross 5 DS
17315 Scout Rottweiler Daviann Mitchell 46 DSA
12438 Seger Rottweiler Tina Miller 135 DSX4
13627 Sherman Rottweiler Tracy Schumann 59 DSX
1774 Sorin Rottweiler Patricia Nickolaou 15 DS
33243 Stormie Rottweiler Shari MARTIN 14 DS
7880 Stormy Rottweiler April Miller 89 DSX2
28198 Tank Rottweiler Lori-Lynn Sanduliak 62 DSX
36408 Teeter Rottweiler Michael Marucci 5 DS
18349 Tessie Rottweiler Connie Carson-Romano 16 DS
5149 Titan Rottweiler Michael Brandon 23 DS
21250 Titus Rottweiler Brielle Leary 56 DSX
16232 Ury Rottweiler Jacqueline Kurzban 6 DS
30785 Waylen Rottweiler Catalina Martin 42 DSA
33230 Winnie Rottweiler Beth Rose 15 DS
8617 Zoey Rottweiler Brian Whitton 10 DS
24051 Zunder Rottweiler Caitlin Noblin 27 DS
NADD ID Call Name Breed Owner Total Jumps Title
2291 Abbey Rottweiler Carol Jones 5 DJ
5257 Addie Rottweiler Tonya Williamson 5 DJ
16314 Akoni Rottweiler Pam Zavidny 8 DJ
1524 Angus Rottweiler Benetta Criswell 27 DJ
2694 Atta Rottweiler Pam Long 20 DJ
1111 Auri Rottweiler Amy Scrimsher 7 DJ
20930 Axel Rottweiler Karen Arciga Maya 12 DJ
13347 Baby T Rottweiler Daviann Mitchell 28 DJ
17020 Bear Rottweiler Jessica Shelton 12 DJ
20928 Beau Rottweiler Mary Ann Pecen 76 DJX
36574 Beau Rottweiler Amber Paholsky 5 DJ
15283 Ben Rottweiler Matthew White 5 DJ
30625 Billie D Rottweiler Hollee Russell 7 DJ
15246 Bodhi Rottweiler Sharon Duncan Sylvia 5 DJ
4235 Bohannon Rottweiler Kay Truss 13 DJ
6077 Bon-o Rottweiler Sharon Baublitz 6 DJ
3787 Bramm Rottweiler Pamela Monroe 23 DJ
10589 Branko Rottweiler Lauren Wilbanks 14 DJ
1244 Bristol Rottweiler Pamela Monroe 19 DJ
1719 Brutus Rottweiler Lucy Ang 6 DJ
3796 Bubbles Rottweiler Sandra Bello 34 DJA
2672 Bumpus Rottweiler Glenda Russell 6 DJ
16289 Burkhardt Rottweiler Quinn Amorine 6 DJ
7259 Buzz Rottweiler Dara Chanin 10 DJ
22016 C-YA Rottweiler Paula Miloglav-Recco 5 DJ
22376 Camo Rottweiler Tricia Yonker 5 DJ
23595 Cass Rottweiler Ryan Van Tricht 6 DJ
14522 CC Rottweiler Daviann Mitchell 15 DJ
17668 Cerby Rottweiler Caitlin Noblin 11 DJ
1840 Chief Rottweiler Danielle Hansen 7 DJ
13214 Cveti Rottweiler Tamara Wade 8 DJ
22083 Doug Rottweiler Erin Bonenfant 5 DJ
1682 Ego Rottweiler Carol Beasley 5 DJ
3800 Encore Rottweiler Denise Killian 6 DJ
6132 Epic Rottweiler Carol Beasley 12 DJ
10540 Eros Rottweiler Staci Hresko 5 DJ
8538 Eska Rottweiler Tricia Yonker 6 DJ
9182 Etna Rottweiler Brenda Kutzler 13 DJ
9284 Faythe Rottweiler Kimberly Shaffer 5 DJ
9503 Feenix Rottweiler Michael Brandon 6 DJ
19372 Fenn Rottweiler Michelle Lennon 10 DJ
12568 Fia Rottweiler Judith Barker 40 DJA
10562 Fisher Rottweiler Dean & Julie Thomas 5 DJ
5029 Freyja Rottweiler Janet Archer 15 DJ
8320 Fury Rottweiler Linda Gunderson 12 DJ
7408 GG Rottweiler Carol Beasley 76 DJX
36119 Hans Rottweiler Angela Ebbs 6 DJ
16351 Hooli Rottweiler Carol Beasley 11 DJ
5735 Indy Rottweiler Tonya Beam 6 DJ
7249 Isla Rottweiler Joanna Lockner 5 DJ
12534 Jade Rottweiler Tanya Yost 21 DJ
21198 Jagger Rottweiler Tracy McMahon 7 DJ
15218 Justice Rottweiler Angela Smith 61 DJX
1370 Karma Rottweiler Carol Beasley 51 DJA
10280 Kenda Rottweiler Janet Gilbert 12 DJ
17075 Kimber Rottweiler Tamera Worley 6 DJ
13387 Kona Rottweiler Jody Boyer 13 DJ
13837 Korbyn Rottweiler Joanna Lockner 17 DJ
18816 Kyna Rottweiler Barbara Erwin 5 DJ
6743 Lara Rottweiler Althea Stowe 5 DJ
34195 Laser Rottweiler Linda Spengler 10 DJ
8618 Lola Rottweiler Elsa Moncivais-Whitton 111 DJX3
6816 Luca Rottweiler Bri Benton 11 DJ
13445 Lucy Rottweiler Ross Carson 5 DJ
1419 LunaBella Rottweiler Catherine O’Donnell 5 DJ
14480 Lyra Rottweiler Lindsey Pabst 6 DJ
26573 Mackee Rottweiler Nina Brown 5 DJ
2884 Magnum Rottweiler Sandra Bello 7 DJ
29066 Maia Rottweiler Georgia Flamm 45 DJA
24043 Maia Rottweiler Barb Burgess 5 DJ
17747 Malik Rottweiler Monique Latteier 9 DJ
17870 Maxie Rottweiler Marisa Rooke 5 DJ
1048 Mia Rottweiler Patricia Crawford 5 DJ
4390 Mica Rottweiler Dana Maroney 8 DJ
4223 Moe Rottweiler Sean Flynn 7 DJ
7293 Nadia Rottweiler Susan Grupp 23 DJQ19
2556 NitroJett Rottweiler Pauline Karalia 6 DJ
3817 Nova Rottweiler Peter Friedman 17 DJ
6966 Nox Rottweiler Diane McKinney 10 DJ
31697 Nyx Rottweiler Alicia Thompson 7 DJ
20712 Odin Rottweiler Aubree Erickson 8 DJ
32890 Omen Rottweiler Audrey Groves 5 DJ
10413 Otis Rottweiler Katie Maess 9 DJ
2677 Padraig Rottweiler Susan Grupp 26 DJ
8691 Pan Rottweiler Dawn Phillips 9 DJ
13449 Phantom Rottweiler Kimberly Shaffer 27 DJ
9109 Phoenix Rottweiler Cynthia Holcomb 16 DJ
15136 Pinky Lee Rottweiler Pamela Westphal 35 DJA
2931 Preacher Rottweiler Suzi Faulkner 5 DJ
7879 Prentice Rottweiler April Miller 8 DJ
25607 Pryce Rottweiler Laura Piro 27 DJ
8590 Quest Rottweiler Kim Galbo 21 DJQ18
14263 Raven Rottweiler Frances Mistler 11 DJ
9022 Reina Rottweiler Cindy McManus 9 DJ
13540 Renzo Rottweiler Diane DAngelo 8 DJ
33080 Riley Rottweiler Michael Gallagher 30 DJA
15057 Rio Rottweiler Dean & Julie Thomas 7 DJ
15039 Riptide Rottweiler Patrice Leipham 5 DJ
16373 Risk Rottweiler Judith Barker 32 DJA
33606 Rue Rottweiler Emily Mersereau 5 DJ
35934 Rumor Rottweiler Alison Ouellette 6 DJ
13864 Ryder Rottweiler Tanya Tresino 11 DJ
32763 Ryman Rottweiler Elizabeth Ross 6 DJ
17315 Scout Rottweiler Daviann Mitchell 23 DJ
15750 Sheldon Rottweiler Terri White 13 DJ
13627 Sherman Rottweiler Tracy Schumann 7 DJ
19151 Sophie Rottweiler Lauren Greene 12 DJ
10872 Spinner Rottweiler Sharon Baublitz 18 DJ
1447 Sue Rottweiler Catherine O’Donnell 5 DJ
14453 Tank Rottweiler Tina Cote 8 DJ
28198 Tank Rottweiler Lori-Lynn Sanduliak 5 DJ
18774 Teddy Rottweiler Dianne Moore 6 DJ
5400 Tekla Rottweiler Elizabeth Cornett 10 DJ
18349 Tessie Rottweiler Connie Carson-Romano 22 DJ
21250 Titus Rottweiler Brielle Leary 6 DJ
18017 ToMo Rottweiler Diane M. Cohn 6 DJ
13865 Tory Rottweiler Tanya Tresino 11 DJ
8690 Tryst Rottweiler Dawn Phillips 25 DJ
11740 Twix Rottweiler Elissa O'Sullivan 9 DJ
18725 Tygra Rottweiler Kimberly Shaffer 10 DJ
16232 Ury Rottweiler Jacqueline Kurzban 33 DJA
30785 Waylen Rottweiler Catalina Martin 6 DJ
32524 Whiskey Rottweiler Samantha Mandarino 13 DJ
29336 Willow Rottweiler Caitlin Noblin 7 DJ
33230 Winnie Rottweiler Beth Rose 10 DJ
14182 Winnie Winkles Rottweiler Glenda Russell 25 DJ
14414 Wish Rottweiler Suzanne Zoromskis 12 DJ
8617 Zoey Rottweiler Brian Whitton 116 DJX3
14452 Zuma Rottweiler Jenn Boileau 15 DJ
24051 Zunder Rottweiler Caitlin Noblin 21 DJ
NADD ID Call Name Breed Owner Total Jumps Title
35904 Addee Rottweiler Nina Brown 6 DN
18623 Amber Rottweiler Amanda Halayko 17 DN
37967 Aria Rottweiler Jeff McCullough 6 DN
2819 Axel Rottweiler Katie Maess 10 DN
20930 Axel Rottweiler Karen Arciga Maya 7 DN
1713 Ayashee Rottweiler Carol Beasley 5 DN
11271 Baby/Little One Rottweiler Shari Hoffman 9 DN
20928 Beau Rottweiler Mary Ann Pecen 19 DN
15283 Ben Rottweiler Matthew White 5 DN
36860 Bentley Rottweiler Amber Carroll 7 DN
17562 Beretta Rottweiler Kerstyn Parent 12 DN
2776 Bessy Rottweiler Ricki Campitella 6 DN
37422 Beta Rottweiler Michelle Ziebell 8 DN
30625 Billie D Rottweiler Hollee Russell 15 DN
15246 Bodhi Rottweiler Sharon Duncan Sylvia 11 DN
4235 Bohannon Rottweiler Kay Truss 6 DN
36767 Bowzer Rottweiler Katie Cheever 6 DN
3787 Bramm Rottweiler Pamela Monroe 26 DN
1489 Braxx Rottweiler Pamela Monroe 14 DN
33824 Bre Rottweiler Susan Grupp 7 DN
33753 Brick Rottweiler Tammy Snyder 6 DN
1719 Brutus Rottweiler Lucy Ang 8 DN
22711 Carl Rottweiler Tiffany Sikalas 5 DN
14522 CC Rottweiler Daviann Mitchell 51 DNA
1840 Chief Rottweiler Danielle Hansen 5 DN
1720 Cinco Rottweiler Lucy Ang 8 DN
10442 Cowboy Rottweiler Ross Carson 6 DN
37434 Emma Rottweiler Thomas Jacob 6 DN
10540 Eros Rottweiler Staci Hresko 5 DN
9284 Faythe Rottweiler Kimberly Shaffer 10 DN
12568 Fia Rottweiler Judith Barker 12 DN
4761 Flame Rottweiler Lucy Ang 15 DN
36034 Gambit Rottweiler Valorie Gengler 5 DN
5268 Georgie Rottweiler Maureen Telisky 6 DN
7408 GG Rottweiler Carol Beasley 6 DN
27008 Hugo Rottweiler Kelly Garrett 14 DN
7249 Isla Rottweiler Joanna Lockner 9 DN
16626 Johnnie Rottweiler Roxanne Denboer 5 DN
4920 JorJetta Rottweiler Pauline Karalia 5 DN
15218 Justice Rottweiler Angela Smith 39 DNA
8618 Lola Rottweiler Elsa Moncivais-Whitton 107 DNX3
26573 Mackee Rottweiler Nina Brown 5 DN
16288 Madison Rottweiler Megan Burger 5 DN
17870 Maxie Rottweiler Marisa Rooke 32 DNA
1048 Mia Rottweiler Patricia Crawford 8 DN
4390 Mica Rottweiler Dana Maroney 6 DN
7293 Nadia Rottweiler Susan Grupp 96 DNX2
10229 Notch Rottweiler Chris Swearingen 5 DN
19257 Nyx Rottweiler Denise Sisneroz 5 DN
9109 Phoenix Rottweiler Cynthia Holcomb 13 DN
27174 Phoenix Rottweiler Hannah Loewen 6 DN
15136 Pinky Lee Rottweiler Pamela Westphal 5 DN
7879 Prentice Rottweiler April Miller 19 DN
8590 Quest Rottweiler Kim Galbo 8 DN
7664 QuJett Rottweiler Pauline Karalia 5 DN
13920 Raina Rottweiler Diane Bruder 11 DN
13864 Ryder Rottweiler Tanya Tresino 13 DN
19151 Sophie Rottweiler Lauren Greene 9 DN
10872 Spinner Rottweiler Sharon Baublitz 18 DN
32849 Splash Rottweiler Dean & Julie Thomas 5 DN
4911 Squiggy Rottweiler Glenda Russell 5 DN
29680 Swayze Rottweiler Candice Prior 7 DN
27640 Tarkus Rottweiler Linda Munari 5 DN
37584 Teddy Rottweiler Heather Rohm 11 DN
3816 Tesla Rottweiler Peter Friedman 6 DN
30630 Tessa Rottweiler Diane Bruder 11 DN
21250 Titus Rottweiler Brielle Leary 6 DN
13865 Tory Rottweiler Tanya Tresino 6 DN
8690 Tryst Rottweiler Dawn Phillips 25 DN
18725 Tygra Rottweiler Kimberly Shaffer 15 DN
32524 Whiskey Rottweiler Samantha Mandarino 20 DN
29336 Willow Rottweiler Caitlin Noblin 5 DN
33230 Winnie Rottweiler Beth Rose 8 DN
14182 Winnie Winkles Rottweiler Glenda Russell 9 DN
5127 Xena Rottweiler Kim Williams 63 DNX
24051 Zunder Rottweiler Caitlin Noblin 8 DN
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