Breed Rankings Report

Breed rankings for Distance Jump are based on the season average, which is the average of each dog's top 15 Distance Jump scores in the 2024 season. Dogs must have at least 15 Distance Jump scores in 2024 to be ranked. (V) indicates a registered dog's breed has been verified.

More options: show all dogs for this breed, even if they don't have enough jumps to be ranked yet.

2024 Distance Jump Rankings for All American Dog (48)

Rank NADD ID Call Name Qualifiers Breed Owner Class Jumps Season Average
1 17159 Snap AllAmerican (V) Susi Evans Open 16 29' 10
2 31780 Ronan AllAmerican (V) Josh Blount Open 17 29' 8
3 20888 Rigby AllAmerican (V) Robin Herman Open 20 29' 2
4 24799 Kota AllAmerican (V) Marissa Schneider Open 26 27' 8
4 32217 Riley AllAmerican (V) Josh Blount Open 15 27' 8
6 21936 Archie AllAmerican (V) Shannon Summers Open 39 27' 4
7 2849 Honor AllAmerican (V) Karleen Brown Open 39 27' 3
8 16727 Juno AllAmerican (V) Pam Deems Open 47 26' 8
9 29589 Fig AllAmerican (V) Leslie Lane Open 35 26' 0
10 31643 Lily AllAmerican (V) Emily Miller Open 23 25' 11
11 28933 Reaper AllAmerican (V) Dustin Krempin Open 50 25' 3
12 16680 Ruger AllAmerican (V) Kelley Norred Open 17 24' 7
13 3502 Ollie AllAmerican (V) Cathy Segura Open 31 24' 5
13 15696 Titan AllAmerican (V) Susanne Sweney Open 23 24' 5
15 14104 Monty AllAmerican (V) Judith Chymiak Open 26 23' 11
16 21176 Everett Grace AllAmerican (V) Deana Houston Open 26 23' 6
17 26824 Cava AllAmerican (V) Susi Evans Lap 15 22' 11
18 22123 Daisy AllAmerican (V) Meg Myers Open 15 22' 8
19 25786 Rocco AllAmerican (V) Emily Davis Open 16 22' 7
20 27578 Sirius AllAmerican (V) Maddie Bangs Open 24 22' 6
21 26658 Ruby AllAmerican (V) Deanna Schwarz Open 16 22' 2
22 18672 Boz AllAmerican (V) Marilyn Snyder Open 17 22' 0
23 16758 Raven AllAmerican (V) Charlene Cullins Open 15 20' 11
24 28583 Coco AllAmerican (V) Holly Rice Open 22 20' 8
25 9766 Echo AllAmerican (V) Denise Duriga Open 84 19' 9
25 12869 Frantic AllAmerican (V) Jennifer Zimmerly-Offinga Open 26 19' 9
27 19941 Xander AllAmerican (V) Susan Hovanec Open 16 19' 3
28 11453 Rocket AllAmerican (V) Kristi Hatfield Lap 15 18' 9
29 25125 Scooby AllAmerican (V) Nicole Teitelbaum Open 25 18' 8
30 24557 Johnny Cash AllAmerican (V) Sarah Loman Open 17 18' 6
31 23544 Flower AllAmerican (V) Kimberly Christen Open 23 18' 2
32 16918 Sparks AllAmerican (V) Gayle Morton Open 33 18' 0
33 24916 Navi AllAmerican (V) Jillian Wilkowski Open 17 17' 11
34 23870 Mia AllAmerican (V) Paul Ragle Lap 17 17' 9
35 26659 Aoife AllAmerican (V) Susan Hansell Lap 22 17' 8
36 33292 Junior AllAmerican (V) Kristi Hatfield Open 18 17' 6
37 27301 Salem AllAmerican (V) Amanda Payne Open 15 17' 5
38 30055 Kona AllAmerican (V) Janice Neisess Open 38 17' 2
39 28918 Raven AllAmerican (V) Jo Britt Open 15 17' 1
40 28954 Esmé AllAmerican (V) Jennifer McDonald Lap 17 16' 4
41 32901 Luna AllAmerican (V) Josh Blount Open 16 15' 3
41 34385 PANTHER AllAmerican (V) Skylar Thompson Open 23 15' 3
43 30296 Torque AllAmerican (V) Annie Burns Open 21 14' 6
44 9890 Avery AllAmerican (V) Brian Pleat Open 24 14' 4
45 16153 Zero AllAmerican (V) Alysha Riel Open 18 13' 8
46 32148 Ratchet AllAmerican Annie Burns Open 19 11' 9
47 6378 Nala AllAmerican (V) Karleen Brown Open 23 11' 5
48 32785 Tiberius AllAmerican (V) Jordan Antor Open 20 7' 10
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