- This is an Outdoor Event
- Online registration begins on 06/27/2025 at 01:00 pm (CDT) and closes 09/05/2025 at midnight (CDT).
- Pre-registration (online) price per splash for this event is $27.00 (CAD) per dog. Payment is due upon check-in.
- Splashes can be purchased on-site the day of the event for $32.00 (CAD) per dog.
- Payment is required at check-in for all pre-registered splashes. Refunds will not be issued if you fail to show up for your turn.
Event Contact Info
Website: www.CaniSplash.com
Contact Email Address: info@canisplash.com
Contact Phone: 450-439-2580
Event Notes
- A NADD Registration Number is required to enter, purchase here for $35.00.
- Splashes include up to three minutes on the dock for one optional practice jump and two judged jumps. You must inform the judge prior to your jump if you want it to be considered a "practice jump".
- The jump order is set by a posted running order. Each splash closes 30 minutes prior to start time. Failure to be present at the beginning of the splash can result if the forfeiture of jumping in that splash.
- Each distance jumping Splash allows 2 judged jumps, back to back. The longest jump of them will be your Qualifying Score.
- You can earn a Diving Dog Title at this event. You must have five Qualifying Scores within a Division. NADD titles are recognized by the AKC and CKC through their recognition programs. View their applications here (AKC) and here (CKC).
- Please read the official NADD Rules before you attend the Trial.
01:00 pm: Splash #1 (Distance Jump)
02:30 pm: Splash #2 (Distance Jump)
04:00 pm: Splash #101 (Air Retrieve)
08:30 am: Splash #3 (Distance Jump)
10:00 am: Splash #4 (Distance Jump)
01:00 pm: Splash #5 (Distance Jump)
03:00 pm: Splash #6 (Distance Jump)
04:30 pm: Splash #102 (Air Retrieve)
08:30 am: Splash #7 (Distance Jump)
10:00 am: Splash #8 (Distance Jump)
01:00 pm: Splash #9 (Distance Jump)
03:00 pm: Splash #10 (Distance Jump)
04:30 pm: Splash #301 (Hydro Dash)
Other Notes
Tirages de prix de présence quotidiens.
Le stationnement se trouve à l'arrière de la piscine, accessible à droite du bâtiment rouge. Apportez votre chaise de camping et abri-soleil.
DÉJEUNER d'environ 45 min vers midi. Divers restaurants rapides à 5min de voiture.
Aucun chien attaché à une voiture et laissé sans surveillance ne sera toléré.
Tout proprio de chien qui aboie sans cesse et hors de contrôle ENTRE ses splashs sera demandé de quitter. Merci de garder vos chiens dans un esprit zen et d'auto-contrôle.
Prendre note que pour cette compétition, seuls les spectateurs voyageant avec un chien inscrit à la compétition seront admis sur le site.
Aucune finale.
Daily draw of attendance prices.
The parking lot is located behind the pool, accessible to the right of the red building. Bring your camping chair + sun shelter.
About 45 minutes of lunch around noon every day. Various fast-food restaurants and grocery stores within 5 minutes by car.
No dog tied to a car and left unattended will be tolerated.
Any owner of a dog that barks incessantly and uncontrollably between its splashes will be asked to leave the premises. Thank you for keeping your dog in a Zen spirit and self-control.
Please note that for this competition, only spectators traveling with a dog registered for the competition will be admitted to the site.
No final.