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Pier Pups Infinity and Beyond Qualifier Classic 2025

June 20, 2025 - June 22, 2025 (Friday - Sunday)

This is a qualifier event for NADD Regionals.

Public registration for this event will begin on 04/04/2025 at 01:00 pm (CDT).

You've added this event to your watchlist and will receive an email notification as soon as it opens for registration.


503 N Jackson Avenue
Jefferson County Fair Park
Jefferson, WI 53549
  • This is an Outdoor Event
Please click button to display map


  • Online registration begins on 04/04/2025 at 01:00 pm (CDT) and closes 06/13/2025 at midnight (CDT).
  • Price per splash for this event is $30.00 (USD) per dog. Payment is due upon check-in.
  • Payment is required at check-in for all pre-registered splashes. Refunds will not be issued if you fail to show up for your turn.

Event Contact Info


Contact Email Address:

Contact Phone: 920-212-0364

Event Notes

  • A NADD Registration Number is required to enter, purchase here for $35.00.
  • Splashes include up to three minutes on the dock for one optional practice jump and two judged jumps. You must inform the judge prior to your jump if you want it to be considered a "practice jump".
  • This event is being run by a NADD mobile dock. Info on parking and other event site info can be found on the event description or on our social media page.
  • The jump order is set by a posted running order. Each splash closes 30 minutes prior to start time. Failure to be present at the beginning of the splash can result if the forfeiture of jumping in that splash.
  • Each distance jumping Splash allows 2 judged jumps, back to back. The longest jump of them will be your Qualifying Score.
  • You can earn a Diving Dog Title at this event. You must have five Qualifying Scores within a Division. NADD titles are recognized by the AKC and CKC through their recognition programs. View their applications here (AKC) and here (CKC).
  • Please read the official NADD Rules before you attend the Trial.

NADD Regionals Qualifier

This is a qualifier event for the NADD Diving Dog Regionals.
  • In order to qualify for Distance Jump, each dog must have a minimum of three DJ splashes completed at this event. We then take the average of the top three jumps from the event for each dog. Only the top 3 dogs in each division will receive an automatic Distance Jump invite to the Regionals.
  • Jumps in all the Splashes will count towards your NADD/AKC titles.
  • The Air Retrieve and Hydro Dash qualifier will be based on the highest score achieved at the event. In both Open & Lap, the Top 3 Finishers for each division will earn invites.

Try-its at this event

  • Try-its will be allowed as space permits and during Splashes if no competitors are waiting to jump. Try-its cost $10.00.


Friday, Jun 20, 2025
  • 09:00 am: Splash #101 (Air Retrieve)

  • 11:00 am: Splash #1 (Distance Jump)

  • 01:00 pm: Splash #2 (Distance Jump)

  • 03:00 pm: Splash #3 (Distance Jump)

  • 05:00 pm: Splash #4 (Distance Jump)

Saturday, Jun 21, 2025
  • 09:00 am: Splash #102 (Air Retrieve)

  • 11:00 am: Splash #5 (Distance Jump)

  • 01:00 pm: Splash #6 (Distance Jump)

  • 03:00 pm: Splash #7 (Distance Jump)

  • 05:00 pm: Splash #8 (Distance Jump)

Sunday, Jun 22, 2025
  • 09:00 am: Splash #301 (Hydro Dash)

  • 11:00 am: Splash #9 (Distance Jump)

  • 01:00 pm: Splash #10 (Distance Jump)

  • 03:00 pm: Splash #11 (Distance Jump)

Other Notes

We are really excited bring to you the 1st annual Infinity and Beyond Classic - 2025!!


At the Infinity and Beyond Classic, not only do we have NADD dock diving, but also an Updog Challenge Disc Competition, a UFli Flyball Tournament, and a NACSW Nosework trial.


For more information about the individual competitions, camping, vendors and much more, please click HERE.


2025 NADD/AKC Regional Qualifier


Session Times


Friday, June 20th

Air Retrieve:  9:00 AM

Distance:  11:00, 1:00, 3:00 and 5:00  


Saturday,  June 21st

Air Retrieve:  9:00 AM

Distance:   11:00, 1:00, 3:00 and 5:00


Sunday, June 22nd

Hydrodash:  9:00 AM

Distance:  11:00, 1:00 and 3:00


Dock Diving Details

  • Registration will open at 8:00 AM

  • Pool will be open for practice at 8:00 AM

  • Please arrive at the pool and check in at least 45 min before your first splash.

  • We accept cash, checks, contactless PayPal payments and credit cards. Credit cards and PayPal payments will be charged an additional 3% service charge.

  • Handlers meeting will be held approx. 15 min before the first splash of the day.

  • "Day-Of" registration spots for Distance, Hydrodash and Air Retrieve (if offered on that day).   Try-Its will be allowed as space permits.

  • There is plenty of space near the pool to set up a canopy, and you will be able to crate out of your vehicle with a short walk to the pool.  Canopies may be left up overnight at your own risk.

  • If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email us at


Parking and crating

The crating area offers plenty of grassy areas to set up canopies or you may crate out of your car.  Pool is adjacent to parking. Dock diving competitors should arrive through Gate 3.


When you arrive

Please plan on arriving at least 45 minutes before your first scheduled splash.  After parking and setting up your crate/canopy, please make your way to the Admin tent to sign in.  We will accept cash, check, credit card and contactless PayPal payments.


Waivers - NEW digital waivers!

Please click HERE to digitally sign the event waivers or click HERE to  print off, sign and bring with you both waivers: 1) the standard NADD waiver 2) the Pier Pups waiver.  We will issue you a wristband that will allow you on the dock once we have received both waivers.  Also, any additional handlers must also complete these waivers and have a wristband to enter the dock area.


Event Structure

We will be running the event as a regular closed splash event with set splash times. There will be only 3 teams in the staging area at a time:  the team on the dock, one on deck, and one in the hole.   We will also use the sound system and a white board to keep everyone up to date on the running order.



Ribbon labels will be placed on a table on the far side of the admin tent immediately following the splash.



Try-its will be allowed as space permits and during splashes if no competitors are waiting to jump. Try-its cost $10.00 for two Try-it tickets. These tickets may be used on any day of the competition.


Registration for this event will open on 04/04/2025 at 01:00 pm (CDT).

Registration Email Notification

Want to receive an email notification when this event opens for registration? Log in and click the Add To Watchlist button to add it to your Watchlist and you'll receive an email notification the day the event opens for registration.

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