Breed Rankings Report

Breed rankings for Distance Jump are based on the season average, which is the average of each dog's top 15 Distance Jump scores in the 2021 season. Dogs must have at least 15 Distance Jump scores in 2021 to be ranked. (V) indicates a registered dog's breed has been verified.

More options: show all dogs for this breed, even if they don't have enough jumps to be ranked yet.

2021 Distance Jump Rankings for Rottweiler (43)

Rank NADD ID Call Name Qualifiers Breed Owner Class Jumps Season Average
1 9022 Reina Rottie (V) Cindy McManus Open 92 26' 5
2 7137 Jordie Rottie (V) Joanna Lockner Open 33 23' 8
2 20242 Desi Rottie (V) CHRISTINE CULHANE Open 28 23' 8
4 10413 Otis Rottie (V) Katie Maess Open 51 23' 3
5 15283 Ben Rottie (V) Matthew White Open 24 23' 2
6 17668 Cerby Rottie (V) Caitlin Noblin Open 76 21' 11
6 23400 Nyla Rottie (V) Colette Smith Open 20 21' 11
8 22016 C-YA Rottie (V) Paula Miloglav-Recco Open 30 21' 6
9 1774 Sorin Rottie (V) Patricia Nickolaou Open 23 21' 5
9 2779 Onyx Rottie (V) Susan Conrow Open 30 21' 5
11 18891 Monae Rottie (V) Jon Grey Open 18 21' 1
12 17255 Opie Rottie Craig Bergeron Open 33 20' 9
13 16043 Reba Rottie (V) Patricia Schneidmiller Open 34 20' 8
14 8320 Fury Rottie (V) Linda Gunderson Open 31 20' 7
15 13449 Phantom Rottie (V) Kimberly Shaffer Open 49 20' 5
16 17315 Scout Rottie (V) Daviann Mitchell Open 36 19' 11
17 7879 Prentice Rottie (V) April Miller Open 22 19' 10
17 13347 Baby T Rottie (V) Daviann Mitchell Open 31 19' 10
19 8691 Pan Rottie (V) Dawn Phillips Open 30 19' 8
20 18802 Lillee Rottie (V) Alison Ouellette Open 18 19' 7
20 21250 Titus Rottie Brielle Leary Open 28 19' 7
22 18360 Clint Rottie (V) Jennifer Bianchini Open 62 19' 1
23 16289 Burkhardt Rottie (V) Quinn Amorine Open 36 19' 0
24 13540 Renzo Rottie (V) Diane DAngelo Open 47 18' 9
25 19372 Fenn Rottie (V) Michelle Lennon Open 37 18' 7
26 7880 Stormy Rottie (V) April Miller Open 20 17' 11
27 16351 Hooli Rottie (V) Carol Beasley Open 19 17' 9
27 21431 Klick Rottie (V) Alison Ouellette Open 15 17' 9
29 9109 Phoenix Rottie (V) Cynthia Holcomb Open 20 17' 5
29 17020 Bear Rottie (V) Jessica Shelton Open 26 17' 5
31 16373 Risk Rottie (V) Judith Barker Open 19 15' 10
32 18349 Tessie Rottie (V) Connie Carson-Romano Open 19 15' 5
33 8618 Lola Rottie (V) Elsa Moncivais-Whitton Open 42 13' 11
34 14452 Zuma Rottie (V) Jenn Boileau Open 20 13' 9
35 8617 Zoey Rottie (V) Brian Whitton Open 31 13' 2
35 12568 Fia Rottie (V) Judith Barker Open 16 13' 2
37 16232 Ury Rottie (V) Jacqueline Kurzban Open 15 13' 0
38 14182 Winnie Winkles Rottie (V) Glenda Russell Open 15 12' 3
39 18725 Tygra Rottie (V) Kimberly Shaffer Open 22 12' 1
40 15218 Justice Rottie (V) Angela Smith Open 29 11' 6
41 15136 Pinky Lee Rottie (V) Pamela Westphal Open 18 11' 1
42 19151 Sophie Rottie (V) Lauren Greene Open 21 10' 3
43 17870 Maxie Rottie (V) Marisa Rooke Open 20 10' 1
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