Titles Earned

Dogs that have earned at least one title in a particular division are listed below. The title shown is the dog's highest title achieved in each division. To view a list of all the titles a dog has earned, click on that dog's name for more information.

No dogs in this division.
NADD ID Call Name Breed Owner Total Jumps Title
25457 Dusty Miniature American Shepherd Todd Johnson 31 DEA
18450 Freya Miniature American Shepherd Abigail Krivak 18 DE
8679 Gracie Miniature American Shepherd Arnette Small 48 DEA
30681 Rattle the Stars Neptune Miniature American Shepherd Bridget Hilburn 5 DE
21410 Rebel Miniature American Shepherd Angela Meeler 6 DE
16900 Rhiannon Miniature American Shepherd Christy & Jim Metallo 18 DE
14591 River Miniature American Shepherd Ellie Soto 10 DE
13689 Silas Miniature American Shepherd Debbie Pillard 30 DEA
25208 Tucker Miniature American Shepherd Heidi Haggin 8 DE
3290 Willo Miniature American Shepherd Lynette VandeVenter 7 DE
NADD ID Call Name Breed Owner Total Jumps Title
31800 Bluey Miniature American Shepherd Kelsey Terryah 6 DM
7387 Cooper Miniature American Shepherd Leslie Scott 83 DMX2
15311 Crusher Miniature American Shepherd Angela Meeler 66 DMX
21258 Devon Miniature American Shepherd Jayne Levine 8 DM
8009 Dodger Miniature American Shepherd Kara Mead DM
25457 Dusty Miniature American Shepherd Todd Johnson 37 DMA
3973 Eclipse Miniature American Shepherd Becca Hancock 6 DMQ18
14863 Eli Miniature American Shepherd Elizabeth Dee 36 DMA
13686 Enzo Miniature American Shepherd Deborah Griffith 55 DMX
22114 Epie Miniature American Shepherd Karen Pence 12 DM
7119 Flurry Miniature American Shepherd Melanie Mroczek 28 DMQ19
18450 Freya Miniature American Shepherd Abigail Krivak 55 DMX
9049 Goose Miniature American Shepherd Diane Ziegler 1 DMQ18
8679 Gracie Miniature American Shepherd Arnette Small 48 DMA
15257 Harry Potter Miniature American Shepherd Gloria Owler 86 DMX2
19666 Haven Miniature American Shepherd Kristy Hubbard 8 DM
10322 Hope Miniature American Shepherd Shelley Geyer 165 DMX5
23094 Keeva Miniature American Shepherd Lynn Fleming 6 DM
33771 Kepler Miniature American Shepherd Tayllor Pittman 6 DM
13256 Lolly-Pop Miniature American Shepherd Letitia Odom 27 DM
1559 Magic Miniature American Shepherd Lynette VandeVenter 16 DM
30486 Maui Miniature American Shepherd Mary Green 9 DM
8869 Max Miniature American Shepherd Tami Linnerud 135 DMX4
27464 Mosasaur Miniature American Shepherd Meghan Ryder 41 DMA
25699 Nike Miniature American Shepherd Caterina O’Sullivan 49 DMA
21508 Odin Miniature American Shepherd Caroline Coyle 24 DM
9058 Penny Miniature American Shepherd Leslie Scott 48 DMA
8546 Queenie Miniature American Shepherd Elizabeth Frum 6 DMQ19
26168 Quill Miniature American Shepherd Jennifer Shapiro 12 DM
10997 Ranga Miniature American Shepherd Christy & Jim Metallo 70 DMX
30681 Rattle the Stars Neptune Miniature American Shepherd Bridget Hilburn 17 DM
20525 Razzle Dazzle Miniature American Shepherd Cassie Zydek 5 DM
21410 Rebel Miniature American Shepherd Angela Meeler 38 DMA
5709 Reveille Miniature American Shepherd Steve Mize 65 DMX
16900 Rhiannon Miniature American Shepherd Christy & Jim Metallo 60 DMX
6692 Risk Miniature American Shepherd Cristina Maxwell 65 DMX
14591 River Miniature American Shepherd Ellie Soto 30 DMA
3448 Rory Miniature American Shepherd Judy Frantzich 7 DM
10127 Sheriff Miniature American Shepherd Lily Martinez 8 DM
9886 Shimmy Miniature American Shepherd Sally Saxton 95 DMX2
13689 Silas Miniature American Shepherd Debbie Pillard 133 DMX4
8680 Spark Miniature American Shepherd Bonnie Sandy 12 DMQ18
25208 Tucker Miniature American Shepherd Heidi Haggin 111 DMX3
31637 Tucker Miniature American Shepherd Tauni Crisp 7 DM
34007 Wager Miniature American Shepherd Julie Anzalone 23 DM
3290 Willo Miniature American Shepherd Lynette VandeVenter 26 DM
NADD ID Call Name Breed Owner Total Jumps Title
17843 Arkham Miniature American Shepherd Samantha Morin 45 DSA
29794 Arrow Miniature American Shepherd Katie Ball 34 DSA
27715 Ash Miniature American Shepherd Sandra Wenden 5 DS
17009 Asher Miniature American Shepherd Brooke Hawk 16 DS
13870 Axle Miniature American Shepherd Julie Berberich 45 DSA
21847 Azul Miniature American Shepherd Darla Gentry 44 DSA
8607 Baker Miniature American Shepherd Karen Cooper 136 DSX4
24011 Baron Miniature American Shepherd Jenna Burkstrom 5 DS
32684 Big Miniature American Shepherd Heather McKinnon 15 DS
20454 Bits Miniature American Shepherd Deb Rowe 17 DS
10479 Brina Miniature American Shepherd Cheryl Cramer 7 DS
16872 Bryz Miniature American Shepherd Christy & Jim Metallo 14 DS
32412 Cade Miniature American Shepherd Mark Herboth 12 DS
27518 Coll Miniature American Shepherd Gabriela Angelevska 15 DS
1255 Colt Miniature American Shepherd Sandra Harris 46 DSA
7387 Cooper Miniature American Shepherd Leslie Scott 7 DS
15311 Crusher Miniature American Shepherd Angela Meeler 27 DS
21258 Devon Miniature American Shepherd Jayne Levine 24 DS
9745 Dink Miniature American Shepherd Sharon Jonas 14 DS
20319 Doc Miniature American Shepherd Sandra Leclair 8 DS
8009 Dodger Miniature American Shepherd Kara Mead 7 DS
3973 Eclipse Miniature American Shepherd Becca Hancock 24 DS
25094 Eddie Miniature American Shepherd Janice Burns 6 DS
14863 Eli Miniature American Shepherd Elizabeth Dee 50 DSA
13686 Enzo Miniature American Shepherd Deborah Griffith 85 DSX2
22114 Epie Miniature American Shepherd Karen Pence 13 DS
13473 Finn Miniature American Shepherd Kristin Sothard 9 DS
24902 Finn Miniature American Shepherd Elly Hyde 10 DS
15388 Firenze Miniature American Shepherd Mercedes Osolin 7 DS
7119 Flurry Miniature American Shepherd Melanie Mroczek 16 DS
8543 Frankie Miniature American Shepherd Sue Castona 58 DSX
18450 Freya Miniature American Shepherd Abigail Krivak 8 DS
33444 Galaxy Miniature American Shepherd Kevin & Tracey Kent 8 DS
19450 Gallaway Miniature American Shepherd Elyssa Baltazar 12 DS
21986 Geordi Miniature American Shepherd Tammy Flaga 7 DS
19824 Gizmo Miniature American Shepherd Cheryl Chavez 5 DS
9049 Goose Miniature American Shepherd Diane Ziegler 72 DSX
8679 Gracie Miniature American Shepherd Arnette Small 6 DS
27827 Halen Miniature American Shepherd Kacy Reighter 6 DS
17490 Hamilton Miniature American Shepherd Susan Sutter 52 DSA
4434 Hank Miniature American Shepherd Kathy Wirka 72 DSX
15257 Harry Potter Miniature American Shepherd Gloria Owler 29 DS
32082 Hoku Miniature American Shepherd RaiLei Button 12 DS
7659 Holly Miniature American Shepherd Tami Dettinger 108 DSX3
33471 Hop Miniature American Shepherd Madison Schwab 5 DS
10322 Hope Miniature American Shepherd Shelley Geyer 30 DSA
26414 Jax Miniature American Shepherd Jennsen Lee 79 DSX
4294 Jayce Miniature American Shepherd Myssie Zerm 10 DSQ18
18092 Jett Miniature American Shepherd Leslie Cash 8 DS
9716 Jette Miniature American Shepherd Kimberly Parham 51 DSA
9971 Justin Miniature American Shepherd Karen Cooper 127 DSX3
22256 Kaia Miniature American Shepherd Katelyn Kelley 5 DS
23094 Keeva Miniature American Shepherd Lynn Fleming 8 DS
20521 Kiley Miniature American Shepherd Clare Miller 8 DS
3774 KixxAzz Miniature American Shepherd John Neville 19 DS
13256 Lolly-Pop Miniature American Shepherd Letitia Odom 114 DSX3
6383 Maggie Miniature American Shepherd Jan Hitchborn 27 DS
21257 Maggie Miniature American Shepherd Jayne Levine 24 DS
1559 Magic Miniature American Shepherd Lynette VandeVenter 19 DS
29489 Marshal-Moo Miniature American Shepherd Lauren Evans 17 DS
30486 Maui Miniature American Shepherd Mary Green 24 DS
8869 Max Miniature American Shepherd Tami Linnerud 80 DSX2
29580 Minnie Miniature American Shepherd Denise Blier 16 DS
18989 Munch Miniature American Shepherd Brooke Hawk 10 DS
19086 Nala Miniature American Shepherd Tania Malterer 12 DS
12046 Navee Miniature American Shepherd Misty Yohannan 15 DS
25699 Nike Miniature American Shepherd Caterina O’Sullivan 26 DS
21508 Odin Miniature American Shepherd Caroline Coyle 68 DSX
9058 Penny Miniature American Shepherd Leslie Scott 33 DSA
22336 Poppy Miniature American Shepherd Nardine Hoover 6 DS
8546 Queenie Miniature American Shepherd Elizabeth Frum 9 DS
26168 Quill Miniature American Shepherd Jennifer Shapiro 8 DS
10997 Ranga Miniature American Shepherd Christy & Jim Metallo 38 DSA
30681 Rattle the Stars Neptune Miniature American Shepherd Bridget Hilburn 8 DS
20525 Razzle Dazzle Miniature American Shepherd Cassie Zydek 15 DS
3182 Reba Miniature American Shepherd Patti Cutler 6 DS
28594 Rebel Miniature American Shepherd Anthony Fielding 6 DS
21410 Rebel Miniature American Shepherd Angela Meeler 5 DS
20854 Reese Miniature American Shepherd Teresa Macorke 6 DS
5709 Reveille Miniature American Shepherd Steve Mize 42 DSA
16900 Rhiannon Miniature American Shepherd Christy & Jim Metallo 17 DS
6692 Risk Miniature American Shepherd Cristina Maxwell 63 DSX
14591 River Miniature American Shepherd Ellie Soto 18 DS
29503 River Miniature American Shepherd Dana Huntington 9 DS
14937 Ruby Miniature American Shepherd Donna Carr 43 DSA
17286 Ryder Miniature American Shepherd Emilee McClain 12 DS
10634 Sammy Miniature American Shepherd Lori Maier 62 DSX
1058 Schooner Miniature American Shepherd Jean Trentini 8 DS
7322 Shadow Miniature American Shepherd Tom Gaian 11 DS
19766 Shadow Miniature American Shepherd Nancy Keatinge 15 DS
10127 Sheriff Miniature American Shepherd Lily Martinez 69 DSX
9886 Shimmy Miniature American Shepherd Sally Saxton 19 DS
20577 Sierra Miniature American Shepherd Teresa Haarsma 6 DS
13689 Silas Miniature American Shepherd Debbie Pillard 18 DS
19524 Sketch Miniature American Shepherd Kyle Smith 45 DSA
33149 Skye Miniature American Shepherd Bill Simpson 31 DSA
8680 Spark Miniature American Shepherd Bonnie Sandy 7 DS
31846 Swagger Miniature American Shepherd Kim Wildowsky 10 DS
4859 Tozer Miniature American Shepherd Lori McKusick 32 DSA
25208 Tucker Miniature American Shepherd Heidi Haggin 17 DS
31637 Tucker Miniature American Shepherd Tauni Crisp 6 DS
25755 Twix Miniature American Shepherd Chloe & Michelle Gray 10 DS
12943 Viper Miniature American Shepherd Karen Poe 13 DS
34007 Wager Miniature American Shepherd Julie Anzalone 35 DSA
3290 Willo Miniature American Shepherd Lynette VandeVenter 13 DS
NADD ID Call Name Breed Owner Total Jumps Title
31073 Ada Miniature American Shepherd Jennifer Young 15 DJ
17843 Arkham Miniature American Shepherd Samantha Morin 5 DJ
29794 Arrow Miniature American Shepherd Katie Ball 17 DJ
17009 Asher Miniature American Shepherd Brooke Hawk 23 DJ
13870 Axle Miniature American Shepherd Julie Berberich 10 DJ
21847 Azul Miniature American Shepherd Darla Gentry 9 DJ
8607 Baker Miniature American Shepherd Karen Cooper 51 DJA
32684 Big Miniature American Shepherd Heather McKinnon 16 DJ
20454 Bits Miniature American Shepherd Deb Rowe 25 DJ
28426 Blanton Miniature American Shepherd Jenny Fleming 31 DJA
25765 Bosco Miniature American Shepherd Lisa Moir 6 DJ
10144 Breezy Miniature American Shepherd Margaret Jewett 28 DJ
19233 Camille Miniature American Shepherd Deborah Vassar 8 DJ
22801 Cash Miniature American Shepherd Linda Duca 5 DJ
13664 Chase Miniature American Shepherd Melanie Mroczek 13 DJQ19
9436 Chloe Miniature American Shepherd Jody Thompson 25 DJ
1255 Colt Miniature American Shepherd Sandra Harris 52 DJA
21258 Devon Miniature American Shepherd Jayne Levine 13 DJ
20319 Doc Miniature American Shepherd Sandra Leclair 26 DJ
3973 Eclipse Miniature American Shepherd Becca Hancock 9 DJ
32370 Eevee Miniature American Shepherd Tara Talbot 7 DJ
23897 Eleanor Miniature American Shepherd Rebecca Jacobi 7 DJ
13686 Enzo Miniature American Shepherd Deborah Griffith 14 DJ
23645 Epic Miniature American Shepherd Ellen Robarts 5 DJ
13473 Finn Miniature American Shepherd Kristin Sothard 5 DJ
1346 Finn Miniature American Shepherd Esther Shrader 10 DJ
24902 Finn Miniature American Shepherd Elly Hyde 6 DJ
15388 Firenze Miniature American Shepherd Mercedes Osolin 51 DJA
32044 Flash Miniature American Shepherd Dolores Fischer 33 DJA
8543 Frankie Miniature American Shepherd Sue Castona 14 DJ
19450 Gallaway Miniature American Shepherd Elyssa Baltazar 58 DJX
21986 Geordi Miniature American Shepherd Tammy Flaga 10 DJ
9049 Goose Miniature American Shepherd Diane Ziegler 9 DJ
25860 Gossip Miniature American Shepherd Elise Wolpert 10 DJ
8679 Gracie Miniature American Shepherd Arnette Small 9 DJ
31714 Halen Miniature American Shepherd Emilee McClain 5 DJ
17490 Hamilton Miniature American Shepherd Susan Sutter 9 DJ
4434 Hank Miniature American Shepherd Kathy Wirka 54 DJA
7659 Holly Miniature American Shepherd Tami Dettinger 18 DJ
33471 Hop Miniature American Shepherd Madison Schwab 14 DJ
25018 Ivy Miniature American Shepherd Lisa Gainey 15 DJ
26414 Jax Miniature American Shepherd Jennsen Lee 22 DJ
4294 Jayce Miniature American Shepherd Myssie Zerm 12 DJ
18092 Jett Miniature American Shepherd Leslie Cash 5 DJ
9716 Jette Miniature American Shepherd Kimberly Parham 46 DJA
9971 Justin Miniature American Shepherd Karen Cooper 52 DJA
22256 Kaia Miniature American Shepherd Katelyn Kelley 22 DJ
20521 Kiley Miniature American Shepherd Clare Miller 8 DJ
3774 KixxAzz Miniature American Shepherd John Neville 41 DJA
11151 Koda Miniature American Shepherd Wendy Scott 71 DJX
14007 Kody Miniature American Shepherd Sharon Flemetis 10 DJ
32045 Leviosa Miniature American Shepherd Taylor Hayes 5 DJ
20318 Lindy Miniature American Shepherd Lara Tack 14 DJ
17590 Loki Miniature American Shepherd Samantha Thompson 8 DJ
13256 Lolly-Pop Miniature American Shepherd Letitia Odom 15 DJQ19
23815 Ludo Miniature American Shepherd Deb Healy 9 DJ
15494 Luna Miniature American Shepherd Jessica Pitts 7 DJ
32306 Lyra Miniature American Shepherd Caroline Coyle 9 DJ
6383 Maggie Miniature American Shepherd Jan Hitchborn 33 DJA
21257 Maggie Miniature American Shepherd Jayne Levine 21 DJ
21913 Maggie May Miniature American Shepherd Denise Blier 95 DJX2
1559 Magic Miniature American Shepherd Lynette VandeVenter 25 DJ
19157 Maile Miniature American Shepherd Shirley Sousa 6 DJ
30486 Maui Miniature American Shepherd Mary Green 6 DJ
8869 Max Miniature American Shepherd Tami Linnerud 17 DJ
17657 Meka Miniature American Shepherd Sadler Bass 26 DJ
29580 Minnie Miniature American Shepherd Denise Blier 25 DJ
30040 Mirra Miniature American Shepherd Donna Carr 5 DJ
27734 Mr. Pibb Miniature American Shepherd Katrina Winsor 43 DJA
11905 Mylee Miniature American Shepherd Heather Maher 8 DJ
19086 Nala Miniature American Shepherd Tania Malterer 73 DJX
25699 Nike Miniature American Shepherd Caterina O’Sullivan 14 DJ
24843 Nora Miniature American Shepherd Deb Rowe 34 DJA
11890 Nova Miniature American Shepherd Caitlyn Johnson 8 DJQ19
29967 Nova Miniature American Shepherd Suzie Hansen 12 DJ
7402 Oakley Miniature American Shepherd Kaitlyn Hoffman 19 DJQ18
23554 Oaklli Miniature American Shepherd Kya Gresh 10 DJ
21508 Odin Miniature American Shepherd Caroline Coyle 4 DJ
9058 Penny Miniature American Shepherd Leslie Scott 8 DJ
24746 Phantom Miniature American Shepherd Melina LaBonte 14 DJ
25072 Phoenix Miniature American Shepherd Marni Bellavia 53 DJA
18029 Poppy Miniature American Shepherd Lori Durfor 9 DJ
26739 Queenie Miniature American Shepherd Tammy Flaga 34 DJA
8546 Queenie Miniature American Shepherd Elizabeth Frum 19 DJ
19307 Ralli Miniature American Shepherd Emily Cosgrove 5 DJ
30681 Rattle the Stars Neptune Miniature American Shepherd Bridget Hilburn 5 DJ
10454 Reason Miniature American Shepherd Jeri Frye 5 DJ
28594 Rebel Miniature American Shepherd Anthony Fielding 8 DJ
20854 Reese Miniature American Shepherd Teresa Macorke 31 DJA
29623 Rigley Miniature American Shepherd Debbie Pillard 18 DJ
6692 Risk Miniature American Shepherd Cristina Maxwell 6 DJ
14591 River Miniature American Shepherd Ellie Soto 8 DJ
29503 River Miniature American Shepherd Dana Huntington 5 DJ
10941 Roo Miniature American Shepherd Maura Boyd 5 DJ
17949 Rose Miniature American Shepherd Elise Wolpert 27 DJ
14937 Ruby Miniature American Shepherd Donna Carr 72 DJX
17234 S'more Miniature American Shepherd Karen Cooper 32 DJA
10634 Sammy Miniature American Shepherd Lori Maier 35 DJA
7322 Shadow Miniature American Shepherd Tom Gaian 13 DJ
19766 Shadow Miniature American Shepherd Nancy Keatinge 20 DJ
10127 Sheriff Miniature American Shepherd Lily Martinez 6 DJ
15967 Sienna Miniature American Shepherd Kalei Trbovich 8 DJ
19524 Sketch Miniature American Shepherd Kyle Smith 22 DJ
32198 Skittles Miniature American Shepherd Dawn Parisi 15 DJ
33149 Skye Miniature American Shepherd Bill Simpson 33 DJA
23093 Speck Miniature American Shepherd Lynn Fleming 6 DJ
19536 Spur T Miniature American Shepherd Anne Martin 6 DJ
25767 Stevie Miniature American Shepherd Cassie Dahners 8 DJ
7688 Striker Miniature American Shepherd Becca Koenig 6 DJ
1477 Tessa Miniature American Shepherd Donice Wendeln 7 DJ
31646 Tinker Miniature American Shepherd Tom Schultz 8 DJ
4859 Tozer Miniature American Shepherd Lori McKusick 11 DJ
11987 Trekker Miniature American Shepherd Christie Baker 5 DJ
28960 Trevor Roo Coley Miniature American Shepherd Jeffrey Jones 5 DJ
16908 Troy Miniature American Shepherd Elise Wolpert 12 DJ
25755 Twix Miniature American Shepherd Chloe & Michelle Gray 8 DJ
20388 Valor Miniature American Shepherd Sara Reid 11 DJ
12943 Viper Miniature American Shepherd Karen Poe 13 DJ
23648 Vitani Miniature American Shepherd Ellen Robarts 6 DJ
34007 Wager Miniature American Shepherd Julie Anzalone 5 DJ
12595 Waylon Miniature American Shepherd Jennifer Young 8 DJ
5587 Zoey Miniature American Shepherd Sherrie Sims 6 DJ
NADD ID Call Name Breed Owner Total Jumps Title
13870 Axle Miniature American Shepherd Julie Berberich 6 DN
8607 Baker Miniature American Shepherd Karen Cooper 11 DN
29861 Bandit Miniature American Shepherd Heidi Haggin 42 DNA
2614 Banx Miniature American Shepherd Elise Wolpert 62 DNX
24011 Baron Miniature American Shepherd Jenna Burkstrom 5 DN
28426 Blanton Miniature American Shepherd Jenny Fleming 7 DN
1940 Blaze Miniature American Shepherd Gail Barnes 6 DN
11805 Bleu Miniature American Shepherd Wendy Wingfield 5 DN
9531 Boxell Miniature American Shepherd Elise Wolpert 11 DN
10144 Breezy Miniature American Shepherd Margaret Jewett 20 DNQ18
27778 Brownie Miniature American Shepherd Elizabeth Pugrud 12 DN
10960 Buena Miniature American Shepherd Corinne Diehls 7 DN
19233 Camille Miniature American Shepherd Deborah Vassar 51 DNA
5484 Daisy Miniature American Shepherd Heather Butcher 5 DN
4146 Darby Miniature American Shepherd Elise Wolpert 5 DN
14845 Dash Miniature American Shepherd Michelle Vallance 8 DN
3181 Diana Miniature American Shepherd Patti Cutler 9 DN
20319 Doc Miniature American Shepherd Sandra Leclair 9 DN
32370 Eevee Miniature American Shepherd Tara Talbot 11 DN
13686 Enzo Miniature American Shepherd Deborah Griffith 6 DN
15388 Firenze Miniature American Shepherd Mercedes Osolin 12 DN
8543 Frankie Miniature American Shepherd Sue Castona 22 DN
19450 Gallaway Miniature American Shepherd Elyssa Baltazar 5 DN
9049 Goose Miniature American Shepherd Diane Ziegler 11 DN
28589 Gracie Miniature American Shepherd Elyssa Baltazar 12 DN
1859 Han Miniature American Shepherd Angela Ogle 15 DN
4434 Hank Miniature American Shepherd Kathy Wirka 15 DN
7659 Holly Miniature American Shepherd Tami Dettinger 6 DN
7149 Hope Miniature American Shepherd Cheryl Conrad 5 DN
7310 Huey Miniature American Shepherd Elise Wolpert 5 DN
25018 Ivy Miniature American Shepherd Lisa Gainey 18 DN
32547 Jarvis Miniature American Shepherd Larry Kiessel 8 DN
9716 Jette Miniature American Shepherd Kimberly Parham 9 DN
5333 Jovi Miniature American Shepherd Linda Medina 9 DN
9971 Justin Miniature American Shepherd Karen Cooper 5 DN
11852 Keeper Miniature American Shepherd Tammy Flaga 10 DN
20521 Kiley Miniature American Shepherd Clare Miller 11 DN
11151 Koda Miniature American Shepherd Wendy Scott 5 DN
14007 Kody Miniature American Shepherd Sharon Flemetis 67 DNX
33245 KW Miniature American Shepherd Rachel Lewis 6 DN
25691 Kylo Andrew Miniature American Shepherd Denise Blier 50 DNA
20318 Lindy Miniature American Shepherd Lara Tack 5 DN
5065 Luna Miniature American Shepherd Lisa Quast 8 DN
5614 Maeve Miniature American Shepherd Karin Graeff 5 DN
31713 Maggie Miniature American Shepherd Emilee McClain 5 DN
21257 Maggie Miniature American Shepherd Jayne Levine 6 DN
21913 Maggie May Miniature American Shepherd Denise Blier 82 DNX2
16684 Maisel Miniature American Shepherd Taylor Hayes 10 DN
33709 Marine Miniature American Shepherd Arieanna White 5 DN
17657 Meka Miniature American Shepherd Sadler Bass 5 DN
5545 Mia Miniature American Shepherd Karen Cooper 6 DN
28491 Mist Miniature American Shepherd Kristen McKenna 7 DN
27734 Mr. Pibb Miniature American Shepherd Katrina Winsor 8 DN
32894 Nibbs Miniature American Shepherd Laura De La Cruz 18 DN
6387 Noire Miniature American Shepherd Elise Wolpert 5 DN
11890 Nova Miniature American Shepherd Caitlyn Johnson 82 DNX2
11909 Nox Miniature American Shepherd Jessica Jones 11 DN
23554 Oaklli Miniature American Shepherd Kya Gresh 7 DN
3971 Pickles Miniature American Shepherd Elise Wolpert 10 DN
26387 Pocus Miniature American Shepherd Dylan Leo 9 DN
26615 Presto Miniature American Shepherd Mercedes Osolin 17 DN
26144 Presto Miniature American Shepherd Amy Miller 19 DN
21728 Puzzle Miniature American Shepherd Teresa Macorke 6 DN
5741 Quest Miniature American Shepherd Laurel Hughes 55 DNX
5332 Quynn Miniature American Shepherd Linda Medina 5 DN
26574 Rain Miniature American Shepherd Lisa Moir 6 DN
25351 Razz Miniature American Shepherd Tammy Flaga 7 DN
20854 Reese Miniature American Shepherd Teresa Macorke 7 DN
17949 Rose Miniature American Shepherd Elise Wolpert 38 DNA
33834 Rosie Miniature American Shepherd Lottie Stevens 5 DN
20803 Roux Miniature American Shepherd Michelle Cousin 12 DN
14937 Ruby Miniature American Shepherd Donna Carr 26 DN
18856 Ryder Miniature American Shepherd Wendy Scott 108 DNX3
19831 Rylee Miniature American Shepherd Karen Kibbe 12 DN
17234 S'more Miniature American Shepherd Karen Cooper 15 DN
10634 Sammy Miniature American Shepherd Lori Maier 14 DN
19766 Shadow Miniature American Shepherd Nancy Keatinge 9 DN
23093 Speck Miniature American Shepherd Lynn Fleming 8 DN
7688 Striker Miniature American Shepherd Becca Koenig 11 DN
30094 Stuart Miniature American Shepherd Sandra Carbonell 15 DN
11987 Trekker Miniature American Shepherd Christie Baker 10 DN
16908 Troy Miniature American Shepherd Elise Wolpert 21 DN
16452 Trudy Miniature American Shepherd Debbie Mills 8 DN
23177 Wicked Miniature American Shepherd Annamarie Pagano 9 DN
1860 Zen Miniature American Shepherd Angela Ogle 10 DN
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