Breed Rankings Report

Breed rankings for Air Retrieve are based on the season average, which is the average of each dog's top 5 Air Retrieve scores in the 2022 season. Dogs must have at least 5 Air Retrieve scores in 2022 to be ranked. (V) indicates a registered dog's breed has been verified.

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2022 Air Retrieve Rankings for Doberman Pinscher (27)

Rank NADD ID Call Name Qualifiers Breed Owner Class Jumps Season Average
22017 Zook Dob Pincher (V) Lindsay Farris Open 1 21' 0
1 20093 Jet Dob Pincher (V) Laura Zhu Open 17 20' 7
2 9562 Diablo Dob Pincher (V) David Regalado Open 7 18' 7
3 15530 Badger Dob Pincher (V) April Vaillancourt Open 14 18' 2
4 10595 Goose Dob Pincher (V) April Vaillancourt Open 9 17' 10
21684 Joseph Dob Pincher (V) Mrs Lisa and Mr Duane Clowes Open 2 17' 0
5 22823 William Dob Pincher (V) Ruth and Vernon Miles Open 9 16' 10
21542 Grainne Dob Pincher (V) Jesse Vezina Open 2 16' 6
6 17162 El Dob Pincher (V) David Shui Open 13 16' 5
1005 Bree Dob Pincher (V) Debra Markwardt Open 1 16' 0
9221 Desi Dob Pincher (V) Timmari Putti Open 1 16' 0
11738 Pulse Dob Pincher (V) Christine Segedin Open 1 16' 0
17376 Gunther Dob Pincher (V) Jody Young Open 4 16' 0
25835 Brazin Dob Pincher (V) Kimberly Baughman Open 1 16' 0
7 20649 Lunch Box "LB" Dob Pincher (V) Kristi Simmons Open 9 15' 10
8 14587 Eagle Dob Pincher (V) Alice Owens Open 9 15' 2
9 12342 Rogue Dob Pincher (V) April Vaillancourt Open 8 14' 10
16515 Shelby Dob Pincher (V) Linzee Prill Open 4 14' 9
9795 River Song Dob Pincher (V) Mary Swindell Open 2 14' 6
13443 Ryder Dob Pincher (V) Christina Martinez Open 2 14' 0
19560 Obi Dob Pincher (V) Lisa Quintero Open 4 13' 3
22983 Lynch Dob Pincher (V) Allana Wiggin Open 1 13' 0
21145 Quake Dob Pincher (V) Susan Lynch Open 4 11' 9
10 17161 Eris Dob Pincher (V) Lisa Yauchzee Open 7 11' 0
19121 Oakley Dob Pincher (V) Victoria Inkster Open 1 10' 0
13518 Ace Dob Pincher (V) Sherri Matheny Open 2 8' 6
20650 Loxley Dob Pincher (V) Kristi Simmons Open 1 6' 0
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