Breed Rankings Report

Breed rankings for Air Retrieve are based on the season average, which is the average of each dog's top 5 Air Retrieve scores in the 2022 season. Dogs must have at least 5 Air Retrieve scores in 2022 to be ranked. (V) indicates a registered dog's breed has been verified.

More options: show all dogs for this breed, even if they don't have enough jumps to be ranked yet.

2022 Air Retrieve Rankings for Chesapeake Bay Retriever (19)

Rank NADD ID Call Name Qualifiers Breed Owner Class Jumps Season Average
1 5866 Forest Stump Chessie (V) Jessica Horne Open 8 22' 0
2 7375 Baxter Chessie Janice Reddington Open 6 20' 2
3 24000 Rufus Chessie (V) Barbara Mashburn Open 9 19' 0
4 14986 Connor Chessie (V) Stephanie Roberson-Thomas Open 7 18' 10
5 13010 Beau Chessie (V) Chris Juchnewicz Open 7 18' 2
6 26468 Buck Chessie (V) Robert Huston Open 5 18' 0
7 5793 Decoy Chessie (V) Tracey Hudson Open 5 17' 10
7 19974 Gravy Chessie (V) Anne Ritchie Open 12 17' 10
9 5955 Scout Chessie (V) Cyndi Mireles Open 8 17' 7
10 16569 Cooter Chessie (V) Olivia Crawford Open 9 16' 10
11 20214 Tonic Chessie (V) Tracey Hudson Open 6 16' 7
12 7878 Kali Chessie (V) Karen Morelli Open 9 16' 0
13 15564 Jax Chessie (V) Lisa Carr Open 8 15' 5
14 5927 Skeeto Bear Chessie (V) Sandy Thiel Open 9 14' 5
14 21904 Podey Chessie (V) Heather Peters Open 7 14' 5
16 12328 Quill Chessie (V) Katherine E Case Open 10 13' 10
17 6607 Zephyr Chessie (V) Jill Gagliardo Open 7 13' 7
18 7877 Gunner Chessie (V) Karen Morelli Open 9 12' 2
19 3269 Primage Chessie (V) Katherine E Case Open 6 10' 10
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