Breed Rankings Report

Breed rankings for Hydro Dash are based on the season average, which is the average of each dog's top 5 Hydro Dash scores in the 2020 season. Dogs must have at least 5 Hydro Dash scores in 2020 to be ranked. (V) indicates a registered dog's breed has been verified.

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2020 Hydro Dash Rankings for Rottweiler (18)

Rank NADD ID Call Name Qualifiers Breed Owner Class Jumps Season Average
13214 Cveti Rottie (V) Tamara Wade Open 2 17.769
1 1774 Sorin Rottie (V) Patricia Nickolaou Open 9 18.114
2 16496 Coco Rottie (V) Deborah Haynes Open 5 18.140
3 10413 Otis Rottie (V) Katie Maess Open 12 19.093
8320 Fury Rottie (V) Linda Gunderson Open 4 19.396
15693 Mojo Rottie (V) Jennifer Neville Open 4 19.454
4 13449 Phantom Rottie (V) Kimberly Shaffer Open 8 19.590
16043 Reba Rottie (V) Patricia Schneidmiller Open 4 19.636
7137 Jordie Rottie (V) Joanna Lockner Open 3 19.669
14263 Raven Rottie (V) Frances Mistler Open 2 21.081
5 13627 Sherman Rottie (V) Tracy Schumann Open 6 21.614
2884 Magnum Rottie (V) Sandra Bello Open 3 21.920
9109 Phoenix Rottie (V) Cynthia Holcomb Open 2 23.140
6 8691 Pan Rottie (V) Dawn Phillips Open 6 23.516
3796 Bubbles Rottie (V) Sandra Bello Open 3 24.351
7 8618 Lola Rottie (V) Elsa Moncivais-Whitton Open 5 26.239
18623 Amber Rottie (V) Amanda Halayko Open 1 32.644
8690 Tryst Rottie (V) Dawn Phillips Open 1 59.813
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