Breed Rankings Report

Breed rankings for Distance Jump are based on the season average, which is the average of each dog's top 15 Distance Jump scores in the 2019 season. Dogs must have at least 15 Distance Jump scores in 2019 to be ranked. (V) indicates a registered dog's breed has been verified.

More options: show all dogs for this breed, even if they don't have enough jumps to be ranked yet.

2019 Distance Jump Rankings for Rottweiler (38)

Rank NADD ID Call Name Qualifiers Breed Owner Class Jumps Season Average
1 2779 Onyx Rottie (V) Susan Conrow Open 30 24' 4
2 9022 Reina Rottie (V) Cindy McManus Open 61 24' 0
3 7137 Jordie Rottie (V) Joanna Lockner Open 20 23' 8
4 6077 Bon-o Rottie (V) Sharon Baublitz Open 38 21' 10
5 1774 Sorin Rottie (V) Patricia Nickolaou Open 21 21' 2
6 10413 Otis Rottie (V) Katie Maess Open 49 20' 10
7 11732 Pez Rottie (V) Jen Molnar Open 20 20' 9
8 8320 Fury Rottie (V) Linda Gunderson Open 29 20' 3
8 13627 Sherman Rottie (V) Tracy Schumann Open 26 20' 3
10 1682 Ego Rottie (V) Carol Beasley Open 28 18' 5
11 7879 Prentice Rottie (V) April Miller Open 16 18' 4
12 4223 Moe Rottie (V) Sean Flynn Open 15 18' 1
12 13837 Korbyn Rottie (V) Joanna Lockner Open 15 18' 1
14 6132 Epic Rottie (V) Carol Beasley Open 39 17' 11
15 12438 Seger Rottie (V) Tina Miller Open 20 17' 9
16 13540 Renzo Rottie (V) Diane DAngelo Open 21 17' 6
17 2677 Padraig Rottie (V) Susan Grupp Open 19 17' 3
18 7880 Stormy Rottie (V) April Miller Open 16 17' 1
19 1370 Karma Rottie (V) Carol Beasley Open 52 16' 10
19 12534 Jade Rottie (V) Tanya Yost Open 34 16' 10
21 13449 Phantom Rottie (V) Kimberly Shaffer Open 45 16' 7
22 14480 Lyra Rottie (V) Lindsey Pabst Open 15 16' 2
23 8538 Eska Rottie (V) Tricia Yonker Open 16 16' 1
24 10589 Branko Rottie (V) Lauren Wilbanks Open 17 15' 4
25 13347 Baby T Rottie (V) Daviann Mitchell Open 26 15' 3
26 14414 Wish Rottie (V) Suzanne Zoromskis Open 16 15' 0
27 13387 Kona Rottie (V) Jody Boyer Open 15 14' 9
28 7259 Buzz Rottie (V) Dara Chanin Open 15 14' 7
29 10280 Kenda Rottie (V) Janet Gilbert Open 15 14' 6
30 8617 Zoey Rottie (V) Brian Whitton Open 16 14' 0
31 8618 Lola Rottie (V) Elsa Moncivais-Whitton Open 62 13' 0
32 7408 GG Rottie (V) Carol Beasley Open 33 11' 10
33 10872 Spinner Rottie Sharon Baublitz Open 31 10' 9
34 12568 Fia Rottie (V) Judith Barker Open 16 10' 1
35 7293 Nadia Rottie (V) Susan Grupp Open 21 10' 0
35 15246 Bodhi Rottie (V) Sharon Duncan Sylvia Open 16 10' 0
37 13864 Ryder Rottie (V) Tanya Tresino Open 16 9' 9
38 14522 CC Rottie (V) Daviann Mitchell Open 27 9' 5
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