Breed Rankings Report

Breed rankings for Distance Jump are based on the season average, which is the average of each dog's top 15 Distance Jump scores in the 2019 season. Dogs must have at least 15 Distance Jump scores in 2019 to be ranked. (V) indicates a registered dog's breed has been verified.

More options: show all dogs for this breed, even if they don't have enough jumps to be ranked yet.

2019 Distance Jump Rankings for Australian Cattle Dog (47)

Rank NADD ID Call Name Qualifiers Breed Owner Class Jumps Season Average
1 8408 Ruby Cattle Dog (V) Linda Powell Open 41 26' 10
2 5777 Spree Cattle Dog (V) Lori Asbury Open 51 26' 3
3 3893 Ringo Cattle Dog Brad Crowden Open 15 25' 8
4 13495 Boone Cattle Dog (V) Brad Cypert Open 19 24' 9
5 9118 Barolo Cattle Dog (V) Hallie Blankenship Open 61 24' 5
6 8554 Ace Cattle Dog (V) Annelise Lynch Open 34 24' 4
7 4322 Looker Cattle Dog (V) Tamara Kasser Open 15 23' 10
8 6695 Vegas Cattle Dog (V) Lore Hannon Open 25 23' 2
9 11830 Ruby Cattle Dog (V) Gillian Ross Open 37 22' 9
10 4192 Jillaroo Cattle Dog (V) Martha Payne Open 15 22' 7
11 3283 Huckleberry Cattle Dog Brandy Oates Open 15 22' 1
12 8801 Wham Cattle Dog (V) Angelia Jennings Open 39 21' 11
13 9632 Nada Cattle Dog (V) Leigh Ann Yandle Open 47 21' 5
14 1703 Ember Cattle Dog (V) Lori Asbury Open 16 20' 9
15 3323 Quiz Cattle Dog (V) Mary Young Open 65 20' 6
16 8288 Stella Cattle Dog Judith Bolton Open 21 20' 3
17 10684 Taz Cattle Dog Jamie Nanni-DiSalvo Open 33 19' 11
17 12563 Wesson Cattle Dog (V) Taylor Hankins Open 21 19' 11
19 5526 Sapphire Cattle Dog (V) Dee Bramble Open 51 19' 7
20 6871 Hayden Cattle Dog (V) Tracey Steele Open 33 19' 6
21 6284 Mississippi Moon PI Cattle Dog (V) Chris Hinson Open 49 19' 2
22 6753 Justice Cattle Dog (V) Jan Lewis Open 22 19' 1
23 5981 Apache Cattle Dog (V) Diane Brosamer Open 16 18' 8
24 6696 Danny Cattle Dog (V) Lore Hannon Open 25 18' 7
24 9628 Shiner Cattle Dog (V) Becki Sheets-Klinger Open 44 18' 7
26 5767 Jack Cattle Dog (V) Susan Lewis Open 16 18' 2
27 14302 Kiki Cattle Dog (V) Ingrid Rosenquist Open 24 18' 1
28 13172 Katie Cattle Dog (V) Tina Priz Open 15 17' 11
29 2915 Screamy! Cattle Dog (V) Tamara Blankenship Open 50 17' 9
30 11124 Kimber Cattle Dog (V) Paige Banzhaf Open 59 17' 8
31 9521 Jolene Cattle Dog Bailey Adams Lap 22 17' 4
32 7320 Cora Cattle Dog (V) Forest Hudson Open 15 17' 0
33 13105 Lish Cattle Dog (V) Berta Surniak Open 19 16' 5
34 2435 Hazin Cattle Dog (V) Martha Payne Open 15 15' 5
35 7098 Wombat Cattle Dog (V) Martha Payne Open 16 15' 4
36 9719 Lyra Cattle Dog Ruth Lack Open 21 15' 2
37 8802 Mac Cattle Dog (V) Robin Herman Open 15 15' 0
38 1942 Envy Cattle Dog (V) Angelia Jennings Open 18 14' 6
39 12727 Spanky Cattle Dog Shelley Winsworth Open 44 14' 3
40 7313 Adee Cattle Dog (V) Laraine Diaz Open 18 13' 11
40 10847 Fanci Cattle Dog (V) Shawn Keith Open 27 13' 11
42 15774 Phoenix Cattle Dog (V) Brandy Oates Open 15 12' 11
43 14695 Chimera Cattle Dog (V) Meranda Tripp Open 15 12' 10
44 13796 Westley Cattle Dog (V) Lori Asbury Open 15 12' 4
45 14567 Wilma Cattle Dog (V) Joann Sesser Open 18 10' 11
46 11556 Mila Cattle Dog Travis McElroy Open 16 10' 9
47 11359 CherokEE Cattle Dog Lisa Corbett Open 28 8' 5
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