Breed Rankings Report

Breed rankings for Distance Jump are based on the season average, which is the average of each dog's top 15 Distance Jump scores in the 2021 season. Dogs must have at least 15 Distance Jump scores in 2021 to be ranked. (V) indicates a registered dog's breed has been verified.

More options: show all dogs for this breed, even if they don't have enough jumps to be ranked yet.

2021 Distance Jump Rankings for Australian Cattle Dog (46)

Rank NADD ID Call Name Qualifiers Breed Owner Class Jumps Season Average
1 8408 Ruby Cattle Dog (V) Linda Powell Open 89 27' 7
2 19682 Squid Cattle Dog Lyhra Slatton Open 59 27' 1
3 5777 Spree Cattle Dog (V) Lori Asbury Open 51 27' 0
4 13495 Boone Cattle Dog (V) Brad Cypert Open 36 25' 5
5 12563 Wesson Cattle Dog (V) Taylor Hankins Open 49 25' 0
5 16999 Dare Cattle Dog (V) Kathy Simons Open 46 25' 0
7 21163 Rocket Cattle Dog Kati Best Open 24 24' 7
8 10684 Taz Cattle Dog Jamie Nanni-DiSalvo Open 43 23' 10
9 13172 Katie Cattle Dog (V) Tina Priz Open 20 23' 9
10 9118 Barolo Cattle Dog (V) Hallie Blankenship Open 61 23' 3
11 10324 Emma Cattle Dog (V) Roberta Mecklenburg Open 47 22' 5
12 5767 Jack Cattle Dog (V) Susan Lewis Open 50 21' 9
13 11830 Ruby Cattle Dog (V) Gillian Ross Open 24 21' 7
14 9628 Shiner Cattle Dog (V) Becki Sheets-Klinger Open 54 20' 11
15 5907 Ryder Cattle Dog (V) Shelley Bayard de Volo Open 15 20' 9
15 19873 Bindi Cattle Dog Denise Schmidt Open 22 20' 9
17 17339 G2 Cattle Dog (V) Melissa Barr Open 19 20' 7
17 18734 Porsche Cattle Dog (V) Kristyn Kay Open 53 20' 7
17 19828 Pepper Cattle Dog (V) Alaina Bruni Open 18 20' 7
20 6997 Kat Cattle Dog (V) Linda Gallacher Open 30 20' 6
21 14872 Fawkes Cattle Dog (V) Charlotte Hince Open 15 20' 5
21 19130 Skye Cattle Dog Stephanie Piwonka Open 16 20' 5
23 13105 Lish Cattle Dog (V) Berta Surniak Open 78 20' 1
23 14695 Chimera Cattle Dog (V) Meranda Tripp Open 15 20' 1
23 15698 Rose Cattle Dog (V) Heather Santella Open 64 20' 1
26 13796 Westley Cattle Dog (V) Lori Asbury Open 36 19' 11
27 13613 Oakley Cattle Dog Krystal Reno Open 20 19' 10
28 6284 Mississippi Moon PI Cattle Dog (V) Chris Hinson Open 24 19' 6
29 6753 Justice Cattle Dog (V) Jan Lewis Open 37 18' 10
30 16703 Ammo Cattle Dog (V) Katherine Bitzan Open 29 18' 8
31 16032 Ruger Cattle Dog Cady Jones Open 53 18' 4
31 21835 Bear Cattle Dog (V) Jean Slobodnjak Open 15 18' 4
33 5615 Axel Cattle Dog (V) Sharon Gore Open 18 17' 11
34 2915 Screamy! Cattle Dog (V) Tamara Blankenship Open 44 16' 11
35 16595 Pistol Cattle Dog (V) Patty King Open 19 16' 8
35 18654 Emoji Cattle Dog (V) Bonnie Gutzwiler Open 31 16' 8
37 22378 Hammer Cattle Dog (V) Bethany Preudhomme Open 15 16' 4
38 17010 Mia Cattle Dog (V) Sara Bohnen Open 15 15' 2
38 20606 Kirby Cattle Dog (V) Sue Ellen Riese Open 29 15' 2
40 18944 Max Cattle Dog (V) Bryan Hay Open 17 15' 1
41 4948 Cannon Cattle Dog (V) Michelle Largent Open 17 14' 9
42 5526 Sapphire Cattle Dog (V) Dee Bramble Open 19 13' 10
43 17239 Piper Cattle Dog Jessica Pierce Open 26 12' 8
43 19895 Penny Cattle Dog (V) John Wallace Open 67 12' 8
45 20685 Boodles Cattle Dog (V) Lorene French Open 22 12' 7
46 11111 Poca Cattle Dog Ashley Edgcombe Lap 15 9' 8
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